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Everything posted by ZackDW

  1. Thanks for the help David i think with a little time i could prepare my mod for a SteamWorkshop Version. I'll be putting that off till the whole quest line is done, as it would take to much time to make two versions every two weeks. WIPs of a new area I'm making: "The Cold Obelisk" it will show case a mini boss encounter after "paying" three grand soul gems to the obelisk. its location is north east of winterhold. In the quest line the player must go to the Obelisk to receive the blessing of the snow elfs to gain entrance to a great snow elf library. Problem solving: -as modders may notice all pieces I have added to this area is made from interior mesh. this is my work around with having to deal with the LOD error. yes the assets will pop in but i wanted to release this in 2 weeks and i thought dealing with a non complete tool would simply not fit into my schedule (maybe the next episode.) -also i decided to completely redo the top of the glacier, the values (interior assets are very light) are simply to extremely different between the exterior/interior assets. This is coming along, needs a bit more work but the ground is more level and will be better for an encounter. Close up of the Obelisk what the Landing looks like at the moment top down view of the area CK view 'll do more tomorrow and post if its come along way.
  2. one problem i had with this, is that you cannot use an old save once you start adding quest objectives. they will not show up. you will need to start from a new char via "COC youlevelid"
  3. hey all, I've just uploaded my first file to the nexus A Drained Bloodline - Episode 1 http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=15678 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tyniWVq7SbE&feature=youtu.be I plan to have the next part done in 2 weeks (and then maybe more parts after that.) I also stream on twitch here: http://www.twitch.tv/zackdw So what i want this thread to be is simple, just me giving WIPs of my work and asking for help when I encounter something that gives me a big headache. so three articles I'd like to pose ATM: 1 I am looking for voice actors. Right now, in the mod everything is V/Od by either me or my significant other. ONE of us sucks at V/O and its NOT her. It would be nice to have a handful of voices male and female. 2 WTF... I cant upload to steam? CK simply crashes when i press upload to steam workshop. Some people say its because I have a store bought copy but that is the fishy statement I have ever herd in regards to creation kit. Posted in the CK fourms nothing yet i realize the irony of asking this on the nexus... 3 how do I force player dialogue/interaction with a NPC? (via distance or trigger hopefully) I've spend hours looking though StoryManager and AI packs just cant seem to find how to do this. Aaaaand I guess I'm a bad googler because I can't for the life of my find an answer on any CK forum on them good old internetz.
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