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About Deadredskittle

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  1. So I enjoy playing a bounty hunter/ gun for hire style character in Fallout. Essentially what i'm requesting is a board you can place at settlement that would fill up every X days/hours with "bounties" or quests that "the settlers or passers by" could post for you. Things like "go here, kill these" or "I'm looking for this item/weapon/armor [that i lost at Y]" or "So and So has been doing X at Y, go put a stop to it". Not looking for anything super fancy or dynamic, just something that pays a few caps and could make it look like you're a known gun for hire and people post notices for you. Even if this had to be something like a console command to spawn the board at your current pos or even just some where in diamond city. I'd very much appreciate this and would be more than willing to help with writing the notes up or what ever if that could reduce some of the work load on whom ever might take this up
  2. and because Dizzaster juice posted here (and now me) this will never happen, because people look at replies and think its already being done
  3. Hello There mod creators, I am offering my service to test if mods break MMGs or Massively Modded Games. What I mean by this is, Introducing your mod to a heavily modded Fallout New Vegas game and seeing if it causes any issues. Now this may seem like a pointless offer, seeing as with so many mods installed how could you possibly know what could cause the crash. However the underlying point to this test is seeing if it conflicts with a wide set of popular mods, because if once introduced, an issue occurs There is a 100% Guarantee that something is Wrong/Conflicts with something major. Now some of you may be asking at this point, What do you consider an MMG? Personally I believe that an MMG is any game with its load order containing more than 75 mods. And now you may be asking "HOLY CRAP HOW COULD YOU HAVE THAT MANY MODS INSTALLED!?" The answer simply being, I like custom items, I like custom quests and I get very bored very quickly. And as a final question you maybe asking, what exactly does your load order look like, and does it work? The answer being that, yes it works 100% of the time (except it crashes after 10 or so fast travels, not entering and exiting worldspaces) Now if you would like me to test your mod to see if it breaks anything or conflicts with any of these mods, just tap off a message. However if you just want to say something along the lines of "HOLY THUNDER COCK f*#@ THAT'S A LOT OF MODS" You can feel free to just post that here on this thread. Cheers! MY LOAD ORDER FalloutNV.esmDeadMoney.esmHonestHearts.esmOldWorldBlues.esmLonesomeRoad.esmGunRunnersArsenal.esmClassicPack.esmMercenaryPack.esmTribalPack.esmCaravanPack.esmCaliber.esmCaliberXgunrunners.esmCaliberXhonesthearts.esmProject Nevada - Core.esmNosCo Companion System.esmRBX.esmLings.esmBrahmin Bess.esmTulipCassidy.esmMikotoBeauty.esmMoMod.esmAWorldOfPain(Preview).esmMore Perks.esmMore Perks for Old World Blues.esmMore Traits.esmProject Nevada - Cyberware.espProject Nevada - Equipment.esmProject Nevada - Rebalance.espProject Nevada - Extra Options.esmSCAV.esmSomeguySeries.esmStopBeatrix.espMission Mojave - Ultimate Edition.espMission Mojave - Ultimate Edition Plus.espProject Nevada - Cyberware Additions.espProject Nevada - Rebalance Complete.espProject Nevada - All DLC.espMMUE POP.espMMUE-CP-PNCore.espMMUE-CP-PNRebalance.espMMUE-CP-PNEquipment.espCASM.espCourierCacheWSE.espAutomated Reloading Bench.espVP70.espNewVegasBountiesII.espTheInheritance.espStopBeatrix2.espReadius_NV.espThe Mod Configuration Menu.espAWOP-MoMod.espMercWanderer.espMore Perks Update.espMore Perks for Old World Blues Update.espMore Traits Update.esp1nivVSLArmors.esp1nivPNSLPatch.espturrets.espThe New Bison Steve Hotel.espZLArmaments.espZLArmaments-NoCaliberX.espScottmackWeaponPack.espCrossbow.espMCL_Pre_warXbow.espbzArmour.espHolster.espQS_Blackwolf_NV_Backpackmod.espTac Vest Addon_NV.espUrgeWasterScarf.espLingsPrettyThings.espGlock18c.espMMUE-CP-AWOP.espNVBabyDeathclawCommander.espUnlimitedCompanions.espUnlimitedCompanions SCRIPT FIX.espw44Satchels - Full.espSteve The Radroach.espJerry McGhoulBerry Advanced.espCaptainballarms.espWMXUE.espWMXUE-CouriersStash.espWMXUE-ModernWeapons.espWMXUE-PN.espWMXUE-AWOP.espFellout.espFellout-OWB.espBetterGamePerformanceV4.espThe Groovatron NV.espMikotoBeauty.espThe Weapon Mod Menu.espDriveableMotorCycle.espAlternative Start.espXM8Finalized.espSaveCass.espMerge Patch.esp Total active plugins: 95Total plugins: 104
  4. Hey there members of the modding community! I've been around here for a while, downloading mods and failing at creating them. However with all the custom weapon mods that i have never seen a Kriss Vector (HUR DUR TEH WAN FRUM CoD) Anyways, This is the website for the weapon http://www.kriss-usa.com/ and i was hoping someone would pick this weapon up and give making it a go!
  5. Okay so im trying to find someone to make a weapon mod that i have been dreaming of for a while. So everyone knows what a frisbee is, but how to make it a weapon? What i was thinking is if someone could take the standard frag mine throwing animation and then decrease gravity's effect on it so it flies straight longer and then increase its velocity so that it goes farther. You could also have explosive ones, Plasma, Pulse, or even just sharp ones for basic impact damage. If anyone could do this it would be most appreciated
  6. Found out that once you start building something in hearthfire, you can't undo it. This was after i gave up my library for a kitchen thinking that's what i needed for a child to be adopted. If at all possible, could someone make a mod that lets you delete a wing of your house? Id be fine if it removes all the stuff in the room, and doesn't even refund you materials.
  7. This Cap is using the mod that already removes the trees you've done, but I'v used paint to highlight the areas that need trees removed to make a rather "perfect" land plot for Tundra Defense http://i46.tinypic.com/2wgy9o3.jpg
  8. Will Try this out, it looks very promising and possibly exactly what i want for the exact house that i wanted to use
  9. With the new and very popular Tundra Defense By Elderwind, people are constantly looking for new and cool places to build their outposts. And now Hearthfire is out (hopefully being patched too) It would be nice to have the areas around the heartfire homes cleared of random trees and large rocks. That way you could have your pretty home with your wife/husband and 2.5 kids, and still govern your very own fortress. Now I consider myself to be completely retarded when it comes to making mods, as i have tried to learn modding and it never went anywhere. So I would like to request someone pick this idea up and carry on with it. And im well aware that there are mods that have changed the landscape of specific areas, specifically for use with the Tundra Defense mod, so this shouldn't be too time consuming for someone who actually knows what they are doing.
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