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About xDavid333x

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  1. Hey everyone, im making a costume amulet for my mod . Everything went right when making it, exept, when i zoom in on my character wearing the amulet, it disappears and when i zoom out again it reappears again. Tried to make the amulet from the start again, only to get the same result. Frustrates me to the point, i might actually just give up. Any ideas what is causing this, and how to fix it? Thank you.
  2. Fixed the stuck amulet in air issue, now it moves with the character, only when i zoom in or pan with camera, it disappears and appears again, hope its noť an issue with the mesh itself. Will look in to it tonight again.
  3. Thanks for the reply. Can i fix the skin partition just in nifskope and use original (Silver amulet) as reference for the nodes and create them from scratch? How do i access the armor and armor addon?Found your tutorial on tesalliance.org btw. When i have time i will make a separate _gnd model for it :)
  4. Hello everyone, im making a custome follower, with costume armor and necklace. 1. I have a issue with the necklace, if i add to it bones in caliente bodystudio, from the item that worked as template for it (then turning it into nif file, checking it in nifskope). It doesnt appear at all in-game, the item is there, but the model is invisible. If i drop it, it appears, but u cant pick it up again, it just floats in air. I tried to add it without bones, and adjusting the hight in nifskope, so it appears on the neck, but it stays that way when i move with the character. 2. I also want make the necklace hidden, if not worn with costume armor, but if it is, it will appear on the armor. Anybody have a clue, how to fix this? Thanks a lot.
  5. Thank you for your tip, i will go and try do that. Callen is an Npc from Interesting Npcs mod
  6. Managed to fix that problem by replaying the game before i entered by letting Callen go to Markarth. Another CTD reoccurs to me when trying to retrieve Dawnbreaker
  7. Updated every mod, and decided to backup saves and try to play before the point i entered Fort Snowhawk. Turns out, the CTD happens, only if ive entered the fort, or if i got near the Fort. Tried also using coc to whiterun, then returning back, CTD. So problem seems to be with the place. Another update: Not just Fort Snowhawk, but somewhere around Dragon Brigde, i got another CTD. Really upset, i enjoyed playing mine character, and im not in mood to start another playtrough, becouse of it....
  8. The crash happened to me, when i decided to clear the fort, and when i entered a room with a "boss". I CTD. So i was thinking maybe its, becouse it cant be actually cleared before you finish some main quest (https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/The_Battle_for_Fort_Snowhawk). So i decided to leave, and finish it later on. I didnt get far when once more i CTD at the gate of the Fort. Nothing seems to help. Load Order from Loot Here is link to my crash log: https://www.mediafire.com/file/v7utblic7142725/CTD_Papyrus.txt/file Thank you for your attention :smile: Hopefully we can figure out what causes the CTD.
  9. Edit: Oops, posted in wrong forum. Feel free to delete.
  10. Ill wait for more information: I would like to know the ratio of, how mutch money will modders get. (example: beth gets 20% from the payment, modder 80%) I would also like to know how mutch will the credits cost?(example, you will pay for highly detailed follower mod 135 credits, which would cost 5€) I would be happy to see weapon or armor packs mods (ex. weapon pack mod contains: variety of ebony items that you can craft and get in the world) One thing that im afraid i wont see are tutorials, how to make a weapon, follower and so on. This way modders might more likely not share how they their stuff. I also think this wont "kill the free mods", becouse there will be more people that make free mods, then these that get payed for them. Becouse payed mods will have to go trough longer process of accepted by Beth then free mods (hopefully) There is too mutch we dont know about this system, so i get why are people freaking out about this. I will patiently wait for alpha or beta version and then make asumption.
  11. Hey guys, so recently i have reached a point where i have almost all small quests done (didnt do stealing ones, becouse thats bad from my characters point of view) (Excluding Main questline, Moonpath to Elsweyr, Dragonborn and also Dawnguard) Basicaly I currently like to play in this "friend of the people" kinda style... Do this or that favor... (1.)Anyway, are there any good lore friendly quests or questlines that are worth it? (2.) Im also looking for some good quest or questline that would actually make a "bit" impact while "introducing" dragons to my lets play? Thanks a lot everyone ;)
  12. Oh, i didnt know that, thanks for that mod that you found guys :)
  13. Greetings I really would love to see this armor in Skyrim, not just becouse im HoMaM fan.... Its that knights armor from front cover (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/191/heroesofmightandmagic51.png/) What i saw that there are two versions of it, blue cloak /grey armor with little texture detail with some little gold pieces here and there. Second one is that one, i would love to see someone make, white cloak / white armor with huge amound of texture details also with golden pieces here and there. It would be heavy armor, better then upgraded daedric armor. It would be craftable, under Daedric perk. It would need hard to optain crafting items. Male only... Btw: If you can make it till end of december i would be really happy, but dont haste, take your time for making that armor. Thank you, xDavid333x
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