Hello everyone, im making a custome follower, with costume armor and necklace. 1. I have a issue with the necklace, if i add to it bones in caliente bodystudio, from the item that worked as template for it (then turning it into nif file, checking it in nifskope). It doesnt appear at all in-game, the item is there, but the model is invisible. If i drop it, it appears, but u cant pick it up again, it just floats in air. I tried to add it without bones, and adjusting the hight in nifskope, so it appears on the neck, but it stays that way when i move with the character. 2. I also want make the necklace hidden, if not worn with costume armor, but if it is, it will appear on the armor. Anybody have a clue, how to fix this? Thanks a lot.