I know this topic is super old, but after spending a lot of time searching for a few answers, and not finding any that worked, I think I fixed this problem with some trial and error. First I reset the "Dialogue Dukov's Place" quest, I guess it is a quest. Then I set Cherry's "stopfollow" to 0, and talked to her again. You may need to go through the speech check again, and ask her to follow you. The console commands are: resetquest 0002bf5b prid 002ae22 set stopfollow to 0 Her dialogue was reset, I went through the speech check, asked her to follow, and she followed me out the door. I reloaded and tried it again, and she did not follow me out the door a 2nd time. I don't know if it was some bug, but then I tried: prid 002ae22 set daystart to (and then some number like 0, 1, or some number higher than the days you've played, starting date is august 17 2077 i think) She then followed me outside but maybe it was a problem with having multiple companions and she was too far from the door when I exited Dukov's place.