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About Colemanallen1987

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  1. So I've been following create basic scene encounters, but it does seem to do what I'm looking for. I have a custom world and I want dynamic events to happen example I want it so you go to x area nothing happens, but next time raiders another their is a mutant patrol. How do I do this?
  2. I am working on a new land mod and in some areas the grass will not load in game entire sections have no grass and I can see were the seams of one area and another is because the grass won't load, happens to all kinds of grass types. No issue in the main game. Any ideas to fix this would be great.
  3. Thanks for the response, its only happening on my map, its fallout 4. It will litterally have grass then suddenly a entire area has no grass, then suddenly another square of landscape has grass. and its any type of grass I use.
  4. So I have a new worldspace, and grass will load in some places but in others it is just the texture, you can see the seem were it stops, any idea why its happening and how to fix it?
  5. So I have set up several quests but its not putting the location of the next quest on the compass to help the player get to the location, am I missing something Im supposed to place into the quest? Also are their any good tutorials for a NPC to bring you to another NPC for a quest? Im using fallout 4 creation kit
  6. So i hate doing quest, it always turns into me wasting a day and getting nothing working properly, i have built land all the dungeons and have everything working, im finishing dialogue now, and have the main story done, i just need help getting the quest added, nothing crazy, just a decent story and go kill stuff. about 10-12 quest, if anyone is interested let me know here is some of the land https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3fxcSFIxaw&t=1s https://imgur.com/gallery/TBXal8k
  7. Creating quest, once i record voice and click save it crashes. it told me first that i needed a fonixdata.cdf file, got it put it in, and since it crashes once i click save.
  8. So i want a boss to die, then after that moment, i want a god to speak to the player, and the player be able to respond to the voice, what script do i need to do to make this happen, PS: i am limited in my script skills but i will try to follow along.
  9. So i have come close to finishing the landscape and dungeons for my mod, The Isles: Esroniet. Im trying to find people who can help make it look cool in trailers and general media, its not my strong point. If your interested in any role like that from logos, video recordings, or theme music, message me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4OroG5h7iU&t=31s Video is showing off the city, a lot has been done since
  10. So im making a castle, and the distance areas are dark, how do i fix this? https://imgur.com/a/BcNObQo
  11. So when i add things to some interiors like waterfalls, when i go in game its missing, but other things like water stay on the ground, any ideas whats happening?
  12. So im trying to hang my NPC's but its not working, im following the guide from nexus, using the hanging rope script, selecting the NPC but when i enter the game it just shows the NPC dead on the ground.
  13. Well i have a ton (250 gb of assets) from a game i have that didnt get financing, so, figure i could give some away to the community, here is a few links https://kitbash3d.com/products/dark-fantasy, https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/redwood-forest-collection?sessionInvalidated=true, I have almost all the kitbash kits, and a big cave...would be nice to make a world come to life in skyrim like i would in unreal https://imgur.com/gallery/4qwcbqn
  14. So i have been working in unreal engine for the past year or so, and i have some models i would like to try to get converted to use in skyrim, i just suck at all thing models, after i use them in my mod, i am happy to release them as a resource, and if you convert them you can use them in your mods as well, i have lots of things from buildings to high quality trees, caves . Let me know if your interested
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