I will second Algabar. I literally just had this issue this morning I was playing with the new vortex and installing my usual 71 guaranteed working base mods(skse64, KS Hair, ect...). I checked wrye, it had everything in the green and sseedit loaded the order no problem. Once I clicked on the skse64_launcher.exe a small box would flash open then closed and the hour glass appeared. Ohhhh, happy day except .....waiting.... waiting... waiting... You get the point running under admin didn't help. Ok, cut to the chase. After a good few hours of going through all my plugins and mods finally I figured out. It was the ported mods from oldrim. Even though the mod tools said my list was fine as long as I kept either one of those in my load order nothing.... I mean nothing. Now my game loads up fine, but alas windows 10 just had its big update and I'm getting the worst fps drops. So, time for more diagnosis. I say check the oldrim mods first see if it doesn't help