Hello everyone, I was wondering if anyone encountered this before. And if so, have you found a way to fix it? I fast-traveled to my home (the Falkreath home, but I don't think that matters) and a bandit said they had kidnapped my spouse. Needless to say, I hastened to her rescue and saved her. However, now I am experiencing a very annoying glitch. My spouse will no longer face any direction besides the one she was facing when trapped in the cell. She also will no longer attack. She draws her weapon, but does not attack anyone. Upon telling her to attack an enemy she responds with "No. Not possible." I've tried multiple things. I've tried unrelenting force (she does not move), attacking people, sit somewhere, nothing works. The only thing that does work is killing her and then resurrecting her. But this divorces you and does not give you the option to remarry. I have also noted the post here and the "solution" to just save multiple times and keep reloading until it works. This is now impossible however, because I was stupid and did not think much of it until after my saves had been overwritten. I was really enjoying the new features in Hearthfire but this glitch is game-breaking for me. Does anyone know of a solution to this? Or a mod that fixes it? Thank you for the help!