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Posts posted by Bikerdruid

  1. I have been out of the game for awhile and was playing around with ammo, my problem is I can't remember how to increase the quantity added. Can some one tell me how to edit the UTI so I can have more than 1 arrow or bolt added to a mod?

  2. Seriously I've looked and I think I've been through everything. I just can't find the tools Like I have for Dragon Age.. I just started Playing Skyrim 3 weeks ago so if someone could please help me with Navigating the tool set for Bethesda LOL I would greatly appreciate it.

  3. Has anyone done a Morph for Maise Williams or Chloe Grace Moretz..

    I actually think either of these 2 would look good as Dwarf or Elf Characters. However I am having trouble getting them right.. I guess I'm not a good enough artist need that special eye


  4. Downloading a 'clean daorigins.exe' from anywhere other than EA/Bioware (or other authorized agents such as Steam or GOG) would be piracy.

    Huh didn't actually think of that sorry just remebered something said ina another post somwhere. I personally just copy and backup everything since I screwed up a program a long time ago... So I'll shut up now.

  5. I don't know it was running fine I ran the exe and then things went weird I just redownlaoded and installed it and so far everything is running fine.. maybe the first time the download had corrupted data. It isn't doing what I want to do with NBAIO ut it is closer. I want to have it where the PC and NPC's can have different body types like in DA2 and that means making it where there is 2 or 3 different Human Dwarf and Elf versions the only way I can see to do that is to use the Commoner and Noble versions for clothing since that is the only variations I can find. Maybe build nude variations in ta GDA adding to the XLS that might work but then I would still need to use NBAIO and RL variations.. hmm maybe I should contact them and see if we can do that if they will allow me to try.

  6. I have NBAIO and didn't use the mod manager because it screwed up my game however I was looking to actually give each different classs of every race their own body style like with the clothing. I wasn't aware NBAIO did that of course the Mod manager going screwy didn't help I guess.

  7. DA_UE Stands for Dragon Age Ultimate Edition I have Ultimate editon through Origins and It seems you have 2 versions of the game installed if you are seeing both.

    Your file path for the toolset shoud be C: Program Files(x86)\Origin Games\Dragon Age\Tools THis is how Rigins installed it on windows 10 for me.

  8. Hello,

    I have an Idea I would Like some help trying.....

    The game has several diferent clothing variations for each Race. My Idea is to implement body style variations based on those and give the game different nude body styles. So that not all women NPC's would have the same breast and glute size when you select the meshes for your character in NBAIO......

    I don't know if it can be done however I have looked at the Nude variation xls and the Idea occurred what if you name new variations in the format used for the race clothing variations. Then assigned and renaimed the files for these. This is where I would need help I have no experience with (.met,.mmh,.msh,.mao) files individually though I am willing to learn but for this project all help would be appreciated.....

  9. I hear that I don't mind answering questions myself just right now I don't seem to have the answers for the questions. Right now I am waiting on my Draw Pad to arrive to allow more precise editing. Even then I will need to learn the best way to create the MMH MSH Phy and MET files as well as the 0n 0s 0t but it looks like those are mainly setting to alpha though I can't remember which one right now and then resizing to scale basically and setting transparency. and I have learned that from yours and Lady Honor's discussion so you know way more than me.

    BTW Thank you for all your help I've been reading the forums for a few days and your input has been a great deal of help.


  10. These are the things I want to do I just don't understand any of it really> Unfortunately I'm A hardware guy where Computers are concerned and just trying to learn all this.

    SO i hat to be a bother but is there a way I can convince either of you to maybe link me to some tutorials for these steps I would really be grateful .......


    On A side note theskymoves must really be good at this because it seems like all of the posts I'm trying to get info from or almost anyway there she is...

  11. In the top row change that to 22 over Starting abilities in the GDA and Add the first ability in the tree for the Spec you chose or just change one of the starting talents to the first talent in that spec in your GDA....

    It may not work but that was my train of thought.

  12. I still think if you created a GDA that changed the starting abilities and gave Sten his point at lvl 7 like everyone else it would be the easiest fix. But then again I'm the new guy here I may be barking mad on that one because it would be common sense and therefore probably won't work LOL. I have noticed this system isn't very easy to learn.

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