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Everything posted by Anarchi25

  1. I don't know if you've answered this already so sorry if U've already answered but I couldn't find it. What existing mods do u already have thought through that ur gunna make patches for? if u've thought about that at all that is.
  2. so for WARS are you just waiting on the ammo tweaks update or do you still have weapons to model? and with PEACE do you have any ideas that are kinda "out there" or have anything that doesnt have a nexus equivalent unlike backpacks and stuff?
  3. was wondering if anyone with knowledge of sfx would make like a coyote sound pack for dogmeat. or even just make a separate dog companion with said sfx. I made and use a personal coyote companion in Fallout: NV so when shadowlinger's DMF came out and had a coyote skin I was pretty excited. only thing that bothers me is that dogmeat/my coyote still barks and growls like a dog with a lot of bass and bravado instead of the higher pitch, howl coyote's make.
  4. Sorry if you've already answered this in the past but console players don't have access to the mod that adds in different ammo types (sadly) so will WARS come with its own cilibres mod? Or will they have just a simpler version of the mod using the vanilla ammo? Absolutely astounding work so far, simply amazing.
  5. For the suppressed thing, what about a subsonic option for the magazine or receiver? Once again it's about as realistic as slapping a suppressor on it but it'd be kinda like a 2 stage thing. Either way I doubt many people would have a problem with the old arcade style suppressor. Also that M82...oOoOoOo daddy
  6. My guess was pretty close then, can't wait for the M82 progress. Do u think u'll do add on packs or something post release? I know the mods not done of course but just wondering if anythings planned after ur done.
  7. This is more of a curiosity thing than anything else, but what's the file size sitting at atm? Seeing how high quality and vast the guns are I just can't help but wonder. Absolutely premium work so far though.
  8. I don't think I saw this asked but I was wondering with the M590, will there be the options of rifle grip and pistol grip? Or do u want to just keep it one way with that. Really anticipating wars as is everyone else. I love the dedication and work put into a much much needed replacer, seeing as I really cant stand using the vanilla ballistic weapons that look like generic "guns" from a kids game or something
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