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Posts posted by Titoss

  1. Dude, I had the same exact problem just a few days ago: in the ragged flagon sometimes my character just stops moving and my HUD disappears, after some struggling and reloading saves I progressed in the cell and started fighting with the thalmor, I came close to a "bed", my character immediately stopped the combat and so did the enemies and went to sleep in the bed. I realized then it was Immersive Beds who was causing the problem. And as expected I didn't have this problem again after uninstalling the mod. I hope this works for you dude.
  2. Hello guys,

    I wanted to ask you for help on my problem of having some random CTDs, these CTDs happen randomly and unexpectedly. But mainly in Riverwood and the Whiterun. When I start a new game I rarely have any crash, but when I begin my quests with Delphine is where it starts to happen. Recently, I was in Riften and heading towards the Dawnguard, when I pass by the first farm, if I bring up any menu the game crashes, and when I try to advance in the road a bit it crashes eventually. Here's my load order, please help me because I reinstalled the whole game along with the mods 4 times already and I don't seem to find the cause of my problem.

    One odd thing I noticed is that just when I start the game, my memory starts to get loaded non-stop, until it reaches aroun 7GB (I have 8GB total), then either it crashes when reaching aroun 7500Mb, or sometimes crashes even before. I tried removing most of big files mods but no clue.

    Any help is appreciated. Many thanks :)

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