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Everything posted by giorestZoneside

  1. I have the same identical issue with latest firefox, so no, it's not on our end, the problem is the JavaScript, for some reason of ALL INTERNET, this site is the only only rejected with errors, of thousands of sites Analysts tools tell me nexus mod JavaScript implementation is at fault Basically in https JavaScript do not work, while on standard http do, but it's impossible to download more then 2mb without authentication or vote, so i have to use 2 different browser to navigate the site, opera if anyone care, as opera too give me error in the logs if i try to login but manage to ignore them, i guess it's due to how JS is implemented in it MODS please do not ignore this error and verify your implementation
  2. As always the gaming company prove their incompetence and stupidity, sooner or later all of them realize their mistake, usually just when they are about to close for good. Kickstarter all the way!
  3. Right now i am trying to enable the research that allow the construction of the psi labs since the beginning of the game instead of waiting That event In xcomstrategygame.upk there is the class XGTechTree where i think the variable are partially specified Now i think that this: BuildTech(17, TechCost(35), true, 16, 6); is what i am seeking, maybe the true function is the "special requirement" necessary for starting the research, only a few of them require something particular and, only a few entry has the true variable I will try to edit this value and see what happen in a new game I may don't have much free time, so if anyone want to try before me feel free, also do please post here any information about unlocking other special research as well, like the mind shield etc. Also true is 0x27 right?
  4. Nearly sure that the .1 are name variable and as such it will probably not work, only SetShredderRockets(1); may work. I have tested my theory and it work, setting the value from - 1 to - 0 make ANY LISTED CONSUMABLE ITEM UNLIMITED, when using it the charge won't go down. For now it's a possible solution to the scarcity of rockets, but be careful that setting the Alien Grenade to 0 will also give unlimited grenade to the muton as well! The easier way to make this change is: 1) Seek this hex value 0000000016261616062206078503 in XComGame.upk 2) The early 10 value of 26 (26=1) in descending order, included the 26 in the above code, that should be considered the 1st, are Actual Value: 3rd Medikit, 6th Ghost(Armor), 7th Arc Thrower, 9th Smoke Grenade, 10th Battle scanner Maybe/Untested: 1st Frag Grenades, 2nd Alien Grenade, 4th Shredder Rocket, 5th Rocket, 8th ? Just change the desidered function to 25 (25=0) If your editor posses a replacer function just use those, if i finish my work i will later try the untested value :dance: Cheers :tongue:
  5. Only thing found is (should be) the decrease applied by some abilities, like ghost (Ghost Armor), and rockets/Grenade Is in xcomgame.upk on the entry XGAbilityTree look for: kAbility.m_kUnit.SetRockets(kAbility.m_kUnit.GetRockets() - 1); Maybe setting the -1 to 0 will give the user infinite rockets? No tested yet, will try later
  6. Now work thanks, also with 0 it take barely 1.5 seconds. As why the exe is different...well, no/yes i have less money then before, but i won't ruin my disc by overuse like my old copy of BG2 Rest in peace original version :( Took new one at Kickstarter tough :D
  7. Thanks for the quick answer, here is the xshape response: xcomgame.upk Found 28419584 bytes in Binaries\Win32\XComGame.exe Starting at byte number: 26444500 No changes needed to be made. Obviously the exe crash :wallbash: I have left the default config as mentioned in your post Is my pc turning on me? Is my 8 core cpu finally starting a revolt? :blink:
  8. I don't know why but xshape always tell me that no changes are needed to be made no matter how i change the upk, and of course the exe crash Modifying them by hand is a pain so: 1) Decompress original XComGame.upk 2) Find what to change in UE 3) Unpack upk 4) Modify the value via Hex edit 5) Repack upk 6) Check modified value with UE, all ok 7) Delete XComGame.upk.uncompressed_size, Replace XComGame.upk 8) Run xshape, tell me "no changes needed to be made" 9) Run exe, crash I have used the original XComGame.upk uncompressed file without modification and everithing work fine.... What the hell i am doing wrong? Also i have used the procedure step by step in another post for changing Overwatch sleep value, same result, xshape dosen't change anything....
  9. Why, i may don't want to buy an unnmoddable Xcom, maybe Firaxis should check famous site like Kickstarter and see for themselves what is one of the most popular request from the potential buyers, and guess what, SDK. So they can persecute mod authors? In theory Will they? Depends, if they want to end up like 3do (Facts) :down: In theory just discussing about modifying the exe is illegal, modifying it is illegal, just peeking at the code may be considered illegal in some state Now another fact, a game without mod is a game that find an early grave. I know this, Firaxis (hopefully) realize this, and if you want proof check some famous games that has generated sooooo much hype(DE:HR) but......failed miserably due to the low re-playability and the community (and all the possible extra sales) gone straight to hell, Xcom it's just the same and no DLC or "Second Wave" could ever fix that :rolleyes: Modding is a practice as old a gaming and even with an SDK most modders would not be able to make something as big as they can, or i can say a name that can help clarify this? TESV Did they lose any sales for it? On the contrary, the game wouldn't even exist without such tools. Releasing the scripts IF, and i hope so, we find a way to recompile them correctly, will happen no matter what, if not here then somewhere else where copyrighted issue isn't such a big deal, if you get what i mean.... Instead of try to punish modders and players, perhaps their time would been better spent in giving the customer what they want and end this charade, after all they admitted the possibility of releasing tools and inside the engine there is a primitive mod support/enabler system. I like this game, i have bought it, but i will never support a company that persecute modders and many share my belief. Also no, there is no way to circumvent the issue dreadylein, modifying even a bite of this game require editing the executable hash check or have you forgot that? What part of prohibited reverse engineering/edit no matter if you distribute the mod or not isn't clear to you? Even editing the ini file INSIDE the exe is in theory prohibited, and if i am not mistaken all the successful mods done until now rely on that, well beside removing the intro cinematic that is :biggrin: I am not offending Firaxis nor any other company rest assured, but all in all i will sum all this short post in: In 2012 No mods, means No Party 8) Feel free to contradict me, but i am a gamer and a programmer from quite some time by now, and everything i have just written here is nothing more then the truth, if you cannot accept that...peace
  10. Well i have followed the progress of this topic with utmost interest, and i am happy that finally a solution seems to have been found (all the test i have done beside modifying the ini inside the executable resulted in crash or simply didn't work) however when i try to unpack the .upk i get an error, wrong header i think. It's possible to have a post that explain step by step what one must done for successfully mod this game scripts? I already have UE explorer but differently from other games instead of telling me that the package is compressed, just handle me an error telling me that it can't read beyond the end of the file? :wallbash: Anyone else has this problem? (Unable to decompress/Read XComGame.upk, XComStrategyGame.upk)
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