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About Methos09

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  1. A lot of us have been having the same problem there is no patch for it yet but someone did come up with a kinda fix check out this forum http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/907923-apocrypha-miraak-bug/
  2. Ok I tried ressurecting him and using the tcl command but it didn't do anything I even moved him to player and he just stood there :(
  3. There are few people who have had the same problem I find that he's not actually invisable but he is underneath the ground haven't found a fix for this as of yet though
  4. I have the exact same issue. Is it a mod causing the problem or just the dlc itself bugging out? If someone does create a patch please post the link
  5. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/31113 download this it fixes the issue
  6. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/31113 thats the link to eXeAmarantha's esp file thankyou so much for this it has been driving me crazy!
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