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Everything posted by FortuneQuacker

  1. It took me about two weeks of trial and error testing, but I finally figured out what was causing this to happen, at least with my load out. At first it was happening with a heavily modded game, so I spent days trying to identify which mod was the culprit. Then, I started a completely vanilla game and had inconsistent results. This led me to believe it was some quest glitch. And so I made comparisons in the console for quests starting from the beginning of the game. The problem is with the Minutemen quest, 'Let Freedom Ring'. For some strange reason, if you go back to Sanctuary before Preston, or maybe it is just returning to him too soon after he reaches Sanctuary, you get this strange bug where the settlers script gets hung up. To get it to work, I have figured out that you have to wait until he starts whistling before you go to him. And then, you need to stand around by him until he addresses you. Don't activate him, let him start the conversation. Next, you have to take your time with the 'Sanctuary' quest. Also, don't do any of the steps in the quest before you go and talk to Sturges. Then, only do one stage at a time, as he asks you to do them. When I follow these two guidelines, my settlers work perfectly. Now, for the naysayers. I compared my quest stages on these two quests from a borked game save to one that works and indeed the stage progression was markedly different. Anyway, hope this helps.
  2. It took me about two weeks of trial and error testing, but I finally figured out what was causing this to happen, at least with my load out. At first it was happening with a heavily modded game, so I spent days trying to identify which mod was the culprit. Then, I started a completely vanilla game and had inconsistent results. This led me to believe it was some quest glitch. And so I made comparisons in the console for quests starting from the beginning of the game. The problem is with the Minutemen quest, 'Let Freedom Ring'. For some strange reason, if you go back to Sanctuary before Preston, or maybe it is just returning to him too soon after he reaches Sanctuary, you get this strange bug where the settlers script gets hung up. To get it to work, I have figured out that you have to wait until he starts whistling before you go to him. And then, you need to stand around by him until he addresses you. Don't activate him, let him start the conversation. Next, you have to take your time with the 'Sanctuary' quest. Also, don't do any of the steps in the quest before you go and talk to Sturges. Then, only do one stage at a time, as he asks you to do them. When I follow these two guidelines, my settlers work perfectly. Now, for the naysayers. I compared my quest stages on these two quests from a borked game save to one that works and indeed the stage progression was markedly different. Anyway, hope this helps.
  3. I am on a vanilla new game. I started it because my settlers in a modded game were just standing doing nothing. So, no F4SE, nothing in Data folder but game files and Video, I had no issues until me and the MM get back to Sanctuary. Preston will only banter with me. No Sanctuary quest start. And again, my settlers will not even assign. I am in the middle of deleting game files starting with my fallout4misc.ba2 file (the one containing the scripts), and reinstalling. This game is so buggy. I spend more time just trying to get it to work. If it wasn't such a good game once it is working, I would have canned it years ago.
  4. Try playing with absolutely no mods, no F4SE, no MCM, no UFO4, nothing but vanilla. I have the same issue, only worse. I cannot even get any settler anywhere in the game to do anything. Not even assign them to anything. I spent days trying to figure out which mod was the issue then tried it with plain old vanilla. I've been doing this for years BTW. And, I KNOW it is VANILLA. And, I still have the bug. I tried clearing my appcache, then checking file integrity. Steam says nothing is wrong with my files. Still, my game is borked. Let me know if you find a fix.
  5. I have a strange problem with my settlers. They can be assigned, they run to their assigned location, and then just stand there like zombies. This is in all of my settlements. I have a full load of mods, so I thought it must be mod related. So, I started through the standard process of loading a few at a time to see if I could narrow down the culprit to one mod. I always start this with a zero-mod test to make sure the problem is not with my vanilla install. Unfortunately, this one seems to be. So, I had Steam check my files. No problems, there. So, I started a brand new game. Still, the problem persists. I am still working on this, so I will let you all know if I figure out what is causing this issue. Just wanted to post here in case the problem has already been discovered and solved. My mod list: # This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer. *DLCUltraHighResolution.esm *Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp *ArmorKeywords.esm *CROSS_CosmeticFramework.esm *Homemaker.esm *Damage Threshold.esm *Snap'n Build.esm *ZW's F4 Overhaul Master.esm *The Castle.esl *Retro_Style.esm *OA_LootableMaterialsCrates_vanilla_mergedDLC.esp *ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-DLCVersion.esp *LootableSkeletons - All DLC.esp *WorkshopRearranged.esp *ZW's F4 Overhaul - Power Armor.esp *Armorsmith Extended.esp *More Armor Slots - All Dlc.esp *Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp *Snappy_HouseK.esp *HZS The Sanctuary.esp *Snappy_Scrap.esp *WelcometoGoodneighbor.esp *BTInteriors_Project.esp *BMW.esp *BTInt_Optimization.esp *SOTS.esp *CROSS_PlasRail.esp *ConcordEXPANDED.esp *Oven Sesame.esp *MoreXplore.esp *Build High - Expanded Settlements.esp *FaceMaxson.esp *LootablePAFrames.esp *True Overboss.esp *Buildable_PAFrames.esp *BulkChems.esp *BulkUtilityRecipes.esp *Business Settlements.esp *CREAtiveClutter.esp *CBBE.esp *g2m_Workshop_Nexus.esp *1% Fusion Core Drain.esp *Craftable Animal Glue - Adhesive Recipes.esp *Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp *EndorsCustomCombatArmor.esp *Craftable Armor Size.esp *Crafting Workbench.esp *Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp *Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp *Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp *Crafting Workbenches - Junk Items.esp *Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp *Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp *Crossbow.esp *BetterNightVision.esp *DarkerNights.esp *DarkerNightsDetection.esp *DickysAmmo.esp *dinoshelf.esp *dinoshelf_extra_ammo.esp *dinoshelf_retex.esp *EnclaveX02.esp *dD-Enhanced Blood Basic.esp *EveryonesBestFriend.esp *WBO.esp *Extended weapon mods.esp *FALLOUT4WT.esp *Farming Resources.esp *HZS Easy Homebuilder and Working Double Beds.esp *ImmersiveVendors.esp *IncreasedSettlerPopulation50.esp *K9TacticalHarness.esp *Kor_Changes.esp *LongerPowerLines3x.esp *LooksMenu.esp *LooksMirror.esp *Loot Detector.esp *Lootable_Supermutants.esp *VaultSuitBoxes.esp *ManufacturingExtended.esp *ManufacturingExtendedFH.esp *Northland Diggers New.esp *PA-Quick Animations.esp *pylons.esp *dD-Realistic Ragdoll Force.esp *SettlementMenuManager.esp *SettleObjExpandPack.esp *SkjAlert_All_DLC.esp *SurvivalOptions.esp *Synth_Uniform_Ballistic_INT.esp *Thematic and Practical.esp *Thematic and Practical - DLC.esp *UncappedSettlementSurplus.esp *VeryRichMerchants.esp *VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp *WBO-Automatron.esp *jef9999's_materials_5in1.esp *Stm_DiamondCityExpansion.esp *The Collector's Guides AIO.esp *ASmallAdditionStandaloneDrivablesBoat2.esp *Atomic World.esp *America Rising - A Tale of the Enclave.esp *Eli_Armour_Compendium.esp *NanoSuit.esp *My_Minutemen.esp *MakeshiftHomes.esp *SwampsEXPANDED.esp *AA FusionCityRising.esp *Impervious Power Armour.esp *OutcastsAndRemnants.esp *More Smarter Companions Mod.esp *plenty 'o' exploration.esp *ASmallAdditionStandaloneDrivablesTRUCK.esp *LevelersBunker.esp *AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp *CheatTerminal.esp *UniqueUniques.esp *powerarmort49.esp *SilverStreak.esp *BuildingGroundFix.esp *AdvancedWorkshopFoodHarvesting-AllDLC.esp *Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp *Jetpack Overhaul - Armorsmith Extended.esp *th1nkEyebot.esp *th1nkEyeBot-FarHarbor.esp *th1nkEyeBot-NukaWorld.esp *th1nkEyeBot-DLC03DLC04Addon.esp *AutomatronSecuritron.esp *RansackedRelay.esp *CCOFO4 - Traits and More Perks.esp *BTInt_Menus.esp *BetterCompanions.esp *BorderJunk.esp *CROSS_BallisticMask.esp *CROSS_Cybernetics.esp *CROSS_FireworksCannon.esp *CROSS_GoreCrits.esp *CROSS_GoreCrits_FarHarborPatch.esp *CROSS_Techmask.esp *CROSS_Uni_Headset.esp *CorpusPraesidium.esp *CROSS_CourserStrigidae.esp *Covscript.esp *Dogmeat A True Companion.esp *DogmeatNoOpeningDoors.esp *Even More Vault Corners.esp *FAR.esp *GunmetalWeaponSkins.esp *WBO-Extended Weapon Mods.esp *Homemaker - Streetlights Use Passive Power.esp *ZW's F4 Overhaul - Power Armor - Automatron Patch.esp *Impervious Power Armour - Automatron.esp *Jetpack Overhaul.esp *LegendaryModification.esp *LegendaryModification2LM.esp *LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp *LegendaryModificationCSA.esp *LegendaryModificationGroknak.esp *LegendaryModificationMisc.esp *Fallout 4 Linked Storage Containers.esp *Locksmith.esp *Lots More Facial Hair.esp *Lots More Male Hairstyles.esp *M9.esp *MakeshiftBattery.esp *MiniGen power.esp *Mosin.esp *NanoSuit_AWKCR_AE.esp *Jetpack Overhaul - NanoSuit AWKCR AE.esp *Jetpack Overhaul - NanoSuit.esp *CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp *NoMoreGhoulEvadeDancing.esp *PowerArmorAutopilot.esp *PowerArmorHoarder.esp *RemoteExplosives.esp *RemoteExplosivesVIS.esp *STBB.esp *SolarSensorSwitch.esp *_mcSavePoint.esp *powerarmort49 - Impervious Compatibility.esp *PowerArmorT49 AWKCR.esp *Quad_Technetronic.esp *WastelandCodex.esp *Passthrough.esp *Wasteland Sniper Pack.esp *workShopDashButton.esp *ZW's F4 Overhaul - Power Armor - Contraptions Patch.esp *cVc Dead Wasteland.esp *AdvSettleTurretSet.esp *EndorsCustomCombatArmor_AE.esp *EndorsCustomCombatArmor_Valdacil.esp *Eli Armor Compendium AE VIS Patch.esp *EndorsCustomCombatArmor_WATM.esp *Whirly.esp *CorvalhoWidowShotgun.esp *SparkyEMFB.esp *VaultTecSecurityReplacement.esp *SurvivalistBunker.esp *LootableWorkbenches.esp *def_inv_scrap_en.esp *moveCarla.esp *ZebrinasWorkshopDevices.esp *Submarine Base Echo.esp *ellen.esp *ClassicSniper.esp *Rangergearnew.esp *DWUK_LexingtonInteriors.esp *llamaCompanionHeather.esp *llamaCompanionHeather-VIS-AE Patch.esp *SolsSixThousandCaps.esp *DD_AIO Test Mark 1.esp *Kraggles - Structures.esp *BarnAdd.esp *WareHouseExt.esp *DX_Black_Widow.esp *BullpupBozar.esp *TheGrinder.esp *FO4 NPCs Travel.esp *WhirlyNWP.esp *Wastelanders XM2076 by giggity12345.esp *EpilogueRestored.esp *CROSS_BrotherhoodRecon.esp *THBrows.esp *Campsite.esp *Hellfirenew.esp *SSEX.esp *ZebrinasWorkshopDevices-WorkshopRearranged+ValdacilsItemSorting.esp *BetterGenerators.esp *BasementLiving.esp *CompanionDistanceFix.esp *Workshop_Planters.esp *VIS UFO4P Patch.esp *Evermarch - Casual Wanderer.esp *Evermarch - Casual Wanderer AE Patch.esp *Evermarch Submariner Uniforms.esp *Evermarch Sub Uniforms AE Patch.esp *PipBoySkinPack.esp *LureEnemies.esp *Journal.esp *TheEyesOfBeauty.esp *PerkPostersPlus.esp *PerkChartPoster.esp *LaundryDay.esp *CWSS Redux.esp *mso_sms.esp *Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp *ScrapUpdate - Ultimate.esp *FQ_NoMoreLODFlicker_AIO.esp
  6. Is this in Vault 81? You might try using the console command "tpc", just to see if it is a culling issue. I have not yet experimented with toggling pre-culling in interior cells, but if the "tpc" command fixes the problem, then it is likely that this can be patched using the same method I used in my mod, "No More Disappearing Act".
  7. Here is @Tannin's current status on the project. https://github.com/TanninOne/modorganizer/issues/352
  8. This is common in most other games. I think it is a great idea!
  9. I've been using Civil War mods for a while now and I find them lacking one thing, prisoners. Why not have some prison camps with farms, mines, mills, chain-gangs, etc? Maybe you could take prisoners instead of killing every enemy. Then, you could go to the camp and buy or steal supplies. I thought of doing this mod myself, but I just don't have the patience for the CK anymore.
  10. I had exactly the same problem you describe here. Spelling is crucial. Everything the previous poster say to do is correct except the spelling. You must spell the names of the BSA files correctly. Once I put them in the same order as my load order and spelled them correctly, BINGO! "Dawnguard.bsa, Hearthfires.bsa, Dragonborn.bsa"
  11. Now that Bethesda has pretty much committed to not developing any more TES games, any time soon. Maybe it would be more appropriate to try and develop a mod that covers a different part of Tamriel. I for one would jump head-over-heals into a 'Black- Marsh' or 'Valenwood' or even a revamp of 'Cyrodil' using all the new resources from the Skyrim world. That would be a project worthy of a team of talented modders.
  12. I've been pondering doing something like this for myself. I have some ideas. I think I could even pull off the zero load and open windows ideas.
  13. Have you tried 'Sewers of Skyrim'? It is a pretty good mod that adds Sewers under all the 9 hold capitols. You can really rent out spots, but there are places that you can sort of take over and use for your own purposes. I think your idea is pretty good. I will see if I can pull it off and, if so, maybe add some low income housing in other places.
  14. I went into the CK and tried, simply to delete the static model. The problem is that there are around 400 map markers in the Vanilla Skyrim and much more introduced by the DLCs and other mods. Also, the map markers are used by many quests to direct the NPCs where to go for their role in the quest. So, even if you could somehow, actually delete them (which the CK won't let you do), it would totally screw up the game. So that option is out. I have a few other ideas however, I will get back to you. Have you tried the console command 'tmm 0 0 0'?
  15. check this mod - it already does what you are attempting - I use it, works great! http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/8543
  16. Check my new mod - Real Furbag BackPack - Equippable Container - Portable Map Marker
  17. I solved this problem by creating messages and then adding them in the teleport tab. The message title is displayed when you mouse over the door. Check my SkyHenge mod. All the exterior doors go to the same cell, but they have different descriptions.
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