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About Kanealpha

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  1. So the nuka racers in NW Kiddie kingdom are hurting/killing my settlers. other attractions have a button to deactivate them but i can't find the one for the Racers. could anyone point me to where that is or, if there isn't one provde IDs for the cars to deactivate them?
  2. Is there a way to turn certain single zombie classes or just single zombies (like the spider or the stripper) never hostile. the debug menu allows me to disable the AI but that affects ALL zombies, and i can turn myself invisible but they will still attack blocks and damage them or set their damage value to 0 so they can't damage blocks?
  3. i have some questmods that have the unlukc tendency to add outfits with additional bodyshapes (bigger behinds and breasts) to the mod-related npcs. since some of those outfits are really extreme and/or jsut not my taste i need to know is there a way to force an NPC to wear an outfit i give him/her? installing the original mod, the quest mod used assets from, then overwriting works only in a few cases, "unequipall" "removeallitems" ad then adding my outfit also only in a few
  4. The only way to do that would be through the Creation Kit. There's no safe way to be able to do it in real-time in-game because there's the risk and high possibility of adding cells to the territory that fall within the build perimeter of the expanded settlement but actually don't belong to the settlement, causing confusion to the game and a high probability the settlement wil get turned into a 'Commonwealth' entry and lose some its functionalities. For the vanilla settlements, like jjb54 already mentioned, the Build High mod is your best option. It expands all settlements (except Home Plate -which isn't a settlement anyway). It also makes the WorkShops of Homeplate, Boston Airport and the Mechanist's Lair into full operational settlements with all build options available. the vanilla settlements are the least of my concerns, all settlements expanded mod works okay for them, with a few exceptions. but i have a few mdod added settlements that i like location wise but hate when it comes to the building area (some red rockets turned to setttlements where the build area is basically the roof of the station
  5. IS there a way (mod or command) to expand the buildable area of ANY workshop, one by one or all at once? make it 2,3,4 time s bigger or turn the whole commonwealth and DLC areas into one build area? I know there are mods for some settlements but they bloat up the mod list, only affect certain settlements and not ones added manually, by mods or other ways
  6. Is there a mod that turns Falmer back into snow elves any maybe adds some Snow elven ruins/Buildings?
  7. Since i am not sure if i can trust 3rd party trainers i'd like to know if there are godmode cheats/commands available
  8. I didn't play FO4 for a while but i updated the mods after each ame pdate, i only once startet "LOOT" by accident, never used it before and now the game wont start, i click on f4se in my steam launcher, it takes about 10 seconds and it closes again. no error message, nothing.
  9. What about amod that gives easy access to some solo animations incl. NSFW: you press a hotkey, a menu wheel openas and you select between some sitting, lying poses, bathing (for rivers and other shallow waters) probalby female and male masturbation sitting, standing,lying down...
  10. with hearthfire and other mods there are far more orphans in the game than yo can adopt, even with a mod that lets you adopt 6. Is is possible to create a mod that allows you to adopt far more kids and , so it does not get too crowded, send them do different homes OR make adoption available in that region only after a home is built/purchased and then have 6-8 kids per home?
  11. I intend to buy a SSD, JUST für Win 10. Can Steam, NMM and the mods remain on the current HDD, just changing the path in NMM,with all mods installed or will i have to reinstall all mods again
  12. i don't use any scrap mods anymore. and i added the lines to fix the glitches (as i read somewhere). Strange thing is that it worked for a while and now, suddenly is back and worse than before. the whole kingsport area glitches in and out every other step i take
  13. a long time ago i made a mistake. i used scrapall and scrap everything at kingsport. that resulted in items glitching in and out and even the backgroud of the world (like coup manor and other things on the horizon, disappearing, even the ground glitched when i stood and looked from certain angles. i read something that i had something to do with pre culled objects or so os i installed a mod to fix it, added 2 lines to my FO5 ini ( bUseCombinedObjects=0 bUsePreculledObjects=1 to make it save and it worked, i even imported a settlement with 0 problems. now after a while i came back and 95 percent of the settlement was gone, the horizon flickering was back and worse than ever. What could cause this and how can i solve it? I noticed that the lines were gone from my .ini and i have a BASE and BAKED ini instead of one now I can't revert back to an old save because 95 % of my progress would be gone
  14. i didn't buy FO76 yet and i am usually a solo player (which i heard will be possible on private Servers) now i am asking is it theoretically possible to bring NPC life into the commonwealth, maybe copy some from FO4 even? And add the gorgeous CBBE body and related texture and clothing mods to the game?
  15. Is there/can you create a mod that makes ALL npcs nude no matter if they are vanilla or from a mod? A mod that forces undressing? i have my char and the companions run around nude but some amazing mods (fusion city...) require many mods to install so that the NPCS, while still dressed, don't have xxL boobs . So i'd like to have them all nude and with my CBBE bodytype (slim)
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