So today I was browsing through some Dwarven house mods, and came out unsatisfied. I found that most of their mods were cliché and incredibly boring ( no offence, brotha.) So I thought up a pretty cool idea! Here goes: It starts out as a big Dwarven ruin, robots, centurions, the things that just bring a tear in your eye and blood from your everywhere. Except at the end, you don't see like a tough guy and get a bit of treasure, the ruin IS your treasure. But not like something that's actually EASY to get, you have to like clear out everyone and everything that could be hostile to your character. I think this should include getting past traps and stuff. You can find like a nearly destroyed robot and fix it up so that you can have it fix up the place a bit. Have it clear out the bodies, fix some of the ruins up. Maybe you could get the robot to built a guardian centurion! That would be badass. Or maybe an army of centurions or sphere bots. Maybe have a real-custom dwarf as a ruin-mate (you see what I did there?) I think there should be a quest to have the little robot up-and-running, again. You could need to find parts for it, kill centurions for their cores and oil to lubricate the bot. Maybe take apart other robots to make a completely new robot! Perhaps on the way you meet a jolly old dwarf? Or maybe a lovely lady? Oh! You know what else would be cool? A custom furniture configuration, like the one in the Build Your Own House mod! It could suit whoever downloads the mod. People could also have to get the robot to upgrade it enough to be able to tunnel out a cave and refine it to be an armoury! But could we get like the armoury to look like a display room as well?(Main problem with the house mods I've seen.) Farms and gardens should be outside though, doesn't make sense to have an underground farm (don't want to look like we have a side business going on now don't we?) You could have the robots set up a quarry for mining, or set up a dungeon (for whatever you're into.) Maybe even make little town inhabited by the ever-so-awesome Dwarves. Before I forget, music, like in Reaper's Dark Tower, but something a little more cherry and upbeat *cough* rock music. Last idea out here, art, with badass picture of Dragonborn kicking ass, or pretty ladies in skanky poses (dude, I get bored from looking at rocks.) If you're still reading this than thanks for even reading this! I just want to throw out a pretty cool idea that I drew in my art book and never really gave to the kind-opinion of the internet!