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Posts posted by Ozzymand

  1. 1 hour ago, commanderstrawberry said:

    My drop down is showing games I have never made mods for, and none of the ones I have made mods for.

    In general I am not a fan, it looks dark and squeezed horizontally compared to the old one with overlarge text. I hope an option of a 'classic theme' is added.

    Screenshot 2024-02-29 155449.png

    OHHHHHHHHH, so that's why Skyrim SE isn't showing up. The games there are not currently updated to show only mods made by the user, it just shows the 3 mods for EVERYBODY.

    Anyway onto feedback:

    * UI feels very heavy and mobile like, don't really like it.
    * Most popular being the default sort setting sucks, I don't care about what the user made that is a hit, I want to see what is NEW with the mod creator.
    * I don't understand the point of adding the user's profile picture on each mod, there isn't going to be another person to put there BUT the owner.
    * Downloaded mods are missing the "Downloaded" or the "Update available" overlay tag, PLEASE ADD IT, IT'S A LIFE SAVER

  2. Basically title. Is there anyone here who has some spare time (even 5 minutes a day is fine) that could help me understand how making mods for this game works? Like the whole flow, what software to use, point me towards guides and stuff... I know how programming works in general I've used python and c++ for the past few years and I'd like to try making mods for this game but I can't really understand HOW to start doing it.

    If anyone's down either leave a reply here with links to guides or DM me and we can add each other on discord

  3. does anybody know what is going on with my game? I am using a couple mods and the wall exteriors are vibrating and shaking. I tried to disable lighting mods of mine, and the textures that I am using. Does anybody have any suggestions?


    You could try disabling the most recent mods you installed when that issue started happening.

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