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Everything posted by Auhra

  1. I was wondering if there is a way to update mods to the new Patch version. I don't know anything about programming, but if it is simple I could try. I just wanted to see if I could get this mod working. https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/95 It seems to have been abandoned but I would still like to use it.
  2. Hmmm, I used mods that I was familiar with and liked, so I guess that could be an issue. I didn't keep track of when Skyrim was updated and which mods were updated when. I guess I could swap out the ones I like for more up to date ones. As for Immersive Citizens, it is where LOOT placed it. I don't know enougfh about such things, so I didn't move it. As for patches, they are included in Qwinn's Unified Automated Self Installing Patch Compendium, same for ELFX stuff. With patches and additions up to Oct 2019 and the main Mod not being updated since 2018 I thought the Mod Author didn't see any issues or changes needed to be done, so that was fine.
  3. After disabling my Bashed Patch I was able to enter the dungeon. However I needed the Bashed patch to enter Kilkreath Temple. I honestly don't know why I sometimes need the patch and why I sometimes don't. I will be messing around with xEdit but any tips would be great.
  4. Ahhh, understood and apologies in that case. I was worried you'd say that. Opening up xEdit and looking for conflicts had me seeing a lot of red. This will take a while.
  5. Did you look at the provided info? I show my system specs there. Also, yes I do.
  6. No. Everything has been newly downloaded and installed. The play through has been around a few hour. I would guess around 3-5 hours give or take 2. I can play for around half an hour to an hour before crashing if I am in the overworld and more if I am in a dungeon/house. A new occurrence is the game CTDing when I try to enter Arkngthamz. The loading screen has no info just my level before crashing. I will make a new character and run there and see if it still crashes.
  7. I started playing SE again with mods after a long break. Clean, fresh start, had to reinstall and download everything anew. I have been having a few issues with CTDs that I honestly don't know how to fix, so some help with where to start would be great. There are two types of CTDs I have encountered: What I have done: I use MO2 Cleaned all Masters with AutoClean except The Dawnguard files which I did manually as well. Did everything LOOT recommended. Did what mods recommended for conflicts. There are 2 deleted Navmeshes for Breezehome but they don't cause a problem afaik. Converted all F43 files to F44. Load Order, FNIS, System Specs: The problems occurred with and without a bashed patch. I honestly just wanna know where to start in xEdit or if I even need to use xEdit to fix my issues. If you need anything else, I will give whatever you need.
  8. Well, that's embarrassing. Will do. Thanks.
  9. Okay, I fixed it. Apparently the issue was RSChildren and moving placing it as shown in the attached picture fixed it.
  10. As the title says, I am loading endlessly on startup. The game loaded and played without issue until I added the Bijin (all of it incl. AIO 2019), CBBE (and related Bijin mods), aMidianBorn (Which I updated to work for SE using CK and CAO), Immersive Citizens AI Overhaul, AI Overhaul 1.3.2 by mnikjom, Immersive AFT, Barenziah, Cicero Dances and I think a few more. I would put Papyrus Logs, but my game isnt even crashing so that isn't possible afaik. modwat.ch data: https://modwat.ch/u/Auhra/plugins Everything has been cleaned. I tried moving RSChildren files around as some people pointed out, but that did not help. I had ETaC and RSChildren on when it worked the first time, so that is not the problem, afaik. If you need anything else, I will get it. Thank you in advance.
  11. I made a new Profile in MO with the base game uncleaned or anything. Got to Falkreath nothing crashed. After that I did the cleaning shown in Kroekr's link and loaded the save outside of Falkreath and managed to walk in without crashing. I will proceed to slowly add mods and update with my results.
  12. I have everything cleaned according to LOOT and I did all of the cleaning one by one and not as a mass clean. All updates and patches as well.
  13. Update: I managed to get to Cracked Tusk Keep by going North then West. From there I went in the direction of Falkreath and I got up to 3-4 metres away from the Western Gate before I CTDd. The whole Village managed to render as far as I could see, but I couldn't do much else apart from look.
  14. I don't know what is causing it. It has only happened in this part of the map so far, but this is the first time I have moved here and this is a new game. I crash when walking on the road between Helgen and Falkreath. My Load order. I use MO 2, so the ones with +++++ are installed but disabled in the list because they are redundant, but their textures are being used (I think? When I installed Bijin AIO without the other ones, the female characters had no faces, just teeth.) and the ones with ******** are mods that were disabled by MO after I made my Bashed Patch.This is all in my right window.I don't know how to copy my left window, but I can give you what I have in there: This isn't how i have it, but these are the mods I have. (Some help with my mod list would also be appreciated, thank you.) Some help would be great thank you and have a good day/evening.
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