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About VentusVero

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  1. I might take a gander at your save file. I just don't want to promote myself as someone who just takes saves and fixes them(bad precedent). So lemme try to understand your exact issue. So what you're saying is, is that none of the events can be located using the save tool linked in the guide? Just spent a few minutes looking at your save. Yeah, you have none of these values. That this means to me is you'll have to add ALL four values and give them the correct value. Just don't pick anything from the values of before that are set to true as said in the instructions. you should have 5 values to choose from for replacing. Correct. None of the Hex strings the guide indicated were located in save when looking via the save editor. I searched both via paste and just scrolling to the appropriate spot (the save editor lists the bool's in order). I might be missing something (its unclear what saves will work, e.g. at what point I should be at, but i got the impression that any point after all the conversations but before the Natalie mission was good, and im exactly seconds away from traveling to the natalie mission (already accepted it, so its on the map)). Question (and thanks for the assist), is there a known reason why I wouldn't have those values (digi delux version, nothing fancy)? I went through these events: -Offer sympathy when she is praying in haven -Stayed silent in haven when she was talking about killing tratior (this one i should have saved him) -In skyhold told her men are not dispensable and that she did everything right. Currently at the natalie part. Seems very very odd that these three events are missing from the save when they should at least be false (or should be true/false/true insomuch as 'were completed to specification to soften'). Any clue? Based on the guide you wrote and peoples response, these values were present, but none one mentions at what point they are in game when they successfully edit the hex. Wondering if i should complete the Natalie mission (thus making her hardened and maybe my save will have those lines to edit instead of add)? Actually, scratch this. I think im just going to finish and chalk it up to bad story design (getting locked to a result 90+ hours by seemingly innocuous choice in the first 1-2 hours). Thanks for taking a look though.
  2. I might take a gander at your save file. I just don't want to promote myself as someone who just takes saves and fixes them(bad precedent). So lemme try to understand your exact issue. So what you're saying is, is that none of the events can be located using the save tool linked in the guide? Just spent a few minutes looking at your save. Yeah, you have none of these values. That this means to me is you'll have to add ALL four values and give them the correct value. Just don't pick anything from the values of before that are set to true as said in the instructions. you should have 5 values to choose from for replacing. Correct. None of the Hex strings the guide indicated were located in save when looking via the save editor. I searched both via paste and just scrolling to the appropriate spot (the save editor lists the bool's in order). I might be missing something (its unclear what saves will work, e.g. at what point I should be at, but i got the impression that any point after all the conversations but before the Natalie mission was good, and im exactly seconds away from traveling to the natalie mission (already accepted it, so its on the map)). Question (and thanks for the assist), is there a known reason why I wouldn't have those values (digi delux version, nothing fancy)? I went through these events: -Offer sympathy when she is praying in haven -Stayed silent in haven when she was talking about killing tratior (this one i should have saved him) -In skyhold told her men are not dispensable and that she did everything right. Currently at the natalie part. Seems very very odd that these three events are missing from the save when they should at least be false (or should be true/false/true insomuch as 'were completed to specification to soften'). Any clue? Based on the guide you wrote and peoples response, these values were present, but none one mentions at what point they are in game when they successfully edit the hex. Wondering if i should complete the Natalie mission (thus making her hardened and maybe my save will have those lines to edit instead of add)?
  3. I'm just not getting there. None of the values are even shown in my save file (the false ones in question). Nearly certain that plot points for soften are perfect except i remained silent when the order to kill the guy happened. My save is standing in front of Varric in Skyhold, having just talked to Leliana about going on her mission (i tried and she kills Nat). Warrior here that romanced Morrigan ogirinally in DAO. Instructions are confusing for me. Says this is the method is I missed the event altogether (which im pretty sure i didnt, i remember telling her the men weren't expendable, etc) but none of the 4 target CE0123... etc are listed in my save file (if i missed the event, instructions say it should appear and be false yes? But they dont appear at all in my save file list opened by save editor). If i had to guess at understanding, maybe its the case that you dont mean missed event to be false, but rather a missed event wont show at all, and that false represents not missing it, but rather not giving the ideal answer? Either way, im stuck. Any chance at some help? Playing Warrior who romanced Morrigan in DAO. Save is here (have the hex and save editor). Tossed save in my public dropbox if you are able to take a look https://www.dropbox.com/s/vdnaqrgy13gtv9x/DAISAVEU0686B162AF2.DAS?dl=0
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