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About pozitiv122

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  1. It works! Finally, thanks again, but could you please make a different folder with the dress for Yen? I want to try to apply it on a male characters later after learning more about moding.
  2. I drop it to the mod folder and nothing happens (I don't use any extra mods for Yen 'turned of the companion mod, nothing changed') other mods are just gameplay mods
  3. It didn't seem to work for some reason? Maybe it's because I saw it on a yenn from the mod "https://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/2459/" But I didn't get to see yen from they game so maybe it applied there/ Thank you tho! Edit* didn't work on a Original Yen aswell :/ Did I place the folder in the wrong place?
  4. All up to you! The only thing I care about is the hair :/ Dresses would be nice but if it's to hard for you I will get it.
  5. If you would be so nice I would love it! I also would love to help you somehow so here is the place where I found her appearance (dlc\bob\data\quests\main_npcs\anna_henrietta ) If there is anyway I could help you, I would love to!
  6. No I need the head only(dress would be nice but I can figure it our). That's the point. It (the Head) apearce only once in the game and in a specific quest. P.S I've tried to apply this mod "https://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/2516/?tab=description" but it didn't quite work. Maybe there is a way for me to change the folder modYenntoAnarietta from the "Character Swap BAW" ?
  7. But what if you need to take a body folder from the specific quest? Like I've tried to make a folder which I could put in and remove from the "Mods" folder. I've did it but then I could not apply the body of Henrietta from the quest "The Man from Cintra" to Yen. Any Suggestion?
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