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About eggthief

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  1. Hi guys, So recently to my delight I found out that there's a PN-Fook convergence available. Now I ran into a large issue trying to set it all up. Some mods can / have to be installed with FOMM and some have to be installed manually, the issue is that mods installed by FOMM don't appear and can't be activated through the normal data manager and mods installed manually aren't in the list of FOMM so I'm a bit stuck and can't activate all mods and as a result get a ctd due to all different plugins missing other plugins. Anyone knows what I might have done wrong? EDIT: Ok so I just uninstalled NV through steam and what do I see? Apparently there was a NV folder inside my NV directory with apparently a data folder filled with the FOMM mods :(
  2. I installed everything with NMM, so that isn't the cause.
  3. I've had several inviseble energy weapons that shot red triangles like at Callen. Under which the plasma defender and pistol and the laser rifle.
  4. Seems like your solution worked, pity I can't use EVE now though. Thanks.
  5. That's odd, you'd think it'd do fine with the compatibility patches. I'll see how it goes without EVE.
  6. Title if a bit off, meant models, I've installed several mods together and am now missing those. I use a rather small amount of mods as listed here; FalloutNV.esm AWorldOfPain(Preview).esm Primary Needs HUD.esm Project Nevada - Core.esm Project Nevada - Equipment.esm Project Nevada - Cyberware.esm Project Nevada - Rebalance.esm NewVegasBounties.esp WeaponModsExpanded.esp WMX-AWOP Patch.esp Project Nevada - WMX. esp EVE FNV.esp WMX-EVE.esp To let you know, I started having this problem after installing WMX and its compatability patches. I'm experiencing invisible weapons, like the laser rifle, and red error triangles when I fire them. Any help you could give me would be appreciated.
  7. Hm, well I read somewhere else that someone had FOSE crash his game on the loads as well. My suspicions lie at FWE, as I successfully can play with the new armor, weapons and I've encountered tons of stupid gecko's already. I miss Wrye Bash. EDIT: Ok went over it with FO3edit and it told me to put Craft above the FWE esm, should I create a "merged patch" with FO3edit as well?
  8. patch 1.5 of the game used to cause stupid crashes on load and save try patch 1.7 instead if u have it, then I don't know... could be a number of things try loading a save in an inside of a building, or in the capital wasteland where nothing much happens if none work, it must've been from some mods u've been using and removed, u have to add them back (but not the ones I told u to remove :P mods which actually used to work) I do have 1.7 For testing purposes, I made a save inside fort independence and one right outside, first I loaded the inside one, then the outside one, followed by the inside one but this time with a ctd. It's not a save game incompatibly problem, before your previous suggestions, the game didn't even made it to the menu so there were no saves.
  9. Alright, I can start a game and all now, unfortunately loading games cause ctd's. Would having autosaves on perhaps cause this?
  10. Alright so I am trying to bundle a few mods together but so far haven't had any success in this. My assumption is a messed up load order, here it is: http://img147.imageshack.us/img147/4798/68194601.png I know that there are things in it that shouldn't be checked like the DLC stuff and there are to many compatibility plug ins, I tried using the load orders found at the pages of these mods but they're all incomplete and/or are outdated. Could anyone give me a helping hand please?
  11. Ah, thank you. I noticed that this mod only adds armor and weapons though, however I figure that if I add MMM and FWE to it, that the whole picture will be similar to FCOM. Unfortunately, installing all these mods together is most likely going to be a pain in the ass.
  12. Alright, maybe a slight bit OT, but I figure it would be more of a nuisance to post a new thread for this in here. Anyway, I'm a long time player of Oblivion and Fallout 3, Oblivion was played most of the time under FCOM and before I retired with F3 I played it with a few mods I found lying around on these forums. Recently, my interest for F3 returned again, seeing as I am quite aware of just about anything that can be found in vanilla I figured I'd play some mods again before it will bore me. Now, could anyone tell me if there are any big overhauls for F3 like FCOM was for Oblivion in general something with new weapons, armor, creatures (like in MMM which is available for F3, I know), quests, gameplay improvements etc or very large mod packs that will give me similar results and are compatible? I know it's a big request and I am truly sorry if this has been posted in a terribly wrong location, but I'd appreciate any help that you could offer me. Thanks in advance.
  13. I don't think you can trough Wyre Bash, however you can easily use BOSS to create the load order, it is fully compatible with Wyre Bash. Linkin Park < Killswitch Engage
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