Hello There mod creators, I am offering my service to test if mods break MMGs or Massively Modded Games. What I mean by this is, Introducing your mod to a heavily modded Fallout New Vegas game and seeing if it causes any issues. Now this may seem like a pointless offer, seeing as with so many mods installed how could you possibly know what could cause the crash. However the underlying point to this test is seeing if it conflicts with a wide set of popular mods, because if once introduced, an issue occurs There is a 100% Guarantee that something is Wrong/Conflicts with something major. Now some of you may be asking at this point, What do you consider an MMG? Personally I believe that an MMG is any game with its load order containing more than 75 mods. And now you may be asking "HOLY CRAP HOW COULD YOU HAVE THAT MANY MODS INSTALLED!?" The answer simply being, I like custom items, I like custom quests and I get very bored very quickly. And as a final question you maybe asking, what exactly does your load order look like, and does it work? The answer being that, yes it works 100% of the time (except it crashes after 10 or so fast travels, not entering and exiting worldspaces) Now if you would like me to test your mod to see if it breaks anything or conflicts with any of these mods, just tap off a message. However if you just want to say something along the lines of "HOLY THUNDER COCK f*#@ THAT'S A LOT OF MODS" You can feel free to just post that here on this thread. Cheers! MY LOAD ORDER FalloutNV.esmDeadMoney.esmHonestHearts.esmOldWorldBlues.esmLonesomeRoad.esmGunRunnersArsenal.esmClassicPack.esmMercenaryPack.esmTribalPack.esmCaravanPack.esmCaliber.esmCaliberXgunrunners.esmCaliberXhonesthearts.esmProject Nevada - Core.esmNosCo Companion System.esmRBX.esmLings.esmBrahmin Bess.esmTulipCassidy.esmMikotoBeauty.esmMoMod.esmAWorldOfPain(Preview).esmMore Perks.esmMore Perks for Old World Blues.esmMore Traits.esmProject Nevada - Cyberware.espProject Nevada - Equipment.esmProject Nevada - Rebalance.espProject Nevada - Extra Options.esmSCAV.esmSomeguySeries.esmStopBeatrix.espMission Mojave - Ultimate Edition.espMission Mojave - Ultimate Edition Plus.espProject Nevada - Cyberware Additions.espProject Nevada - Rebalance Complete.espProject Nevada - All DLC.espMMUE POP.espMMUE-CP-PNCore.espMMUE-CP-PNRebalance.espMMUE-CP-PNEquipment.espCASM.espCourierCacheWSE.espAutomated Reloading Bench.espVP70.espNewVegasBountiesII.espTheInheritance.espStopBeatrix2.espReadius_NV.espThe Mod Configuration Menu.espAWOP-MoMod.espMercWanderer.espMore Perks Update.espMore Perks for Old World Blues Update.espMore Traits Update.esp1nivVSLArmors.esp1nivPNSLPatch.espturrets.espThe New Bison Steve Hotel.espZLArmaments.espZLArmaments-NoCaliberX.espScottmackWeaponPack.espCrossbow.espMCL_Pre_warXbow.espbzArmour.espHolster.espQS_Blackwolf_NV_Backpackmod.espTac Vest Addon_NV.espUrgeWasterScarf.espLingsPrettyThings.espGlock18c.espMMUE-CP-AWOP.espNVBabyDeathclawCommander.espUnlimitedCompanions.espUnlimitedCompanions SCRIPT FIX.espw44Satchels - Full.espSteve The Radroach.espJerry McGhoulBerry Advanced.espCaptainballarms.espWMXUE.espWMXUE-CouriersStash.espWMXUE-ModernWeapons.espWMXUE-PN.espWMXUE-AWOP.espFellout.espFellout-OWB.espBetterGamePerformanceV4.espThe Groovatron NV.espMikotoBeauty.espThe Weapon Mod Menu.espDriveableMotorCycle.espAlternative Start.espXM8Finalized.espSaveCass.espMerge Patch.esp Total active plugins: 95Total plugins: 104