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Everything posted by Mrod23
So I played around with bg3mm settings, and this seems to work - disable launcher telemetry - disable launcher warnings - skip launcher - launch through steam besides that, I added -skip-launcher in the bg3 steam settings This seems to eliminate the confusion during start, and I can launch the game through the bg3mm Thanks for the ideas
Hi once again, modders: Last night I played 5 hours on a new game with a dozen mods, mostly add or modify spell mods. This morning I started the game and it informed me at the loading screen that it had disabled all my mods, rendering the save file unstable. My only action was to update my NVIDIA RTX4070Ti video drivers to the latest version. Does this allow the game engine to disable all mods used on the previous revision? That makes little sense and is not the case with all other games I've played. Any ideas? Reactions? Insight? Cheers Edit: It appears that both this issue and the one from me below are related. After some playing around, I discovered that: - if you launch the game from the bg3mm "launch game" button, it throws the error below and disables all the mods. If you launch it from Steam and the Larian launher it all works superb. All that remains to be addressed are the controller issues (game not recognizing controller, weird behavior in the Options->Video screen) which can be work-arounded by going to the controller menu in Steam before launching the game. I suspect this is a result of Hotfix #17.
Hi folks, Following a recent update on or around 15 Jan (Hotfix #17?), my script extender threw out this error, launched a new script extender debug console, and continued game launch. I also now get a freeze/CTD whenever I try to cast a spell. There doesn't seem to be any other mention of this, so I post here. I only have 12 mods, sorted thoughtfully, and they gave me no trouble prior to the update in question. Any help or insight is appreciated. Cheers Edit: I unload all my mods and the error persists Using the bg3_dx11 version
Hey folks, Even with the mods and suggested settings, I'm using a controller (Microsoft Elite 2) and the vehicle handling is frustrating to the point of ridiculous. Even the slightest attempts to steer create side-to-side oscillations that end in crashes and loss of control. My suggestion is to let the AI drive (it does very well after all) in routine cases while always allowing manual override for racing or personal preference. This will make using vehicles much more attractive and pleasant, instead of having to walk everywhere or use the teleport system in CET. Easy enough to let the AI take its preferred route to the tracked destination. Not to mention making the game more accessible for those who are visually or otherwise challenged by the driving mechanics. Anyone else have an opinion on this? Cheers
Good morning to all, It's Thursday morning. I got my Oculus Rift to work with Steam VR and Skyrim VR Tuesday night. Got all the way through Helgen. I fired it up last night and it wouldn't load at all. The launcher fires off but exits before the game itself loads to the first screen. This is without mods and just plain vanilla. It's like there was a silent update that broke everything, even though there are no new timestamps I can see. I did everything I could think of: ran in admin mode, checked every windows and steam log for errors/fails, read every forum, re-installed the game, all to no avail. Is this a shared experience or a singular one? Any ideas I might have missed? Thanks in advance.
Game Doesn't Open Window, The Ends Process
Mrod23 replied to DPEntertainment's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim SE
After going through all the Windows 10 diagnostic procedures, I came to the conclusion that it must be a mod. After disabling all the mods in Vortex I started adding them back in one-at-a-time (120 mods!) and I found the culprit. Thing is, it was my own fault - a mod I used in Skyrim LE had snuck in with its own .bsa file (!) that had not been converted. As someone pointed out in an above reply, that is something to look out for. If you have this problem, check out old Skyrim LE mods with .bsa files first and save yourself a few hours of troubleshooting !! Cheers -
Game Doesn't Open Window, The Ends Process
Mrod23 replied to DPEntertainment's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim SE
I have a similar issue, but it appears to be in the main SkyrimSE.exe file and not associated with SKSE64 2.07. This coincided with the release of 1.5.39 of SkyrimSE.exe and its interaction with a Microsoft C Runtime module in Windows 10 named ucrtbase.dll. Much has been written in too many forums to name about this recent addition to the Microsoft library, but most are associated with Office365 or printers; nothing yet posted about game compatibility. The symptom is this: when launching from the SKSE_Launcher the game tries to initialize but silently exits before the CRT is linked. If one launches from the original SkyrimSE Launcher, one gets the initial menu screen and can set options but as soon as Play is selected the game exits. All cases write to the Application Event log with the aforementioned error in ucrtbase.dll. I suspect a fix can be realized in either SkyrimSE.exe or in ucrtbase.dll but that is sadly out of my hands. I don't think this has anything to do with mods or SKSE64 2.07 but as I have over 100 mods I am loathe to reload it all until I'm convinced that mods are at the root of the issue. All of the usual checks have been done. sfc 3 times, compatibility tests, Microsoft KB searches and tries, etc. The current version of ucrtbase.dll is 10.0.16299.248 dated Feb 9 2018. Thanks for reading to this point :sleep: -
I, too, have this same issue. Been playing for 6 years and never an issue until a couple months ago. Video freeze (audio keeps playing) and a couple minutes after the game exits to desktop. Any ideas out there?
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This is a new one for me. It seems some enemies recover health so fast they never get to zero, but they do go into permanent bleedout. They stop fighting, of course, but if it is a boss the quest won't clear. I've tried all the console tricks I know, such as prid = xxnnnnnn: playidle bleedoutstop, ResetAI, kill, etc. and nothing works. If I resurrect the bad guy, he/she pops up and then drops into bleedout again. Any ideas? Anyone seen this before? Cheers
I'm a rather late comer to this party, and like many others I had lots of trouble fighting the Kayran. The problem I observed, with both kbd/mouse and 360 gamepad, was that after severing the first two tentacles with trap and yrden, my camera view would go vertical, chaotic, and would take several seconds to re-orient to the field. I couldn't dodge/roll or do anything effective in those few seconds. That was all it took to die. Repeatedly. Scores of times. I was on the verge of abandoning the game. The thought of having another gamer take my save file, kill the kayran, and hand it back to me made me shudder (no offense.) My last hope: I had the user.ini file from another forum post that talked about changing the mouse and stick sensitivity to make the walk/run transition more manageable. So, I hacked this user.ini file (found in ~/Documents/Witcher 2/Config) to run the sensitivity of the mouse/right stick camera control way down, from 1.00 to 0.50. ----- For mouse users ----- IK_MouseX=(GameKey="GI_MouseX",Value=0.50) IK_MouseY=(GameKey="GI_MouseY",Value=0.50) ----- For gamepad users ----- IK_Pad_RightAxisX=(GameKey="GI_AxisRightX",Value=0.500000) IK_Pad_RightAxisY=(GameKey="GI_AxisRightY",Value=0.500000) I also kept my video resolution at low (720x480) and in Windowed mode. The combination of these things was magic!, allowing me to kill the Kayran on the very next attempt and continue on with the game. This may not fix it for you, but it is another thing to try that just might do the trick! Thanks to all the excellent posts here that led me ultimately to the working solution on my hardware. Cheers
You said it yourself. Never add or remove mods from your load order without starting a new game. Granted, although in this case Steam pushed the DLC out and it got automatically added to the game non-consensually. I can't even get to the selection to load a previous save. CTD comes at start+0.1 sec., right after the Bethesda splash screen. Edit: I found the offending mod. Happened to be Burt's Breezehome Cellar 3.0. All seems to work from the clean savegames I made before.
It comes as no surprise that Dragonborn, just pushed out by Steam and yes, I pre-ordered, causes an immediate CTD when I start the game. I know, I should have anticipated this and created a clean save but I didn't. It's possible that I will need to uninstall ALL mods and start over. I don't have too many, mainly armor and weapon mods and a few body meshes and textures, like UNP and ApachiiSky Hair, but still the game just won't start. Does anyone have any suggestions, short of disabling all mods, deleting local content and starting over? Betcha I'm not the only one to report this in the next 15 minutes :-) Mrod
No, I'm on Windows 7 x64. I've done more sleuthing - it looks like the CTD was caused by a corrupted Unofficial Dawnguard Patch. I looked back through the Papyrus log and saw a lot of references to Serana not leveling with certain perks. I threw away my Skyrim directory structure and downloaded again (!) and started a new game. I downloaded a fresh UDGP and applied that in order :-) Now I have loaded most of my mods back in with no problems. Fingers crossed. No plans to go to Win 8 anytime soon :-) Thanks for the tip. Makes me want to be careful of any Windows Update patches I get from Microsoft. Goody another place to need caution. Mrod
Hi Skyrim Fans, So I'm at my wits' end here. I've developed 20 different characters all taken up through level 40 or higher. I'm on a PC so I run approx. 25 mods. I typically go days or even weeks without a CTD. I use BOSS religeously and have checked out WryeBash. Yesterday I started a new character and all of a sudden I can't even get to the Helgen keep before consistent CTD's. I checked the Papyrus log and the last entry has to do with the dragon animations and flyby effects. Don't know what that means. I did a clean reinstall with no mods and started a fresh game and that did not fix the problem! Arggh. When I say no mods I mean only the official DLCs from Bethesda, that is Dawnguard, Hearthfire, and the two HiRes Texture Packs. Yes, I added the stuff back into my Skyrim.ini file for the HiRes packs. I'm in the process of doing another reinstall, cleaning out more stuff this time to see if there were some artifacts left that I missed. I write this to see if any of you have run across the same problem and have found the culprit(s). Please help if you can. Cheers, Mrod
Looks like this gets bumped. I've been using a Logitech wired F510 for some months now with perfect results. Over the weekend I am toying with a Wireless F710 controller and no matter what I do, I can't get Skyrim to recognize it. I've followed the advice here and in other forums to no avail. I'm running build 1.7.7 with Dawnguard DLP installed on Win 7 x64. Does anyone have any updated hints or suggestions? Cheers, Mrod
Here's an update: I thought korkman's suggestion was a good one, so I hunkered down and slept the entire month of Frostfall :-) I was also careful not to teleport, but only travel on foot or fast travel so the game could keep track of time and location properly. Still no courier :-( Houston I think we have a bug. Mrod
This is a thinly veiled plea for help. Since around the 1.6 patch, the courier delivery system seems to have changed its behavior. Let me get specific: Couriers and other Miscellaneous Journal Events do not have any console aid to either trigger them or clean up their orphans. I don't know why it's buried so deep in the game system, but it has been a source of great frustration for many. Recently, with all characters I still play and new ones I've created, the courier who delivers Falk Firebeard's letter to trigger the Wolf Queen Awakened quest has gone missing. I have satisfied all criteria. I have been careful (I think!) to not incorporate any mods that affect the game interactions. All my mods are either standalone armor/weapon mods or body modification mods, with the lone exception of a Water and Terrain mod. I simply can't get the courier event to happen. Falk still has the letter on his person, for all the good that does. The SetStage commands do not work on these Courier Event Triggered quests. My general questions are (1) can the console be used in any way to unstick these events, (2) can it be used to clean up orphan journal entries? (3) can it be used to correct sequencing, such as accidentally visiting Cragslane Cavern before the Jarl of Riften gives you the Miscellaneous Journal Event to go stop the skooma trade? (if you do, she never offers you Honeyside. You have to get Maven in there to make progress. If Maven is already Jarl, you're stuck for sure.) The Repairing the Phial courier event happens right on schedule. So does the Dawnstar Museum event. I still get "Letters From A Friend" following a shout in some random location. Will the experts please weigh in on this? It is offputting to know that any new character I play will never see the inside of Potema's Catacombs :-) Cheers, Mrod
This just started .... anytime I enter one of the 5 purchased homes for the first time, I get an immediate CTD. I did as was suggested and started the Papyrus script logger, but no script folder or papyrus log was dropped. The mods I use are few, mostly standalone weapons and armor mods. Nothing that changes voice or animations, nothihg that modifies the Helgen entry points. The data log is atached to this post. I'm at my wits end with no handle on troubleshooting the problem. I'm about to do a fresh install, no mods. Any help is welcome!
Grrr ... Argghh ... Everything was working great. all the mods were playing together seamlessly. I went to start the game this evening and it Crashed on Load. All by itself. I checked the signature on the TESV.exe file and it indicated 1.6.89. Did Steam automatically download and install something? I am currently completely reloading the game and will now have to laboriously re-install the mods after Steam gets done. Is this happening to anyone else? Is there a better way than a complete re-install? Grrr ..... Argghh ..... BTW The new file signatures are 15:15 PDT (US) this afternoon when I was not even actively playing. Is this the 1.6 patch and did it totally corrupt something? I just took the time to read through this forum and found lots of other people's issues with the 1.6 update. It looks like I will have to turn on/off mods and see which one Crashes on Load. I'll post here if I find the culprit. Late Update: After much gnashing, the culprit mod is the MEHrunes Razor instant kill mod from Steam Workshop. I also disabled the Dance of Death for 1.5 mod on advise from this forum. Thanks!
Since I had not even downloaded CK and it seemed intimidating ... I took your advice and did a full Bards' Leap ... and after some fumbling around the 3D camera stuff in the rendering window it actually worked! My thanks to you for the "push." I can't really share the cleanup in its current state. A better shared solution will be to take the newly purchased Breezehome BEFORE any decoration or mods are purchased and do a full cobweb/clutter removal, leaving a move-in ready house. I'll do that next character and then upload and share. Thanks again! Mrod
I have Breezehome just like I like it, with refraining from buying the bedroom upgrade from Avenicci. This gives me more open space upstairs. What I can't figure out is how to use the console commands Disable and MarkForDelete to rid the bedroom of its cobwebs and crate clutter. Has anyone figured this out? The ID codes don't seem to reference what I think they do :)