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About AwesomeSkyrimDude

  1. @fg thanks. also how do you modify the weapon swing speed with a script? I assumed there would be some speed variable or something but maybe I'm wrong. Edit: also how do you know he names of those animation events? I don't see them in the list in the creation kit. I know I asked before about animation event names but it seems I am still looking in the wrong places or something.
  2. I want to make a script that detects if an enemy is staggered when he is attacked and then detects which hand the character strikes them with, left or right. I think I know basically how to do the second part but not the first.
  3. @ fg Yea I think I know what I did wrong now. How do you figure out the names of animation events? I want the stagger effect to be stronger, to do that I imagine I need some other animation than staggerstart.
  4. Uh oh, I started trying to work on another perk I wanted to make and when I added it to the perk tree for one handed and went into my game nothing shows up for one handed and my game crashes whenever I try to look at it, also nothing shows up for the one handed perk tree in the creation kit. All I was trying to do was add a perk that does for one handed players what dual flurry does for dual wielders. I don't think it was anything to do with the perk itself, probably just where or how I added it to the perk tree.
  5. I thought the ability/spell thing wouldn't matter either but for the perk it really does seem to, changed them to spells and the perk was no longer applying the effect. Maybe it was something else about how I have it set up though. Anyhow I figured it out, what I did was set a condition on the first ability to only apply its effect (which has the first script) if the player does not have rank 2 of the perk. So basically the effects of rank 1 end when you get rank 2. Rank 2's script does the same stuff as rank 1 + a little more, so its all good and I m not getting debug messages form both scripts anymore! wooo!
  6. Ah ok thank you. Edit: (Man I edit my posts a lot, I figure its better than making new ones all the time) Ok I have it working only with one handed swords but I think its still running both scripts together, I see there is a removespell command and I was going to put that in the script for the second level of the perk to make it remove the first one but I have to have then classified as abilities to be applied by the perk, not spells, and from what I can tell there is no removeability command.
  7. I think they are based on the debug notification I have set up that it's outputting to me. Maybe there's something else going on though I don't know. Edit: I think I know how I'm gonna change stuff around now and everything should be good. I notice though that in your code example you said "GetEquippedItemType(0) == 7" and said that means melee weapon, is there a specific value for 1 handed swords?
  8. I got it working how I want now basically, figured another way with no loop, just need to tweak times now to something that feels right. I am curious though, what if I only wanted this effect to apply to players that are single wielding one handed swords? I should be able to set those conditions on the perk itself right? Edit: One other question, I currently have it set up where the perk has 2 levels, at level one you can only ever stagger the enemy, at level 2 you can disarm with very good timing. I have seperate scripts running to do this, would it be better to have only 1? Cause right now I think its running both together and that seems unnecessary.
  9. Loop still not working. I think its format problem now, if I could see some examples that would be cool. Edit: This is the error message I get required "(...)+ loop did not match anything at input 'While'", I was getting a lot more but I got it down to just this one. Containing an if statement within a loop shouldn't be a problem right?
  10. @Tunaisafish Ah okay. And yea the person I mentioned it to said they were used to it having a different meaning to, they probably should have chosen something else.
  11. @fg Could you maybe give me an example of how they want a while loop to look in here?
  12. Trying to set up a while loop, keeps telling me "missing EOF at while" no idea what that is. Edit: Maybe I don't need a loop but basically I want to make it only apply the stagger or disarm effects after the player has blocked several hits with either good or great timing (like 3 blocks with good timing staggers, with great timing disarm) I tried another way I thought of setting it up without a loop but that didn't work either. Maybe this is just getting too complicated lol. Oh and someone else suggested that missing EOF may mean end of function so maybe it thinks I'm not setting up a condition to end the loop properly, I think I am but I don't really know what papyrus syntax is for loops.
  13. @fg It works! thank you very much for your help. Edit: Oh and the correct animation events turned out to be blockstartout and blockstop.
  14. Yea I just figured that out. Anyhow I have it set up like that and its still not working, no debug message output. How do I apply it directly to my character? Edit: Could it also be that I need to set some specific conditions or something for how the perk gets the ability or how the ability gets the effect? Hopefully that makes sense. Edit2: Its displaying the debug notification that lets me know its active no but after that nothing.
  15. @ fg Are you saying the effect it's self should be set to constant effect targeting self or the ability that should be set to constant effect targeting self?
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