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Posts posted by GiantSweetroll

  1. Hi,

    Is it possible to check which mod wins the conflict for a particular file? I know you are able to see what files are conflicting between 2 mods in the "rules" section of the mod manager. However, I am in a position where I do not know which mod is conflicting for that one particular file. Is it possible to check for that one particular file in that one particular directory and find out from which mod file wins the conflict and is placed in my data folder?

    Here is an example of my issue:

    I have a file located in Textures/Actors/Character/Female/FemaleHead.dds and I want to know if this comes from Mod A or B. In my particular case, I have over 700 mods so I do not know exactly which mod it is coming from.



  2. The Issue

    I am experiencing a very peculiar CTD on startup. The game launches for a few minutes and I can see the usual ENB start up message, but it soon crashes to desktop before the Bethesda logo comes in.

    In my experience playing modded Fallout 4 and Skyrim, this is usually caused by either:

    1. Missing masters

    2. Going over the plugin (esp + esm) limit of 255 (though I guess it would be 253 if you consider light plugins and saving the last mod index for dynamic objects)

    3. Outdated F4SE mods

    Now here is the weird bit. Let's say I want to install 2 mods, Mod A and Mod B. These two mods are quest mods that comes with an esp file. Having both mods in my data folder (but disabled) and the game starts up fine. Enabling both mods and the game CTD on start up. Enable just either one of the plugins and the game launches fine.

    Mod Setup

    I have 221 plugins with 346 light plugin

    F4SE plugins (via Buffout 4):


    BakaScrapHeap.dll v1.3


    Buffout4.dll v1.26.2










    KnockoutFramework.dll v1.3.1




    NVIDIA_Reflex.dll v1








    weaponInstanceExtended.dll v1




    Load order (via Buffout 4):

    [00] Fallout4.esm

    [01] DLCRobot.esm

    [02] DLCworkshop01.esm

    [03] DLCCoast.esm

    [04] DLCworkshop02.esm

    [05] DLCworkshop03.esm

    [06] DLCNukaWorld.esm

    [07] Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp

    [08] WorkshopFramework.esm

    [09] XDI.esm

    [0A] HUDFramework.esm

    [0B] ArmorKeywords.esm

    [0C] SpringCleaning.esm

    [0D] Overlays.esm

    [0E] AAF.esm

    [0F] PANPC.esm

    [10] Endless Warfare.esm

    [11] NoraSpouse.esm

    [12] SS2.esm

    [13] SS2_XPAC_Chapter2.esm

    [14] Garage.esm

    [15] ProjectZeta.esm

    [16] DEF_WIDGETS_CORE.esm

    [17] Homemaker.esm

    [18] Knockout Framework.esm

    [19] Snap'n Build.esm

    [1A] SettlementKeywords.esm

    [1B] Phase4DLC.esp

    [1C] Unique NPCs - Creatures and Monsters.esp

    [1D] Armorsmith Extended.esp

    [1E] Better Locational Damage.esp

    [1F] 3DNPC_FO4.esp

    [20] ChineseStealthSuit.esp

    [21] SettlersRename.esp

    [22] Survivalist GoBags-Chem Station.esp

    [23] VertibirdBeacon.esp

    [24] SKKRESystemManager.esp

    [25] Slide.esp

    [26] SS2WastelandReconstructionKit.esp

    [27] SS2_CityPlanPack_RiseOfTheCommonwealth.esp

    [28] WmkActiveEffects.esp

    [29] FatherCompanion.esp

    [2A] CW Stormtrooper.esp

    [2B] CloneArmory3.0.esp

    [2C] AnimatedMannequins.esp

    [2D] WestTekTacticalOptics.esp

    [2E] BZW_Executioner.esp

    [2F] Assaultron Junk Parts.esp

    [30] dinoshelf.esp

    [31] AutoDoors.esp

    [32] AEWS.esp

    [33] Better Explosives Redux.esp

    [34] Better Locational Damage - DLC_Far_Harbor.esp

    [35] CF_AtomicWarlord.esp

    [36] th1nkEyebot.esp

    [37] th1nkEyeBot-FarHarbor.esp

    [38] MsAutomatronPartsCollection.esp

    [39] AutomatronWheelLegs.esp

    [3A] DX Courser X-92 Power Suit.esp

    [3B] CROSS_GoreCrits.esp

    [3C] CROSS_Techmask.esp

    [3D] Censor_Comments.esp

    [3E] KSHairdos.esp

    [3F] CompanionStatus.esp

    [40] CraftingNPCs.esp

    [41] Crimsomrider's Immersive Market.esp

    [42] DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp

    [43] CriticalHitsOutsideofVATS.esp

    [44] BZW_Dead_Space.esp

    [45] ESPExplorerFO4.esp

    [46] DeployableTurretsPack.esp

    [47] Dogmeat's Backpack.esp

    [48] dD-Enhanced Blood.esp

    [49] MadKea-01.esp

    [4A] Build High - Expanded Settlements.esp

    [4B] MODaquatic.esp

    [4C] SuperMutantRedux.esp

    [4D] modern firearms.esp

    [4E] RaiderOverhaul.esp

    [4F] 1ECHO.esp

    [50] CROSS_PlasRail.esp

    [51] OutcastsAndRemnants.esp

    [52] AGNISNikaCola01.esp

    [53] Raider Children.esp

    [54] The Train.esp

    [55] FaceMaxson.esp

    [56] ImmersiveGenericDialogues.esp

    [57] PiperCaitCurieDialogueOverhaul.esp

    [58] The Collector's Guides AIO.esp

    [59] MoreAGOMBz.esp

    [5A] Eli_Armour_Compendium.esp

    [5B] ImmersiveDrumlinDiner.esp

    [5C] ECO.esp

    [5D] Explosives_AWKCR.esp

    [5E] PAMAP.esp

    [5F] Weapon Mods Compilation.esp

    [60] NoraSpouseFarHarbor.esp

    [61] AA FusionCityRising.esp

    [62] W.A.T.Minutemen.esp

    [63] EndorsCustomCombatArmor.esp

    [64] Synth Overhaul.esp

    [65] BetterCompanions.esp

    [66] advancedAITweaks.esp

    [67] SS2Extended.esp

    [68] 3DNPC_FO4_DLC.esp

    [69] DCEnhancedSecurity.esp

    [6A] BetterOpenSeason.esp

    [6B] Vivid Weathers - FO4.esp

    [6C] Snappy_HouseK.esp

    [6D] DarkerNights.esp

    [6E] MilitarizedMinutemen.esp

    [6F] AA 50 Ways To Die.esp

    [70] Mercenary.esp

    [71] DOOMMerged.esp

    [72] powerarmort49.esp

    [73] ProjectValkyrie.esp

    [74] MjolnirMKVB.esp

    [75] BetterSettlers.esp

    [76] SkyHQ.esp

    [77] CorpusPraesidium.esp

    [78] CombinedArmsNV.esp

    [79] CombinedArmsEXPack.esp

    [7A] Whirly.esp

    [7B] Campsite.esp

    [7C] unclechubby.esp

    [7D] EnclaveX02.esp

    [7E] FO4Hotkeys.esp

    [7F] Facials.esp

    [80] MoreVaultRooms.esp

    [81] Farming Resources.esp

    [82] HN66-SiriusArmor.esp

    [83] GCM.esp

    [84] Raider Overhaul - AE Patch.esp

    [85] mmd_GuardPostWithSpotlights.esp

    [86] HoloTime.esp

    [87] Elzee Human Grab Attacks.esp

    [88] UGO_PlayerModule.esp

    [89] UGO_NPCModule.esp

    [8A] Immersive HUD.esp

    [8B] ImmersiveVendors.esp

    [8C] Invisible_Guard_Marker-SKE.esp

    [8D] Locksmith.esp

    [8E] Locky Bastard.esp

    [8F] LooksMirror.esp

    [90] AarwynLFR.esp

    [91] CreationClubDelay.esp

    [92] LAER.esp

    [93] MakeshiftCMG.esp

    [94] ellen.esp

    [FE:000] ccbgsfo4001-pipboy(black).esl

    [FE:001] ccbgsfo4003-pipboy(camo01).esl

    [FE:002] ccbgsfo4004-pipboy(camo02).esl

    [FE:003] ccbgsfo4006-pipboy(chrome).esl

    [FE:004] ccbgsfo4014-pipboy(white).esl

    [FE:005] ccbgsfo4005-bluecamo.esl

    [FE:006] ccbgsfo4016-prey.esl

    [FE:007] ccbgsfo4019-chinesestealtharmor.esl

    [FE:008] ccbgsfo4023-powerarmorskin(camo02).esl

    [FE:009] ccbgsfo4025-powerarmorskin(chrome).esl

    [FE:00A] ccbgsfo4033-powerarmorskinwhite.esl

    [FE:00B] ccbgsfo4024-pacamo03.esl

    [FE:00C] ccbgsfo4038-horsearmor.esl

    [FE:00D] ccfsvfo4002-midcenturymodern.esl

    [FE:00E] ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl

    [FE:00F] ccgcafo4001-factionws01army.esl

    [FE:010] ccgcafo4002-factionws02acat.esl

    [FE:011] ccgcafo4004-factionws04gun.esl

    [FE:012] ccgcafo4005-factionws05hrpink.esl

    [FE:013] ccgcafo4007-factionws07hrflames.esl

    [FE:014] ccgcafo4010-factionws10rr.esl

    [FE:015] ccgcafo4011-factionws11vt.esl

    [FE:016] ccgcafo4012-factionas01acat.esl

    [FE:017] ccgcafo4014-factionas03gun.esl

    [FE:018] ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl

    [FE:019] ccgcafo4019-factionas08nuk.esl

    [FE:01A] ccgcafo4022-factionas11vt.esl

    [FE:01B] ccawnfo4001-brandedattire.esl

    [FE:01C] ccswkfo4002-pipnuka.esl

    [FE:01D] ccswkfo4003-pipquan.esl

    [FE:01E] ccbgsfo4053-dggoldr.esl

    [FE:01F] ccbgsfo4056-dglabb.esl

    [FE:020] ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl

    [FE:021] ccrzrfo4004-pipinst.esl

    [FE:022] ccfrsfo4002-antimaterielrifle.esl

    [FE:023] ccbgsfo4075-pipshroud.esl

    [FE:024] ccbgsfo4009-piporan.esl

    [FE:025] ccbgsfo4011-pippurp.esl

    [FE:026] ccbgsfo4028-powerarmorskinorange.esl

    [FE:027] ccbgsfo4030-powerarmorskinpurple.esl

    [FE:028] ccbgsfo4032-powerarmorskintan.esl

    [FE:029] ccgrcfo4001-pipgreytort.esl

    [FE:02A] ccbgsfo4013-piptan.esl

    [FE:02B] ccbgsfo4108-ws_childrenofatom.esl

    [FE:02C] ccbgsfo4095-as_childrenofatom.esl

    [FE:02D] ccbgsfo4089-pipsynthwave.esl

    [FE:02E] cccrsfo4001-pipcoa.esl

    [FE:02F] PPF.esm

    [FE:030] ClassicUnarmedPack.esl

    [FE:031] CanarySaveFileMonitor.esl

    [FE:032] ClimbableLadders.esl

    [FE:033] ARB.esl

    [FE:034] ARB-WSFW.esl

    [FE:035] Quad_Accelerator.esl

    [FE:036] Alternate_Power_Sources.esl

    [FE:037] AutomatronDisassembler.esl

    [FE:038] Automatron Randomized Bots Framework.esm

    [FE:039] Arbitration - Resources.esm

    [FE:03A] CROSS_CosmeticFramework.esm

    [FE:03B] CROSS_CoA.esl

    [FE:03C] ClassicMeleePack.esl

    [FE:03D] WhirligigSentry.esl

    [FE:03E] Preydiation Suit.esl

    [FE:03F] ShieldBubble.esl

    [FE:040] ClassicSuperSledge.esl

    [FE:041] Corpse Collision.esl

    [FE:042] ZTacGear.esl

    [FE:043] Dogs can grab player.esl

    [FE:044] Quad_Element.esl

    [FE:045] Immersive_Molotovs_Flamer_Ruddy88ExtendedESL.esl

    [FE:046] Quad_Fusillade.esl

    [FE:047] GCM_DLC_Automatron.esl

    [FE:048] ImmersiveDogmeat.esl

    [FE:049] NMC Bundle HIGH.esl

    [FE:04A] Nuka World HD Texture Pack.esl

    [FE:04B] GCM_DLC_Far_Harbor.esl

    [FE:04C] Quad_RAWLauncher.esl

    [FE:04D] SpawnSettlerButton.esl

    [FE:04E] Quad_Technetronic.esl

    [FE:04F] WinchesterP94.esl

    [FE:050] VLPad.esl

    [FE:051] Better Perks.esp

    [FE:052] Better Locational Damage - DLC_WWorkshop.esp

    [FE:053] 3DNPC_FO4 AE.esp

    [FE:054] RemoteExplosives.esp

    [FE:055] Nexus_PMC.esp

    [FE:056] PMC_extended.esp

    [FE:057] Realistic Sprinting.esp

    [FE:058] AWKCR - Last Resort CTD FIX.esp

    [FE:059] Better Rubble.esp

    [FE:05A] Wet Effects.esp

    [FE:05B] dynamicHelmet.esp

    [FE:05C] Fixed Gobo Effects.esp

    [FE:05D] SS2_XDI Patch.esp

    [FE:05E] CBBE.esp

    [FE:05F] AnimatedMannequins_gun.esp

    [FE:060] Armored General by Hothtrooper44.esp

    [FE:061] Armorsmith Hothtrooper44.esp

    [FE:062] BuildAnythingInMechanistLair.esp

    [FE:063] BLD - Leveled Lists - DLC.esp

    [FE:064] Better Locational Damage - DLC_Nuka_World.esp

    [FE:065] Better Vertibird.esp

    [FE:066] th1nkEyeBot-NukaWorld.esp

    [FE:067] th1nkEyeBot-DLC03DLC04Addon.esp

    [FE:068] th1nkEyeBot-WeightlessMiscModsAiO.esp

    [FE:069] NoLoopingWeaponSounds_DLC_Nuka.esp

    [FE:06A] Better Power Armor - Normal.esp

    [FE:06B] BetterSettlersNoLollygagging.esp

    [FE:06C] Blood Angels Death Company Paint.esp

    [FE:06D] BuildAnythingInInteriors.esp

    [FE:06E] BullDozierStandalone.esp

    [FE:06F] Arbitration - Button Lowered Weapons.esp

    [FE:070] CROSS_GoreCrits_FarHarborPatch.esp

    [FE:071] CROSS_Uni_Headset.esp

    [FE:072] CarExplosions.esp

    [FE:073] Ai Tweak.esp

    [FE:074] Brahmin Watertrough.esp

    [FE:075] BrahminFeederFull.esp

    [FE:076] CF_AtomicWarlordNoMod.esp

    [FE:077] CommonWealthRascalPaint.esp

    [FE:078] 1nivDX Courser X-92 Power Suit Male.esp

    [FE:079] Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp

    [FE:07A] TurretStands.esp

    [FE:07B] CF_AtomicWarlord_CBBE.esp

    [FE:07C] DeathstrokeSet.esp

    [FE:07D] BetterNightVision.esp

    [FE:07E] DTP - AWKCR Compatibility.esp

    [FE:07F] Digital.esp

    [FE:080] Dynamic Window Blinds.esp

    [FE:081] unleveled.esp

    [FE:082] LagrieHelmet.esp

    [FE:083] AE LLP - Lagrie Helmets - Raider Overhaul.esp

    [FE:084] BLD_Armor_Overhaul.esp

    [FE:085] BetterJunkFences.esp

    [FE:086] Build High - Builder's Patch.esp

    [FE:087] More Power Armour Mods.esp

    [FE:088] Live Dismemberment - Brutal.esp

    [FE:089] Companion Thoughts Overhaul.esp

    [FE:08A] EncounterZoneNoLimit.esp

    [FE:08B] MoreAGOMBz_CP_BHES.esp

    [FE:08C] Better Locational Damage - DLC_Automatron.esp

    [FE:08D] Elzee Breathe.esp

    [FE:08E] ECO_INNRoverride.esp

    [FE:08F] Automatron Randomized Bots Overrider.esp

    [FE:090] Automatron Randomized Bots Overrider Unleveled.esp

    [FE:091] Automatron Randomized Bots - Nuka World Patch.esp

    [FE:092] Automatron Randomized Bots - AEWS Patch.esp

    [FE:093] Automatron Randomized Bots - Assaultron Junk Parts patch.esp

    [FE:094] Automatron Randomized Bots - Th1nk Eyebots.esp

    [FE:095] Automatron Randomized Bots - MsPartsCollection Patch.esp

    [FE:096] Automatron Randomized Bots - Automatron Wheel Legs Patch.esp

    [FE:097] Automatron Randomized Bots - Patches Conflict Resolution.esp

    [FE:098] DLC01StabilizationGauntlets.esp

    [FE:099] CROSS_PlasRail - AWKCR-Compatibility.esp

    [FE:09A] NoLoopingWeaponSounds.esp

    [FE:09B] MoreAGOMBz_CP_UNPC-CM.esp

    [FE:09C] Better Locational Damage LD.esp

    [FE:09D] Better Locational Damage - Ghoul Edition.esp

    [FE:09E] JOTC-SynthOverhaul-BLD.esp

    [FE:09F] EndorsCustomCombatArmor_AE.esp

    [FE:0A0] EndorsCustomCombatArmor_CFA.esp

    [FE:0A1] EndorsCustomCombatArmor_BoSKit.esp

    [FE:0A2] EndorsCustomCombatArmor_ChromeSynths.esp

    [FE:0A3] EndorsCustomCombatArmor_SynthOverhaul.esp

    [FE:0A4] EndorsCustomCombatArmor_VaultSuitDLC_AE.esp

    [FE:0A5] Assaultron Grab Skills.esp

    [FE:0A6] BLD - AI Tweaks.esp

    [FE:0A7] Craftable Armor Size.esp

    [FE:0A8] EndorsCustomCombatArmor_CAS_CCA_Cost.esp

    [FE:0A9] SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp

    [FE:0AA] Vertibird Faction Paint Schemes.esp

    [FE:0AB] WestonWaterLOD.esp

    [FE:0AC] CROSS_Uni_Headset_LeveledLists.esp

    [FE:0AD] DarkerNightsDetection.esp

    [FE:0AE] Killable Children.esp

    [FE:0AF] Deathclaw Grab Skills.esp

    [FE:0B0] MiscHairstyle.esp

    [FE:0B1] Ellie remake.esp

    [FE:0B2] EnclaveX02_PAMAP.esp

    [FE:0B3] Feral Ghoul Bite Skills.esp

    [FE:0B4] FirstPersonViewableItemsExpanded.esp

    [FE:0B5] GasMaskUpgrades.esp

    [FE:0B6] GaussRifleMk2.esp

    [FE:0B7] GaussRifleMk2 - AWKCR.esp

    [FE:0B8] FryingPanSA.esp

    [FE:0B9] Grounded.esp

    [FE:0BA] X01 Hexoflage.esp

    [FE:0BB] UGO_1HSupport.esp

    [FE:0BC] IP4APA.esp

    [FE:0BD] KaBarBeckerBK3.esp

    [FE:0BE] KaBarBeckerBK9.esp

    [FE:0BF] Kasumi vanilla.esp

    [FE:0C0] Kasumi.esp

    [FE:0C1] LongerHeadlampLightWithShadows.esp

    [FE:0C2] LooksMenu.esp

    [FE:0C3] LovingCurie_1.0.3b.esp

    [FE:0C4] ZetaFix.esp

    [FE:0C5] FIM-92 Stinger.esp

    Load order (in vortex):

    # Automatically generated by Vortex

    *Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp


















    *Automatron Randomized Bots Framework.esm

    *Arbitration - Resources.esm




    *Endless Warfare.esm







    *Preydiation Suit.esl



    *Corpse Collision.esl


    *Dogs can grab player.esl








    *Knockout Framework.esm

    *NMC Bundle HIGH.esl

    *Nuka World HD Texture Pack.esl



    *Snap'n Build.esm






    *Better Perks.esp


    *Unique NPCs - Creatures and Monsters.esp

    *Armorsmith Extended.esp

    *Better Locational Damage.esp

    *Better Locational Damage - DLC_WWorkshop.esp


    *3DNPC_FO4 AE.esp




    *Survivalist GoBags-Chem Station.esp






    *Realistic Sprinting.esp


    *AWKCR - Last Resort CTD FIX.esp

    *Better Rubble.esp

    *Wet Effects.esp




    *Fixed Gobo Effects.esp


    *SS2_XDI Patch.esp

    *CW Stormtrooper.esp






    *Armored General by Hothtrooper44.esp



    *Armorsmith Hothtrooper44.esp


    *Assaultron Junk Parts.esp





    *Better Explosives Redux.esp

    *Better Locational Damage - DLC_Far_Harbor.esp

    *BLD - Leveled Lists - DLC.esp


    *Better Locational Damage - DLC_Nuka_World.esp

    *Better Vertibird.esp









    *Better Power Armor - Normal.esp


    *Blood Angels Death Company Paint.esp



    *Arbitration - Button Lowered Weapons.esp

    *DX Courser X-92 Power Suit.esp






    *Ai Tweak.esp

    *Brahmin Watertrough.esp








    *1nivDX Courser X-92 Power Suit Male.esp

    *Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp



    *Crimsomrider's Immersive Market.esp









    *DTP - AWKCR Compatibility.esp


    *Dogmeat's Backpack.esp

    *Dynamic Window Blinds.esp

    *dD-Enhanced Blood.esp


    *Build High - Expanded Settlements.esp




    *modern firearms.esp


    SuperMutantRedux VIS Patch.esp


    *AE LLP - Lagrie Helmets - Raider Overhaul.esp



    *Build High - Builder's Patch.esp

    *More Power Armour Mods.esp



    *Live Dismemberment - Brutal.esp




    *Raider Children.esp

    *The Train.esp

    *Companion Thoughts Overhaul.esp




    *The Collector's Guides AIO.esp







    *Better Locational Damage - DLC_Automatron.esp

    *Elzee Breathe.esp



    *Automatron Randomized Bots Overrider.esp

    *Automatron Randomized Bots Overrider Unleveled.esp

    *Automatron Randomized Bots - Nuka World Patch.esp

    *Automatron Randomized Bots - AEWS Patch.esp

    *Automatron Randomized Bots - Assaultron Junk Parts patch.esp

    *Automatron Randomized Bots - Th1nk Eyebots.esp

    *Automatron Randomized Bots - MsPartsCollection Patch.esp

    *Automatron Randomized Bots - Automatron Wheel Legs Patch.esp

    *Automatron Randomized Bots - Patches Conflict Resolution.esp



    *CROSS_PlasRail - AWKCR-Compatibility.esp

    *Weapon Mods Compilation.esp





    *AA FusionCityRising.esp


    Better Locational Damage - Valdacil's Item Sorting - Patch.esp

    *Better Locational Damage LD.esp

    Live Dismemberment - Insane-o.esp

    Live Dismemberment - Liebermode.esp

    Live Dismemberment - Mental.esp

    Live Dismemberment - Mind-Blowing.esp

    Live Dismemberment - POSTAL.esp

    Live Dismemberment - Regular.esp

    *Better Locational Damage - Ghoul Edition.esp


    *Synth Overhaul.esp










    *Assaultron Grab Skills.esp

    *BLD - AI Tweaks.esp

    *Craftable Armor Size.esp








    *Vertibird Faction Paint Schemes.esp

    *Vivid Weathers - FO4.esp

    Children of Ug Qualtoth.esp




    *AA 50 Ways To Die.esp




















    *Killable Children.esp

    *Deathclaw Grab Skills.esp






    *Ellie remake.esp





    fn five-seven v3.0.esp





    *Farming Resources.esp

    *Feral Ghoul Bite Skills.esp





    *Raider Overhaul - AE Patch.esp



    *GaussRifleMk2 - AWKCR.esp




    *X01 Hexoflage.esp


    *Elzee Human Grab Attacks.esp





    *Immersive HUD.esp






    *Kasumi vanilla.esp



    *Locky Bastard.esp









    *FIM-92 Stinger.esp



    Preydiation Suit.esp





    Glock 17&18.esp





    *Better Locational Damage - Robot Edition.esp



    *Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp


    *Heavy BoS.esp

    *FO4 NPCs Travel.esp


















    *DD_AIO Test Mark 1.esp




















    *Automatron DLC Legendaries.esp

    *Automatron DLC Legendaries - Armorsmith Extd Patch.esp

    *Automatron Helmets Fix.esp

    *Chinese Greatsword.esp




    *BP VIS AE patch - CROSS_IES X6-88.esp

    *BP VIS AE patch - CROSS_IES.esp

    *Better Power Armor - BLD - Patch.esp









    *Crossbows of the Commonwealth - AWKCR-Compatibility.esp

    *PCDugBuildAWall - Auto Doors Patch.esp


    *Extended weapon mods.esp





    *G36 add-ons survival.esp














    *LAER Automatron Weapons.esp

    *LAER Non-Lethal Addon.esp


    *Legendary Power Armour.esp

    OTs-02 Kiparis.esp




















    *More Power Armour Mods - Automatron.esp

    *Elzee Human Grab Attacks - More melee styles.esp

    *NMC Bundle HIGH.esp




    *Plasma Saber.esp



    *Northland Diggers New.esp

    *Nuka World HD Texture Pack.esp









    *Power HD Painting.esp


    *Marmo1233 - PowerArmorAirdrop.esp




    *Project Reality Footsteps FO4.esp



    *Radscorpion Stab Skill.esp

    *Radstag Grab Skill.esp


    *Realistic_conversations - More_NPCs.esp


    *dD-Realistic Ragdoll Force.esp


    *Grasslands - Healthy.esp




    *Sandbag Fortifications - Version 2C.esp






    *Settler Sandbox Overhaul.esp




    *Sinking Bodies.esp

    *HN66 SIRIUS12 AE VIS Patch.esp





    *Northland Diggers.esp













    *strong_PA - AWKCR.esp


    *Survivalist Go-Bags_AE_AWKCR.esp

    *SwitchboxGenerator 5-AllRad.esp

    *Synth Overhaul - No level requirements Patch.esp

    *Synths Revamped.esp

    *TNR Shoulder Lamp.esp

    *TNR Shoulder Lamp - Alternate Slot.esp

    *TNR Shoulder Lamp - Settings.esp


    *Tesla X01.esp

    *Wasteland Sniper by Hothtrooper44.esp

    *Weapon Brackets.esp


    *retakrew7 - automatron synth 1 2.esp

    *GR123 West Tek Tactical Gloves.esp

    *Infinite Armory.esp

    *Elzee Cough.esp

    *Tactical Flashlights.esp

    *Tactical Flashlights - Settings.esp


    *Targeting Sensors on Recon Scopes.esp





    *Actual Chinese Greatsword.esp



    *personal paintings.esp




    *Thematic and Practical.esp

    *Thematic and Practical - DLC.esp






    *Unique NPCs - Creatures and Monsters_SMR_AE.esp

    *Unique NPCs - Creatures and Monsters - AE Patch.esp





    *Vault-Tec Workshop Overhaul.esp


    WM Heavy Machine Gun - Standalone.esp





    *Modern Firearms - Weightless stuff.esp





    *Yaoguai grab skill.esp


    *iHUD compability patch.esp

    *luxor8071's HD Texture Pack AIO Pt 2.esp

    *luxor8071's HD Texture Pack AIO Pt 3.esp

    *luxor8071's HD Texture Pack AIO Pt 4.esp

    *luxor8071 HD Texture Pack AIO.esp

    *FormID List Patches.esp




    *Vivid Weathers - FO4 - Far Harbor.esp

    *Vivid Weathers - Nuka World.esp


    *Ellen CTO Patch.esp

    *Nora CTO.esp

    *Rakshasa Armory.esp

    *Rakshasa Armory Camo.esp





    *Better Chems.esp

    *Targeting HUD Enhanced.esp

    *Eli Armor Compendium AE Patch.esp

    *Follower Revive System.esp

    Crafting Framework - Patches.esp

    *Modern Armors.esp






    Bashed Patch, 0.esp

    Weightless Stuff - Follow Through.esp

    I have also installed mods recommended by this article: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/articles/3769

    My Troubleshooting

    So here are the things that I've tried to debug the problem:

    - I have checked using both Vortex and loading my entire load order into FO4Edit to check for missing masters and both programs does not indicate any missing masters.

    - My normal plugin count (ESM + ESP that are not flagged as light plugin) is below 253.

    - I don't think my F4SE mods are outdated, as the game can still launch if only either Mod A or Mod B is enabled.

    - I have narrowed down the issue to be revolving around the following plugins: PPF.esm, PRP.esp, PRP-Hotfix.esp, sectorv.esp, CHAOTIC SUN.esp. There could be more but through my testing I can repeat the crash by enabling/disabling the aforementioned plugins.

    The table attached as a file shows my testing. Y/N on the plugins shows if the plugins were enabled.

    - Changing any plugin from ESP-FE to normal ESP does not result in any change.

    - Adding the Creation Club content Nuka Furniture (which is an ESL) causes a crash as well, removing it and the game launches fine (at the time, from the 5 plugins used for testing, only sectorv.esp was enabled)

    - The crash log generated by Buffout 4 is detailed below (can't seem to upload it for some reason):

    Fallout 4 v1.10.163

    Buffout 4 v1.26.2

    Unhandled exception "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION" at 0x7FF631FA8F6A Fallout4.exe+1AF8F6A


    F4EE: false


    ActorIsHostileToActor: true

    CellInit: true

    CreateD3DAndSwapChain: true

    EncounterZoneReset: true

    GreyMovies: true

    MagicEffectApplyEvent: true

    MovementPlanner: true

    PackageAllocateLocation: true

    SafeExit: true

    TESObjectREFRGetEncounterZone: true

    UnalignedLoad: true

    UtilityShader: true


    Achievements: true

    BSMTAManager: true

    BSPreCulledObjects: true

    BSTextureStreamerLocalHeap: true

    HavokMemorySystem: true

    INISettingCollection: true

    InputSwitch: false

    MaxStdIO: -1

    MemoryManager: false

    MemoryManagerDebug: false

    ScaleformAllocator: true

    SmallBlockAllocator: true

    WorkshopMenu: true


    CreateTexture2D: true

    ImageSpaceAdapter: true


    OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro v10.0.18362

    CPU: GenuineIntel Intel® Core i7-9700K CPU @ 3.60GHz

    GPU #1: Nvidia TU106 [GeForce RTX 2070]

    GPU #2: Microsoft Basic Render Driver

    PHYSICAL MEMORY: 16.32 GB/31.93 GB


    [ 0] 0x7FF631FA8F6A Fallout4.exe+1AF8F6A -> 1447818+0x3A

    [ 1] 0x7FF632033FC9 Fallout4.exe+1B83FC9 -> 116219+0x1F9

    [ 2] 0x7FF632035FD7 Fallout4.exe+1B85FD7 -> 847044+0x57

    [ 3] 0x7FF632026832 Fallout4.exe+1B76832 -> 270048+0x42

    [ 4] 0x7FF63202A34B Fallout4.exe+1B7A34B -> 1309589+0x9B

    [ 5] 0x7FF632029F44 Fallout4.exe+1B79F44 -> 1285198+0x1C4

    [ 6] 0x7FF63201FCDC Fallout4.exe+1B6FCDC -> 1566228+0x61C

    [ 7] 0x7FF63202D93A Fallout4.exe+1B7D93A -> 1261045+0x3A

    [ 8] 0x7FF6305CD6C4 Fallout4.exe+011D6C4 -> 280736+0x2B4

    [ 9] 0x7FF6305C6E9F Fallout4.exe+0116E9F -> 57137+0x27F

    [10] 0x7FF6311E7CD4 Fallout4.exe+0D37CD4 -> 708657+0x2F4

    [11] 0x7FF6311EF253 Fallout4.exe+0D3F253 -> 407290+0x263

    [12] 0x7FF6312035A9 Fallout4.exe+0D535A9 -> 1085735+0x29

    [13] 0x7FFE30A6A8AC f4se_1_10_163.dll+000A8AC

    [14] 0x7FF631FCCFED Fallout4.exe+1B1CFED -> 1079791+0x3D

    [15] 0x7FFE87297C24 KERNEL32.DLL+0017C24

    [16] 0x7FFE8796D721 ntdll.dll+006D721


    RAX 0x0 (size_t)

    RCX 0x1000 (size_t)

    RDX 0x0 (size_t)

    RBX 0x7FF6360B7038 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+5C07038)

    RSP 0xA3969ED00 (void*)

    RBP 0x1 (size_t)

    RSI 0x7FF6360B7038 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+5C07038)

    RDI 0x114672A1200 (BSResource::`anonymous namespace'::LooseFileAsyncStream*)

    R8 0x326162FA46A777 (size_t)

    R9 0x114672A1200 (BSResource::`anonymous namespace'::LooseFileAsyncStream*)

    R10 0x7FF636017580 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+5B67580)

    R11 0xA3969ED00 (void*)

    R12 0x11464BDEE58 (char*) "DATA\"

    R13 0x0 (size_t)

    R14 0x11464BDEEC0 (BSResource::LooseFileLocation*)

    R15 0x114F82BC100 (char*) " "


    [RSP+0 ] 0xA3969ED70 (void*)

    [RSP+8 ] 0x114672A1200 (BSResource::`anonymous namespace'::LooseFileAsyncStream*)

    [RSP+10 ] 0x1 (size_t)

    [RSP+18 ] 0x9 (size_t)

    [RSP+20 ] 0x9 (size_t)

    [RSP+28 ] 0x7FF632033FC9 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1B83FC9)

    [RSP+30 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+38 ] 0xA3969ED80 (void*)

    [RSP+40 ] 0x7FF636017580 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+5B67580)

    [RSP+48 ] 0x7FF6360B7038 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+5C07038)

    [RSP+50 ] 0x3297D70 (size_t)

    [RSP+58 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+60 ] 0x11464BDEEC0 (BSResource::LooseFileLocation*)

    [RSP+68 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+70 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+78 ] 0x114672A1200 (BSResource::`anonymous namespace'::LooseFileAsyncStream*)

    [RSP+80 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+88 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+90 ] 0x6D616574535C3A4A (size_t)

    [RSP+98 ] 0x5C7972617262694C (size_t)

    [RSP+A0 ] 0x7070616D61657473 (size_t)

    [RSP+A8 ] 0x6E6F6D6D6F635C73 (size_t)

    [RSP+B0 ] 0x74756F6C6C61465C (size_t)

    [RSP+B8 ] 0x5C415441445C3420 (size_t)

    [RSP+C0 ] 0x202D206E656C6C65 (size_t)

    [RSP+C8 ] 0x655F736563696F56 (size_t)

    [RSP+D0 ] 0x3261622E6E (size_t)

    [RSP+D8 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+E0 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+E8 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+F0 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+F8 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+100 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+108 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+110 ] 0x55EB947C98C7 (size_t)

    [RSP+118 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+120 ] 0x1 (size_t)

    [RSP+128 ] 0x7FF631FF2FE8 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1B42FE8)

    [RSP+130 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+138 ] 0x7FF631FCC503 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1B1C503)

    [RSP+140 ] 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF (size_t)

    [RSP+148 ] 0x7FFE856FDCF5 (void* -> KERNELBASE.dll+002DCF5)

    [RSP+150 ] 0x7FF636009FA0 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+5B59FA0)

    [RSP+158 ] 0x11464D5E760 (void*)

    [RSP+160 ] 0xA3969F290 (void*)

    [RSP+168 ] 0x114F82BC100 (char*) " "

    [RSP+170 ] 0xA3969F640 (char*) "ellen - Voices_en.ba2"

    [RSP+178 ] 0x100 (size_t)

    [RSP+180 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+188 ] 0x7FF631FBF372 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1B0F372)

    [RSP+190 ] 0x7FF633D7C980 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+38CC980)

    [RSP+198 ] 0xA3969F2B0 (void*)

    [RSP+1A0 ] 0xA3969F290 (void*)

    [RSP+1A8 ] 0xA3969F640 (char*) "ellen - Voices_en.ba2"

    [RSP+1B0 ] 0x114F82BC100 (char*) " "

    [RSP+1B8 ] 0x100 (size_t)

    [RSP+1C0 ] 0x3000 (size_t)

    [RSP+1C8 ] 0x114671B64C8 (char*) "ellen - Voices_en.ba2"

    [RSP+1D0 ] 0x7FF6360B7038 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+5C07038)

    [RSP+1D8 ] 0x7FF632035FD7 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1B85FD7)

    [RSP+1E0 ] 0x7FF603297D70 (size_t)

    [RSP+1E8 ] 0x11466262300 (BSResource::`anonymous namespace'::LooseFileStream*)

    [RSP+1F0 ] 0x7FF6360B6838 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+5C06838)

    [RSP+1F8 ] 0x7FF6360B7038 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+5C07038)

    [RSP+200 ] 0xA3969EF20 (void*)

    [RSP+208 ] 0x7FF631FF8300 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1B48300)

    [RSP+210 ] 0x7FF6360B6008 (BSResource::Archive2::Index*)

    [RSP+218 ] 0x7FF632026832 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1B76832)

    [RSP+220 ] 0x114F82BC100 (char*) " "

    [RSP+228 ] 0xA3969F290 (void*)

    [RSP+230 ] 0xA3969F2B0 (void*)

    [RSP+238 ] 0x100 (size_t)

    [RSP+240 ] 0x114F82BC100 (char*) " "

    [RSP+248 ] 0x9 (size_t)

    [RSP+250 ] 0xA3969F290 (void*)

    [RSP+258 ] 0x7FF63202A34B (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1B7A34B)

    [RSP+260 ] 0x7FF6360B6008 (BSResource::Archive2::Index*)

    [RSP+268 ] 0x7FF6360B7C60 (char*) "|k"

    [RSP+270 ] 0x7FF6360B6008 (BSResource::Archive2::Index*)

    [RSP+278 ] 0x17600 (size_t)

    [RSP+280 ] 0xA3969F290 (void*)

    [RSP+288 ] 0x114676F3EE0 (void*)

    [RSP+290 ] 0xA3969F130 (char*) "n.esp\EllenUniqueVoice\0000BEED_3.fuz"

    [RSP+298 ] 0x7FF632029F44 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1B79F44)

    [RSP+2A0 ] 0x114676F3EC0 (void*)

    [RSP+2A8 ] 0x7FF6360B7C68 (char*) "|k"

    [RSP+2B0 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+2B8 ] 0x3297D70 (size_t)

    [RSP+2C0 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+2C8 ] 0x7FF632028A2B (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1B78A2B)

    [RSP+2D0 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+2D8 ] 0x7FF6360B6000 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+5C06000)

    [RSP+2E0 ] 0x4C524E47 (size_t)

    [RSP+2E8 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+2F0 ] 0xA3969F2B0 (void*)

    [RSP+2F8 ] 0x7FF63201F0FB (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1B6F0FB)

    [RSP+300 ] 0x6C3 (size_t)

    [RSP+308 ] 0xA3969F130 (char*) "n.esp\EllenUniqueVoice\0000BEED_3.fuz"

    [RSP+310 ] 0x61 (size_t)

    [RSP+318 ] 0x7FF6360B6000 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+5C06000)

    [RSP+320 ] 0x4C524E47 (size_t)

    [RSP+328 ] 0x7FF63201FCDC (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1B6FCDC)

    [RSP+330 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+338 ] 0xA3969F290 (void*)

    [RSP+340 ] 0x114676F3EC0 (void*)

    [RSP+348 ] 0xA3969F22C (void*)

    [RSP+350 ] 0xA3969F0B8 (void*)

    [RSP+358 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+360 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+368 ] 0x114671B64B0 (void*)

    [RSP+370 ] 0x11575B50010 (void*)

    [RSP+378 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+380 ] 0x100000 (size_t)

    [RSP+388 ] 0x100000 (size_t)

    [RSP+390 ] 0xF384 (size_t)

    [RSP+398 ] 0x100000 (size_t)

    [RSP+3A0 ] 0x158445442 (size_t)

    [RSP+3A8 ] 0x6C34C524E47 (size_t)

    [RSP+3B0 ] 0x3280698 (size_t)

    [RSP+3B8 ] 0x176D8 (size_t)

    [RSP+3C0 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+3C8 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+3D0 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+3D8 ] 0x100000 (size_t)

    [RSP+3E0 ] 0x3261621FE8156D (size_t)

    [RSP+3E8 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+3F0 ] 0x11575C50020 (char*) ";"

    [RSP+3F8 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+400 ] 0x3280698 (size_t)

    [RSP+408 ] 0x3297D70 (size_t)

    [RSP+410 ] 0x176D8 (size_t)

    [RSP+418 ] 0x176D8 (size_t)

    [RSP+420 ] 0x6F565C646E756F00 (size_t)

    [RSP+428 ] 0x656C6C455C656369 (size_t)

    [RSP+430 ] 0x6C455C7073652E6E (size_t)

    [RSP+438 ] 0x7571696E556E656C (size_t)

    [RSP+440 ] 0x305C6563696F5665 (size_t)

    [RSP+448 ] 0x5F44454542303030 (size_t)

    [RSP+450 ] 0x7A00007A75662E33 (size_t)

    [RSP+458 ] 0x7A7500 (size_t)

    [RSP+460 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+468 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+470 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+478 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+480 ] 0x55EB947C8457 (size_t)

    [RSP+488 ] 0x18 (size_t)

    [RSP+490 ] 0xA3969F5B0 (void*)

    [RSP+498 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+4A0 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+4A8 ] 0x5F7C (size_t)

    [RSP+4B0 ] 0x5F7C (size_t)

    [RSP+4B8 ] 0x7FFE856FDCF5 (void* -> KERNELBASE.dll+002DCF5)

    [RSP+4C0 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+4C8 ] 0x114F82BBE39 (void*)

    [RSP+4D0 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+4D8 ] 0x11464BDEEC0 (BSResource::LooseFileLocation*)

    [RSP+4E0 ] 0x7FF6360B7EF4 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+5C07EF4)

    [RSP+4E8 ] 0x7FF6320347BC (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1B847BC)

    [RSP+4F0 ] 0x3297D70 (size_t)

    [RSP+4F8 ] 0x7FF6360B7EF4 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+5C07EF4)

    [RSP+500 ] 0x1 (size_t)

    [RSP+508 ] 0xA3969F5B0 (void*)

    [RSP+510 ] 0x400000000 (size_t)

    [RSP+518 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+520 ] 0x6C300000000 (size_t)

    [RSP+528 ] 0x6C3 (size_t)

    [RSP+530 ] 0x4 (size_t)

    [RSP+538 ] 0x114F82BC100 (char*) " "

    [RSP+540 ] 0x11464BDEEC0 (BSResource::LooseFileLocation*)

    [RSP+548 ] 0x7FF6360B6000 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+5C06000)

    [RSP+550 ] 0x1D84A7DC934B7CE (size_t)

    [RSP+558 ] 0x3297D70 (size_t)

    [RSP+560 ] 0x6D616574535C3A4A (size_t)

    [RSP+568 ] 0x5C7972617262694C (size_t)

    [RSP+570 ] 0x7070616D61657473 (size_t)

    [RSP+578 ] 0x6E6F6D6D6F635C73 (size_t)

    [RSP+580 ] 0x74756F6C6C61465C (size_t)

    [RSP+588 ] 0x5C415441445C3420 (size_t)

    [RSP+590 ] 0x11466262300 (BSResource::`anonymous namespace'::LooseFileStream*)

    [RSP+598 ] 0xA3969F070 (void*)

    [RSP+5A0 ] 0xA3969F0F0 (char*) " "

    [RSP+5A8 ] 0xA000006C3 (size_t)

    [RSP+5B0 ] 0x3261621FE8156D (size_t)

    [RSP+5B8 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+5C0 ] 0xA3969F640 (char*) "ellen - Voices_en.ba2"

    [RSP+5C8 ] 0x6C34C524E47 (size_t)

    [RSP+5D0 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+5D8 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+5E0 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+5E8 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+5F0 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+5F8 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+600 ] 0x6C6C655C41544144 (size_t)

    [RSP+608 ] 0x6F6547202D206E65 (size_t)

    [RSP+610 ] 0x11466262300 (BSResource::`anonymous namespace'::LooseFileStream*)

    [RSP+618 ] 0x67 (size_t)

    [RSP+620 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+628 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+630 ] 0xA3969F64A (char*) "ices_en.ba2"

    [RSP+638 ] 0x7FF63203191B (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1B8191B)

    [RSP+640 ] 0xA3969F4B0 (void*)

    [RSP+648 ] 0xA3969F429 (void*)

    [RSP+650 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+658 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+660 ] 0xA3969F4A8 (void*)

    [RSP+668 ] 0xA3969F3F5 (char*) "ellen - Voices_en.ba2"

    [RSP+670 ] 0xA3969F40A (void*)

    [RSP+678 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+680 ] 0x7FF6330F96C8 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+2C496C8)

    [RSP+688 ] 0xA3969F3F0 (char*) "DATA\ellen - Voices_en.ba2"

    [RSP+690 ] 0x11464B712D8 (void*)

    [RSP+698 ] 0x7FF632031BEB (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1B81BEB)

    [RSP+6A0 ] 0x7FF6360B7EF4 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+5C07EF4)

    [RSP+6A8 ] 0xA3969F5B0 (void*)

    [RSP+6B0 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+6B8 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+6C0 ] 0x114671DC860 (void*)

    [RSP+6C8 ] 0x7FF63202F60D (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1B7F60D)

    [RSP+6D0 ] 0x7FF6360B7F20 (BSResource::`anonymous namespace'::GlobalPaths*)

    [RSP+6D8 ] 0xA3969F640 (char*) "ellen - Voices_en.ba2"

    [RSP+6E0 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+6E8 ] 0xA3969F530 (void*)

    [RSP+6F0 ] 0x6C6C655C41544144 (size_t)

    [RSP+6F8 ] 0x696F56202D206E65 (size_t)

    [RSP+700 ] 0x622E6E655F736563 (size_t)

    [RSP+708 ] 0x7FFE85003261 (void* -> windows.storage.dll+0613261)

    [RSP+710 ] 0x114F82BC100 (char*) " "

    [RSP+718 ] 0x7FF63203191B (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1B8191B)

    [RSP+720 ] 0x61 (size_t)

    [RSP+728 ] 0x7FF632131830 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1C81830)

    [RSP+730 ] 0xA3969F4E0 (void*)

    [RSP+738 ] 0x113CCEE9488 (void*)

    [RSP+740 ] 0xA3969F4C8 (void*)

    [RSP+748 ] 0xA3969F4C0 (void*)

    [RSP+750 ] 0x7FF6330F96C8 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+2C496C8)

    [RSP+758 ] 0x113CCEE9400 (void*)

    [RSP+760 ] 0x114F82BBE39 (void*)

    [RSP+768 ] 0x7FF6321318BB (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1C818BB)

    [RSP+770 ] 0xA3969F64A (char*) "ices_en.ba2"

    [RSP+778 ] 0xA3969F4B9 (void*)

    [RSP+780 ] 0xA3969F700 (void*)

    [RSP+788 ] 0x7FF630811FCC (void* -> Fallout4.exe+0361FCC)

    [RSP+790 ] 0x7FF635E25E30 (BGSCombinedCellGeometryDB::CDX*)

    [RSP+798 ] 0x491C821E2F33 (size_t)

    [RSP+7A0 ] 0x7FFE3DD13698 (void* -> MSVCR110.dll+0053698)

    [RSP+7A8 ] 0x104 (size_t)

    [RSP+7B0 ] 0x114F82BBE39 (void*)

    [RSP+7B8 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+7C0 ] 0x7FF633107A68 (char*) "%s%s%s%s"

    [RSP+7C8 ] 0xA3969F640 (char*) "ellen - Voices_en.ba2"

    [RSP+7D0 ] 0xA3969F530 (void*)

    [RSP+7D8 ] 0x7FFE3DCF416E (void* -> MSVCR110.dll+003416E)

    [RSP+7E0 ] 0xA3969F651 (char*) ".ba2"

    [RSP+7E8 ] 0x7FF6360B7C40 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+5C07C40)

    [RSP+7F0 ] 0x11464BF7A70 (void*)

    [RSP+7F8 ] 0x7FF632027B42 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1B77B42)

    [RSP+800 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+808 ] 0x7FF632031C78 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1B81C78)

    [RSP+810 ] 0xA3969F5C8 (void*)

    [RSP+818 ] 0xA3969F640 (char*) "ellen - Voices_en.ba2"

    [RSP+820 ] 0xA3969F5B0 (void*)

    [RSP+828 ] 0x114671DC860 (void*)

    [RSP+830 ] 0xA3969F5B0 (void*)

    [RSP+838 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+840 ] 0x11464BF7A70 (void*)

    [RSP+848 ] 0x7FF632031D3D (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1B81D3D)

    [RSP+850 ] 0x7FF6330FBB83 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+2C4BB83)

    [RSP+858 ] 0xA3969F700 (void*)

    [RSP+860 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+868 ] 0x7FF6304D44E3 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+00244E3)

    [RSP+870 ] 0x7FF6330F96C8 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+2C496C8)

    [RSP+878 ] 0x114671DC860 (void*)

    [RSP+880 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+888 ] 0x7FF633105B98 (char*) "en"

    [RSP+890 ] 0x114F82BBE39 (void*)

    [RSP+898 ] 0x7FF633105B98 (char*) "en"

    [RSP+8A0 ] 0xA3969F700 (void*)

    [RSP+8A8 ] 0x7FF63202D93A (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1B7D93A)

    [RSP+8B0 ] 0x1D25C5B58445442 (size_t)

    [RSP+8B8 ] 0x7FF6330FBB83 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+2C4BB83)

    [RSP+8C0 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+8C8 ] 0x11466262300 (BSResource::`anonymous namespace'::LooseFileStream*)

    [RSP+8D0 ] 0x7FF6332C38C8 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+2E138C8)

    [RSP+8D8 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+8E0 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+8E8 ] 0x7FF6360B7F20 (BSResource::`anonymous namespace'::GlobalPaths*)

    [RSP+8F0 ] 0x7FF633105B98 (char*) "en"

    [RSP+8F8 ] 0x7FF6305CD6C4 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+011D6C4)

    [RSP+900 ] 0x7FF6330FBB83 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+2C4BB83)

    [RSP+908 ] 0x7FF633105B98 (char*) "en"

    [RSP+910 ] 0x11464BF7A70 (void*)

    [RSP+918 ] 0xA3969F750 (char*) "ellen"

    [RSP+920 ] 0x7FF6331063D8 (char*) " - Voices_"

    [RSP+928 ] 0x7FF633105B98 (char*) "en"

    [RSP+930 ] 0x7FF6331063E4 (char*) ".ba2"

    [RSP+938 ] 0xF7 (size_t)

    [RSP+940 ] 0x202D206E656C6C65 (size_t)

    [RSP+948 ] 0x655F736563696F56 (size_t)

    [RSP+950 ] 0x3261622E6E (size_t)

    [RSP+958 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+960 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+968 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+970 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+978 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+980 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+988 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+990 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+998 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+9A0 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+9A8 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+9B0 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+9B8 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+9C0 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+9C8 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+9D0 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+9D8 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+9E0 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+9E8 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+9F0 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+9F8 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+A00 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+A08 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+A10 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+A18 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+A20 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+A28 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+A30 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+A38 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+A40 ] 0x11300000000 (size_t)

    [RSP+A48 ] 0x1146721C7F0 (char*) "Fallout4.esm"

    [RSP+A50 ] 0x6669006E656C6C65 (size_t)

    [RSP+A58 ] 0x616C6500474D4374 (size_t)

    [RSP+A60 ] 0x5368746957000079 (size_t)

    [RSP+A68 ] 0x640073776F646168 (size_t)

    [RSP+A70 ] 0x45410074736F00 (size_t)

    [RSP+A78 ] 0x6552207463696C00 (size_t)

    [RSP+A80 ] 0x6E6F6974756C6F73 (size_t)

    [RSP+A88 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+A90 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+A98 ] 0x800 (size_t)

    [RSP+AA0 ] 0x114671F6870 (BSFile*)

    [RSP+AA8 ] 0x7FF632005D2E (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1B55D2E)

    [RSP+AB0 ] 0x6 (size_t)

    [RSP+AB8 ] 0x121 (size_t)

    [RSP+AC0 ] 0x1 (size_t)

    [RSP+AC8 ] 0x113CCF531E3 (char*) "DLCNukaWorld.esm"

    [RSP+AD0 ] 0x6 (size_t)

    [RSP+AD8 ] 0x7FF635D80B00 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+58D0B00)

    [RSP+AE0 ] 0x114671F6870 (BSFile*)

    [RSP+AE8 ] 0x7FF632005AC3 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1B55AC3)

    [RSP+AF0 ] 0x114671F6870 (BSFile*)

    [RSP+AF8 ] 0x7FF631FCF7E5 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1B1F7E5)

    [RSP+B00 ] 0x113D2FA3460 (void*)

    [RSP+B08 ] 0x7FF631FCF3B1 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1B1F3B1)

    [RSP+B10 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+B18 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+B20 ] 0x113D2FA2820 (void*)

    [RSP+B28 ] 0x7FF631FCF3B1 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1B1F3B1)

    [RSP+B30 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+B38 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+B40 ] 0x113BFF464A0 (MemoryHeap*)

    [RSP+B48 ] 0x1000 (size_t)

    [RSP+B50 ] 0x113BFF464A0 (MemoryHeap*)

    [RSP+B58 ] 0xA3969F750 (char*) "ellen"

    [RSP+B60 ] 0x11301040005 (size_t)

    [RSP+B68 ] 0x800 (size_t)

    [RSP+B70 ] 0x7073652E (size_t)

    [RSP+B78 ] 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0 (size_t)

    [RSP+B80 ] 0x113D2FA2820 (void*)

    [RSP+B88 ] 0x7FF631FCEFED (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1B1EFED)

    [RSP+B90 ] 0x3474756F6C6C6146 (size_t)

    [RSP+B98 ] 0x6D73006D73652E (size_t)

    [RSP+BA0 ] 0x6D73652E0050 (size_t)

    [RSP+BA8 ] 0x114F82BB740 (void*)

    [RSP+BB0 ] 0x8 (size_t)

    [RSP+BB8 ] 0x113D2FA2840 (void*)

    [RSP+BC0 ] 0x113D2FA2840 (void*)

    [RSP+BC8 ] 0x7FF631FCEE94 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1B1EE94)

    [RSP+BD0 ] 0x113BFF464A8 (void*)

    [RSP+BD8 ] 0x113D2FA3480 (void*)

    [RSP+BE0 ] 0x113BFF464A8 (void*)

    [RSP+BE8 ] 0x113BFF464A0 (MemoryHeap*)

    [RSP+BF0 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+BF8 ] 0x7FF631FBF39E (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1B0F39E)

    [RSP+C00 ] 0x7FF633D7C980 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+38CC980)

    [RSP+C08 ] 0x113CCF8D501 (void*)

    [RSP+C10 ] 0x113D2FA3480 (void*)

    [RSP+C18 ] 0x113CCF8D501 (void*)

    [RSP+C20 ] 0x100 (size_t)

    [RSP+C28 ] 0x7FF631FC11C2 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1B111C2)

    [RSP+C30 ] 0x7FF635D81AC0 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+58D1AC0)

    [RSP+C38 ] 0x113D2FA2840 (void*)

    [RSP+C40 ] 0x7FF635D80B00 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+58D0B00)

    [RSP+C48 ] 0x113CCF8D510 (void*)

    [RSP+C50 ] 0x114671DC590 (void*)

    [RSP+C58 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+C60 ] 0x7FF6330FA948 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+2C4A948)

    [RSP+C68 ] 0x7FF631FC0DE3 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1B10DE3)

    [RSP+C70 ] 0x94 (size_t)

    [RSP+C78 ] 0xA3969F870 (char*) ".esp"

    [RSP+C80 ] 0x11401040004 (size_t)

    [RSP+C88 ] 0x113CCF8D510 (void*)

    [RSP+C90 ] 0x7FF6330FA948 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+2C4A948)

    [RSP+C98 ] 0x113CCEE9150 (void*)

    [RSP+CA0 ] 0x7FF635D80B00 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+58D0B00)

    [RSP+CA8 ] 0x7FF6305C6E9F (void* -> Fallout4.exe+0116E9F)

    [RSP+CB0 ] 0x7FF635D81AC0 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+58D1AC0)

    [RSP+CB8 ] 0x7FF635D81AC0 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+58D1AC0)

    [RSP+CC0 ] 0x7FF633106440 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+2C56440)

    [RSP+CC8 ] 0x7FF633106470 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+2C56470)

    [RSP+CD0 ] 0x7FF6330F96C8 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+2C496C8)

    [RSP+CD8 ] 0x7FF635D81AD8 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+58D1AD8)

    [RSP+CE0 ] 0x7FF6330F96C8 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+2C496C8)

    [RSP+CE8 ] 0x7FF635D81AC0 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+58D1AC0)

    [RSP+CF0 ] 0x66 (size_t)

    [RSP+CF8 ] 0x9C0 (size_t)

    [RSP+D00 ] 0x1146520BE30 (SceneGraph*)

    Name: "WorldRoot Node"

    [RSP+D08 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+D10 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+D18 ] 0x114F82BB700 (void*)

    [RSP+D20 ] 0x7FF633C3E400 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+378E400)

    [RSP+D28 ] 0x11464BDD2C0 (NiNode*)

    Name: "ObjectLODRoot"

    [RSP+D30 ] 0x7FF633C3E400 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+378E400)

    [RSP+D38 ] 0x7FF6311E7CD4 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+0D37CD4)

    [RSP+D40 ] 0x7FF600200000 (size_t)

    [RSP+D48 ] 0x113CD057400 (void*)

    [RSP+D50 ] 0x7FF600000002 (size_t)

    [RSP+D58 ] 0x114F82BC100 (char*) " "

    [RSP+D60 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+D68 ] 0x11464BDD540 (NiNode*)

    Name: "WaterLOD"

    [RSP+D70 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+D78 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+D80 ] 0x80000 (size_t)

    [RSP+D88 ] 0x7FF600000000 (size_t)

    [RSP+D90 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+D98 ] 0x4 (size_t)

    [RSP+DA0 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+DA8 ] 0x8 (size_t)

    [RSP+DB0 ] 0x7FF635F8D640 (GameScript::PathingCallbackMgr*)

    [RSP+DB8 ] 0x7FF631FC0DBA (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1B10DBA)

    [RSP+DC0 ] 0x7FF635F55178 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+5AA5178)

    [RSP+DC8 ] 0x7FF635F55168 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+5AA5168)

    [RSP+DD0 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+DD8 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+DE0 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+DE8 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+DF0 ] 0x7FF635F55160 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+5AA5160)

    [RSP+DF8 ] 0x7FF6317F1B9B (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1341B9B)

    [RSP+E00 ] 0x7FF635F55160 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+5AA5160)

    [RSP+E08 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+E10 ] 0x114F82BC100 (char*) " "

    [RSP+E18 ] 0x5498 (size_t)

    [RSP+E20 ] 0x7FF636009BF8 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+5B59BF8)

    [RSP+E28 ] 0x11464F5EF80 (void*)

    [RSP+E30 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+E38 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+E40 ] 0x7FF6330FA948 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+2C4A948)

    [RSP+E48 ] 0x7FF635F55168 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+5AA5168)

    [RSP+E50 ] 0x7FF635F8D640 (GameScript::PathingCallbackMgr*)

    [RSP+E58 ] 0x7FF6317EFDE6 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+133FDE6)

    [RSP+E60 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+E68 ] 0x114F82BC100 (char*) " "

    [RSP+E70 ] 0x2 (size_t)

    [RSP+E78 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+E80 ] 0x114F82BC100 (char*) " "

    [RSP+E88 ] 0x7FF631821DAA (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1371DAA)

    [RSP+E90 ] 0x2 (size_t)

    [RSP+E98 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+EA0 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+EA8 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+EB0 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+EB8 ] 0x7FF6311EF253 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+0D3F253)

    [RSP+EC0 ] 0x2 (size_t)

    [RSP+EC8 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+ED0 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+ED8 ] 0x114F82BC100 (char*) " "

    [RSP+EE0 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+EE8 ] 0x7FF6312035A9 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+0D535A9)

    [RSP+EF0 ] 0x11465277238 (`anonymous namespace'::InitGameDataThread*)

    [RSP+EF8 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+F00 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+F08 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+F10 ] 0x11465277238 (`anonymous namespace'::InitGameDataThread*)

    [RSP+F18 ] 0x7FFE30A6A8AC (void* -> f4se_1_10_163.dll+000A8AC)

    [RSP+F20 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+F28 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+F30 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+F38 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+F40 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+F48 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+F50 ] 0x11465277238 (`anonymous namespace'::InitGameDataThread*)

    [RSP+F58 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+F60 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+F68 ] 0x7FF631FCCFED (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1B1CFED)

    [RSP+F70 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+F78 ] 0xA3969FC90 (void*)

    [RSP+F80 ] 0x11464BDEE70 (void*)

    [RSP+F88 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+F90 ] 0x11465277238 (`anonymous namespace'::InitGameDataThread*)

    [RSP+F98 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+FA0 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+FA8 ] 0x7FFE87297C24 (void* -> KERNEL32.DLL+0017C24)

    [RSP+FB0 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+FB8 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+FC0 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+FC8 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+FD0 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+FD8 ] 0x7FFE8796D721 (void* -> ntdll.dll+006D721)

    [RSP+FE0 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+FE8 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+FF0 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+FF8 ] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+1000] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+1008] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+1010] 0x4E51937300000000 (size_t)

    [RSP+1018] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+1020] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+1028] 0x7FFE857D0C60 (void* -> KERNELBASE.dll+0100C60)

    [RSP+1030] 0xA3969DE00 (void*)

    [RSP+1038] 0xFFFD96593E26000 (size_t)

    [RSP+1040] 0x7FFECB2C9F13 (size_t)

    [RSP+1048] 0xA3969DE00 (void*)

    [RSP+1050] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+1058] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+1060] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+1068] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+1070] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+1078] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+1080] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+1088] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+1090] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+1098] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+10A0] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+10A8] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+10B0] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+10B8] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+10C0] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+10C8] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+10D0] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+10D8] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+10E0] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+10E8] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+10F0] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+10F8] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+1100] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+1108] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+1110] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+1118] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+1120] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+1128] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+1130] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+1138] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+1140] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+1148] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+1150] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+1158] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+1160] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+1168] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+1170] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+1178] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+1180] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+1188] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+1190] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+1198] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+11A0] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+11A8] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+11B0] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+11B8] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+11C0] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+11C8] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+11D0] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+11D8] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+11E0] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+11E8] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+11F0] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+11F8] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+1200] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+1208] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+1210] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+1218] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+1220] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+1228] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+1230] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+1238] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+1240] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+1248] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+1250] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+1258] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+1260] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+1268] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+1270] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+1278] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+1280] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+1288] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+1290] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+1298] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+12A0] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+12A8] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+12B0] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+12B8] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+12C0] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+12C8] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+12D0] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+12D8] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+12E0] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+12E8] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+12F0] 0x0 (size_t)

    [RSP+12F8] 0x0 (size_t)




    BakaScrapHeap.dll v1.3


    Buffout4.dll v1.26.2










    KnockoutFramework.dll v1.3.1




    NVIDIA_Reflex.dll v1








    weaponInstanceExtended.dll v1





    [00] Fallout4.esm

    [01] DLCRobot.esm

    [02] DLCworkshop01.esm

    [03] DLCCoast.esm

    [04] DLCworkshop02.esm

    [05] DLCworkshop03.esm

    [06] DLCNukaWorld.esm

    [07] Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp

    [08] WorkshopFramework.esm

    [09] XDI.esm

    [0A] HUDFramework.esm

    [0B] ArmorKeywords.esm

    [0C] SpringCleaning.esm

    [0D] Overlays.esm

    [0E] AAF.esm

    [0F] PANPC.esm

    [10] Endless Warfare.esm

    [11] NoraSpouse.esm

    [12] SS2.esm

    [13] SS2_XPAC_Chapter2.esm

    [14] Garage.esm

    [15] ProjectZeta.esm

    [16] DEF_WIDGETS_CORE.esm

    [17] Homemaker.esm

    [18] Knockout Framework.esm

    [19] Snap'n Build.esm

    [1A] SettlementKeywords.esm

    [1B] Phase4DLC.esp

    [1C] Unique NPCs - Creatures and Monsters.esp

    [1D] Armorsmith Extended.esp

    [1E] Better Locational Damage.esp

    [1F] 3DNPC_FO4.esp

    [20] ChineseStealthSuit.esp

    [21] SettlersRename.esp

    [22] Survivalist GoBags-Chem Station.esp

    [23] VertibirdBeacon.esp

    [24] SKKRESystemManager.esp

    [25] Slide.esp

    [26] SS2WastelandReconstructionKit.esp

    [27] SS2_CityPlanPack_RiseOfTheCommonwealth.esp

    [28] WmkActiveEffects.esp

    [29] FatherCompanion.esp

    [2A] CW Stormtrooper.esp

    [2B] CloneArmory3.0.esp

    [2C] AnimatedMannequins.esp

    [2D] WestTekTacticalOptics.esp

    [2E] BZW_Executioner.esp

    [2F] Assaultron Junk Parts.esp

    [30] dinoshelf.esp

    [31] AutoDoors.esp

    [32] AEWS.esp

    [33] Better Explosives Redux.esp

    [34] Better Locational Damage - DLC_Far_Harbor.esp

    [35] CF_AtomicWarlord.esp

    [36] th1nkEyebot.esp

    [37] th1nkEyeBot-FarHarbor.esp

    [38] MsAutomatronPartsCollection.esp

    [39] AutomatronWheelLegs.esp

    [3A] DX Courser X-92 Power Suit.esp

    [3B] CROSS_GoreCrits.esp

    [3C] CROSS_Techmask.esp

    [3D] Censor_Comments.esp

    [3E] KSHairdos.esp

    [3F] CompanionStatus.esp

    [40] CraftingNPCs.esp

    [41] Crimsomrider's Immersive Market.esp

    [42] DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp

    [43] CriticalHitsOutsideofVATS.esp

    [44] BZW_Dead_Space.esp

    [45] ESPExplorerFO4.esp

    [46] DeployableTurretsPack.esp

    [47] Dogmeat's Backpack.esp

    [48] dD-Enhanced Blood.esp

    [49] MadKea-01.esp

    [4A] Build High - Expanded Settlements.esp

    [4B] MODaquatic.esp

    [4C] SuperMutantRedux.esp

    [4D] modern firearms.esp

    [4E] RaiderOverhaul.esp

    [4F] 1ECHO.esp

    [50] CROSS_PlasRail.esp

    [51] OutcastsAndRemnants.esp

    [52] AGNISNikaCola01.esp

    [53] Raider Children.esp

    [54] The Train.esp

    [55] FaceMaxson.esp

    [56] ImmersiveGenericDialogues.esp

    [57] PiperCaitCurieDialogueOverhaul.esp

    [58] The Collector's Guides AIO.esp

    [59] MoreAGOMBz.esp

    [5A] Eli_Armour_Compendium.esp

    [5B] ImmersiveDrumlinDiner.esp

    [5C] ECO.esp

    [5D] Explosives_AWKCR.esp

    [5E] PAMAP.esp

    [5F] Weapon Mods Compilation.esp

    [60] NoraSpouseFarHarbor.esp

    [61] AA FusionCityRising.esp

    [62] W.A.T.Minutemen.esp

    [63] EndorsCustomCombatArmor.esp

    [64] Synth Overhaul.esp

    [65] BetterCompanions.esp

    [66] advancedAITweaks.esp

    [67] SS2Extended.esp

    [68] 3DNPC_FO4_DLC.esp

    [69] DCEnhancedSecurity.esp

    [6A] BetterOpenSeason.esp

    [6B] Vivid Weathers - FO4.esp

    [6C] Snappy_HouseK.esp

    [6D] DarkerNights.esp

    [6E] MilitarizedMinutemen.esp

    [6F] AA 50 Ways To Die.esp

    [70] Mercenary.esp

    [71] DOOMMerged.esp

    [72] powerarmort49.esp

    [73] ProjectValkyrie.esp

    [74] MjolnirMKVB.esp

    [75] BetterSettlers.esp

    [76] SkyHQ.esp

    [77] CorpusPraesidium.esp

    [78] CombinedArmsNV.esp

    [79] CombinedArmsEXPack.esp

    [7A] Whirly.esp

    [7B] Campsite.esp

    [7C] unclechubby.esp

    [7D] EnclaveX02.esp

    [7E] FO4Hotkeys.esp

    [7F] Facials.esp

    [80] MoreVaultRooms.esp

    [81] Farming Resources.esp

    [82] HN66-SiriusArmor.esp

    [83] GCM.esp

    [84] Raider Overhaul - AE Patch.esp

    [85] mmd_GuardPostWithSpotlights.esp

    [86] HoloTime.esp

    [87] Elzee Human Grab Attacks.esp

    [88] UGO_PlayerModule.esp

    [89] UGO_NPCModule.esp

    [8A] Immersive HUD.esp

    [8B] ImmersiveVendors.esp

    [8C] Invisible_Guard_Marker-SKE.esp

    [8D] Locksmith.esp

    [8E] Locky Bastard.esp

    [8F] LooksMirror.esp

    [90] AarwynLFR.esp

    [91] CreationClubDelay.esp

    [92] LAER.esp

    [93] MakeshiftCMG.esp

    [94] ellen.esp

    [FE:000] ccbgsfo4001-pipboy(black).esl

    [FE:001] ccbgsfo4003-pipboy(camo01).esl

    [FE:002] ccbgsfo4004-pipboy(camo02).esl

    [FE:003] ccbgsfo4006-pipboy(chrome).esl

    [FE:004] ccbgsfo4014-pipboy(white).esl

    [FE:005] ccbgsfo4005-bluecamo.esl

    [FE:006] ccbgsfo4016-prey.esl

    [FE:007] ccbgsfo4019-chinesestealtharmor.esl

    [FE:008] ccbgsfo4023-powerarmorskin(camo02).esl

    [FE:009] ccbgsfo4025-powerarmorskin(chrome).esl

    [FE:00A] ccbgsfo4033-powerarmorskinwhite.esl

    [FE:00B] ccbgsfo4024-pacamo03.esl

    [FE:00C] ccbgsfo4038-horsearmor.esl

    [FE:00D] ccfsvfo4002-midcenturymodern.esl

    [FE:00E] ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl

    [FE:00F] ccgcafo4001-factionws01army.esl

    [FE:010] ccgcafo4002-factionws02acat.esl

    [FE:011] ccgcafo4004-factionws04gun.esl

    [FE:012] ccgcafo4005-factionws05hrpink.esl

    [FE:013] ccgcafo4007-factionws07hrflames.esl

    [FE:014] ccgcafo4010-factionws10rr.esl

    [FE:015] ccgcafo4011-factionws11vt.esl

    [FE:016] ccgcafo4012-factionas01acat.esl

    [FE:017] ccgcafo4014-factionas03gun.esl

    [FE:018] ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl

    [FE:019] ccgcafo4019-factionas08nuk.esl

    [FE:01A] ccgcafo4022-factionas11vt.esl

    [FE:01B] ccawnfo4001-brandedattire.esl

    [FE:01C] ccswkfo4002-pipnuka.esl

    [FE:01D] ccswkfo4003-pipquan.esl

    [FE:01E] ccbgsfo4053-dggoldr.esl

    [FE:01F] ccbgsfo4056-dglabb.esl

    [FE:020] ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl

    [FE:021] ccrzrfo4004-pipinst.esl

    [FE:022] ccfrsfo4002-antimaterielrifle.esl

    [FE:023] ccbgsfo4075-pipshroud.esl

    [FE:024] ccbgsfo4009-piporan.esl

    [FE:025] ccbgsfo4011-pippurp.esl

    [FE:026] ccbgsfo4028-powerarmorskinorange.esl

    [FE:027] ccbgsfo4030-powerarmorskinpurple.esl

    [FE:028] ccbgsfo4032-powerarmorskintan.esl

    [FE:029] ccgrcfo4001-pipgreytort.esl

    [FE:02A] ccbgsfo4013-piptan.esl

    [FE:02B] ccbgsfo4108-ws_childrenofatom.esl

    [FE:02C] ccbgsfo4095-as_childrenofatom.esl

    [FE:02D] ccbgsfo4089-pipsynthwave.esl

    [FE:02E] cccrsfo4001-pipcoa.esl

    [FE:02F] PPF.esm

    [FE:030] ClassicUnarmedPack.esl

    [FE:031] CanarySaveFileMonitor.esl

    [FE:032] ClimbableLadders.esl

    [FE:033] ARB.esl

    [FE:034] ARB-WSFW.esl

    [FE:035] Quad_Accelerator.esl

    [FE:036] Alternate_Power_Sources.esl

    [FE:037] AutomatronDisassembler.esl

    [FE:038] Automatron Randomized Bots Framework.esm

    [FE:039] Arbitration - Resources.esm

    [FE:03A] CROSS_CosmeticFramework.esm

    [FE:03B] CROSS_CoA.esl

    [FE:03C] ClassicMeleePack.esl

    [FE:03D] WhirligigSentry.esl

    [FE:03E] Preydiation Suit.esl

    [FE:03F] ShieldBubble.esl

    [FE:040] ClassicSuperSledge.esl

    [FE:041] Corpse Collision.esl

    [FE:042] ZTacGear.esl

    [FE:043] Dogs can grab player.esl

    [FE:044] Quad_Element.esl

    [FE:045] Immersive_Molotovs_Flamer_Ruddy88ExtendedESL.esl

    [FE:046] Quad_Fusillade.esl

    [FE:047] GCM_DLC_Automatron.esl

    [FE:048] ImmersiveDogmeat.esl

    [FE:049] NMC Bundle HIGH.esl

    [FE:04A] Nuka World HD Texture Pack.esl

    [FE:04B] GCM_DLC_Far_Harbor.esl

    [FE:04C] Quad_RAWLauncher.esl

    [FE:04D] SpawnSettlerButton.esl

    [FE:04E] Quad_Technetronic.esl

    [FE:04F] WinchesterP94.esl

    [FE:050] VLPad.esl

    [FE:051] Better Perks.esp

    [FE:052] Better Locational Damage - DLC_WWorkshop.esp

    [FE:053] 3DNPC_FO4 AE.esp

    [FE:054] RemoteExplosives.esp

    [FE:055] Nexus_PMC.esp

    [FE:056] PMC_extended.esp

    [FE:057] Realistic Sprinting.esp

    [FE:058] AWKCR - Last Resort CTD FIX.esp

    [FE:059] Better Rubble.esp

    [FE:05A] Wet Effects.esp

    [FE:05B] dynamicHelmet.esp

    [FE:05C] Fixed Gobo Effects.esp

    [FE:05D] SS2_XDI Patch.esp

    [FE:05E] CBBE.esp

    [FE:05F] AnimatedMannequins_gun.esp

    [FE:060] Armored General by Hothtrooper44.esp

    [FE:061] Armorsmith Hothtrooper44.esp

    [FE:062] BuildAnythingInMechanistLair.esp

    [FE:063] BLD - Leveled Lists - DLC.esp

    [FE:064] Better Locational Damage - DLC_Nuka_World.esp

    [FE:065] Better Vertibird.esp

    [FE:066] th1nkEyeBot-NukaWorld.esp

    [FE:067] th1nkEyeBot-DLC03DLC04Addon.esp

    [FE:068] th1nkEyeBot-WeightlessMiscModsAiO.esp

    [FE:069] NoLoopingWeaponSounds_DLC_Nuka.esp

    [FE:06A] Better Power Armor - Normal.esp

    [FE:06B] BetterSettlersNoLollygagging.esp

    [FE:06C] Blood Angels Death Company Paint.esp

    [FE:06D] BuildAnythingInInteriors.esp

    [FE:06E] BullDozierStandalone.esp

    [FE:06F] Arbitration - Button Lowered Weapons.esp

    [FE:070] CROSS_GoreCrits_FarHarborPatch.esp

    [FE:071] CROSS_Uni_Headset.esp

    [FE:072] CarExplosions.esp

    [FE:073] Ai Tweak.esp

    [FE:074] Brahmin Watertrough.esp

    [FE:075] BrahminFeederFull.esp

    [FE:076] CF_AtomicWarlordNoMod.esp

    [FE:077] CommonWealthRascalPaint.esp

    [FE:078] 1nivDX Courser X-92 Power Suit Male.esp

    [FE:079] Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp

    [FE:07A] TurretStands.esp

    [FE:07B] CF_AtomicWarlord_CBBE.esp

    [FE:07C] DeathstrokeSet.esp

    [FE:07D] BetterNightVision.esp

    [FE:07E] DTP - AWKCR Compatibility.esp

    [FE:07F] Digital.esp

    [FE:080] Dynamic Window Blinds.esp

    [FE:081] unleveled.esp

    [FE:082] LagrieHelmet.esp

    [FE:083] AE LLP - Lagrie Helmets - Raider Overhaul.esp

    [FE:084] BLD_Armor_Overhaul.esp

    [FE:085] BetterJunkFences.esp

    [FE:086] Build High - Builder's Patch.esp

    [FE:087] More Power Armour Mods.esp

    [FE:088] Live Dismemberment - Brutal.esp

    [FE:089] Companion Thoughts Overhaul.esp

    [FE:08A] EncounterZoneNoLimit.esp

    [FE:08B] MoreAGOMBz_CP_BHES.esp

    [FE:08C] Better Locational Damage - DLC_Automatron.esp

    [FE:08D] Elzee Breathe.esp

    [FE:08E] ECO_INNRoverride.esp

    [FE:08F] Automatron Randomized Bots Overrider.esp

    [FE:090] Automatron Randomized Bots Overrider Unleveled.esp

    [FE:091] Automatron Randomized Bots - Nuka World Patch.esp

    [FE:092] Automatron Randomized Bots - AEWS Patch.esp

    [FE:093] Automatron Randomized Bots - Assaultron Junk Parts patch.esp

    [FE:094] Automatron Randomized Bots - Th1nk Eyebots.esp

    [FE:095] Automatron Randomized Bots - MsPartsCollection Patch.esp

    [FE:096] Automatron Randomized Bots - Automatron Wheel Legs Patch.esp

    [FE:097] Automatron Randomized Bots - Patches Conflict Resolution.esp

    [FE:098] DLC01StabilizationGauntlets.esp

    [FE:099] CROSS_PlasRail - AWKCR-Compatibility.esp

    [FE:09A] NoLoopingWeaponSounds.esp

    [FE:09B] MoreAGOMBz_CP_UNPC-CM.esp

    [FE:09C] Better Locational Damage LD.esp

    [FE:09D] Better Locational Damage - Ghoul Edition.esp

    [FE:09E] JOTC-SynthOverhaul-BLD.esp

    [FE:09F] EndorsCustomCombatArmor_AE.esp

    [FE:0A0] EndorsCustomCombatArmor_CFA.esp

    [FE:0A1] EndorsCustomCombatArmor_BoSKit.esp

    [FE:0A2] EndorsCustomCombatArmor_ChromeSynths.esp

    [FE:0A3] EndorsCustomCombatArmor_SynthOverhaul.esp

    [FE:0A4] EndorsCustomCombatArmor_VaultSuitDLC_AE.esp

    [FE:0A5] Assaultron Grab Skills.esp

    [FE:0A6] BLD - AI Tweaks.esp

    [FE:0A7] Craftable Armor Size.esp

    [FE:0A8] EndorsCustomCombatArmor_CAS_CCA_Cost.esp

    [FE:0A9] SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp

    [FE:0AA] Vertibird Faction Paint Schemes.esp

    [FE:0AB] WestonWaterLOD.esp

    [FE:0AC] CROSS_Uni_Headset_LeveledLists.esp

    [FE:0AD] DarkerNightsDetection.esp

    [FE:0AE] Killable Children.esp

    [FE:0AF] Deathclaw Grab Skills.esp

    [FE:0B0] MiscHairstyle.esp

    [FE:0B1] Ellie remake.esp

    [FE:0B2] EnclaveX02_PAMAP.esp

    [FE:0B3] Feral Ghoul Bite Skills.esp

    [FE:0B4] FirstPersonViewableItemsExpanded.esp

    [FE:0B5] GasMaskUpgrades.esp

    [FE:0B6] GaussRifleMk2.esp

    [FE:0B7] GaussRifleMk2 - AWKCR.esp

    [FE:0B8] FryingPanSA.esp

    [FE:0B9] Grounded.esp

    [FE:0BA] X01 Hexoflage.esp

    [FE:0BB] UGO_1HSupport.esp

    [FE:0BC] IP4APA.esp

    [FE:0BD] KaBarBeckerBK3.esp

    [FE:0BE] KaBarBeckerBK9.esp

    [FE:0BF] Kasumi vanilla.esp

    [FE:0C0] Kasumi.esp

    [FE:0C1] LongerHeadlampLightWithShadows.esp

    [FE:0C2] LooksMenu.esp

    [FE:0C3] LovingCurie_1.0.3b.esp

    [FE:0C4] ZetaFix.esp

    [FE:0C5] FIM-92 Stinger.esp

    All the crashes have the same "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION" error message.

    - I am suspecting it has something to do with the number of records being edited or perhaps a memory issue causing the crash, but I can't seem to find any references to similar issue in Google. I can't really prove this though, it is just a hunch.


    I will really appreciate any kind of help. Do let me know if you have some pointers for tests I can perform or if you have experienced the same problem as well. All insights are welcomed.

    As a last resort, I will have to start selecting some mods to use, however, I hope we can find a solution or at least find the root cause of this issue before doing that.

  3. With the new ESL plugin format introduced by Bethesda in both Fallout 4 and Skyrim SE, we have been given the ability to load more mods as the ESL does not count towards the 255 esp limit. A few mods has begun to use this new format, and mod users has also started converting their mods for personal use.


    However, can any mod be made into an ESL? I have searched google to find what kind of mods can or should not be made into ESL, but all I got was just procedures on how to convert, and the general limitation of 2,048 forms max per ESL. These tutorials tend to say to convert "small" mods, but with no more detailed explanation on what "small" really is (other than obviously below 2,048 forms). Is it safe to convert scripted mods, armor mods, weapon mods, animation mods, etc.?


    I've tried converting two mods to ESL, IMP - Invisible Marker Pack and Advanced Recruitment Beacon. The former becomes buggy and the holotape became really glitchy and unusable, while the latter worked just fine as an ESL so far. They both have scripts and adds to workshop menu. The only difference I can tell (from a user perspective at least) is that the IMP is configured via holotape, while ARB uses a terminal to personalize it.


    Take note, I am not posting here to ask for help why IMP as an ESL is broken, rather to ask for help on what aspects of a mod make it not ESL friendly?


    Can anyone with some knowledge of ESL please help? Thanks :)

  4. In the dragonborn DLC, you can choose between a bunch of perks in a single black book. Is there a mod to allow you to get all perk choices from every black book? Like in one book where you can choose to either enhance your unrelenting force, fire breath or frost breath, you can get all three.


    Also is there a mod that allow you to stack your blessings? So when you pray to one deity it does not remove other blessings.

  5. Anyone know the ID for the visual effect you get after reading the elder scroll during the quest "Alduin's Bane" at the throat of the world? That blue-ish effect that covers the player's camera as you learn dragonrend. If you do know, can you please also specify what kind of effect it is (e.g. magic effect, visual effect, shader effect, etc.) and provide the appropriate console command to add and remove said effect to/from the player.


    Thanks in advance.

  6. 1. I have learned through my experience that activating mods one by one to find then conflict will give you no result if the crash occurs after a certain time period (unless starting a new game). This method works if the CTD occurs instantly after game load or in a repeatable location. The reason is because activating mods one by one is just basically uninstalling all the other mods mid-playthrough and this is very likely to make matters worse and the environment is not controlled properly.


    2. I don't believe the issue here is because your computer can't handle it. I mean just look at your specs! Your PC is basically a monster. If anything the memory issue lies with Skyrim limitation itself. Chesko has a troubleshooting page with several recommended Papyrus settings for your Skyrim.ini. Just go to Frostfall and go to the troubleshooting page. I used the ini there and my Skyrim works well with 240+ mods.


    3. Check your save files sizes. It may be because of save game bloat.

  7. Have you ever installed or uninstalled any mod mid-playthrough? Also I've read somewhere that Sounds of Skyrim has been known to cause CTDs. You can also try validating integrity of game cache through Steam and creating fresh INIs.

  8. PipeWeaponRechamber.esp


    ^from what mod is this plugin?


    Anyway, there's one thing you may try is like me, using FO4Edit.

    1. Try loading all of your mods and go to PipeGunRedux.esp.

    2. Open it and find the "Weapon" tree.

    3. Right-click on the "Weapon" tree and select "copy as overwrite into" and then scrolls down through the options and select the "new plugin" option. Name this .esp whatever you want and hit ok.

    4. Make sure this .esp is loading last in your load order. If you use LOOT it may change things and screw it up. I myself have this kind of plugin and LOOT places it too much high in the load order and screwed up my edits.


    What does this do is basically overwriting every mod that uses the same weapon type (pipe weapons) to follow edits done in PipeGunRedux.esp. It's simillar to just placing PipeGunRedux.esp at the very last. Difference? Read below:


    If the edit above doesn't work (make sure NPC's have time to respawn with new pipe weapons before jumping to conclusions), we may need to edit the leveled list. Most of the time mods that edits the same leveled list as other mods tend to compete with each other. What we need is a merged patch for all the conflicting mods (however here we want to focus on PipeGunRedux.esp). In previous Bethesda games we have this amazing manager that allowed us to quickly merge leveled list called Wrye Flash (Bash for Elder Scrolls series), you may know this. Fallout 4 doesn't have it yet so we have to do this manually.


    1. Load up FO4Edit again as select all plugins.

    2. Scroll down to PipeGunRedux.esp

    3. This time, open the "Leveled Item" tree

    4. Here you will see red colored tabs whenever there's a conflict.

    5. If there are multiple conflicted tabs, just press ctrl and select those conflicted tabs.

    6. right click and select "copy as overwrite into" and select the .esp patch you made earlier. (Doing this will put leveled list edits done by PipeGunRedux. top priority)

    7. Go back to those conflicted tabs that are mostly going to turn green.

    8. If there are still some red records in any of the individual tabs just press and hold their entry and drag them to XXXX.esp (your named .esp) column on the right hand side. Sometimes this occurs from other mods and doing this will require your .esp to have that mod's .esp as a master just hit ok.

    9. Once you're done just save and exit.


    In my experience, doing the first steps seemed to have solved the problem for me, but the recent updates to Pipe Weapons Overhaul seemed to slightly destroyed my patch (unnamed and invisible pipe weapons appear again but are still rare anyway), so I also posted the steps for editing leveled list.


    I hope this helped even if a little, and I am happy to answer any questions or to clarify something :D

  9. Ok nvm, I think I fixed mine through FO4Edit. I believe it was a conflict or some sort with Wes Tek and the Functioning DIsplay mod (conflicting with PipeGunRedux.esp). Now raiders, diamond city guards, settlers, etc. spawn with visible and appropriately named pipe weapons. I still rarely encounter invisible pipe weapons those named only "pipe" or "pipe bolt-action" especially around my settlers but I believe that's because the leveled list is not refreshed yet. Anyway, Cheers!

  10. Odd, I am having similar issues but I only use PipeGunRedux (which is actually Pipe Weapons Overhaul mod), but when I uninstalled it my invisible pipe bolt-action still exists. I checked with console and turns out the weapon "Pipe" and the like that are invisible seems to have exist in vanilla records (the weapon id first 2 numbers were 00). I never experience this issue before the 1.5 update though....

  11. Hello Nexus Team,


    Is it possible to have the notification to be locally based on the game? I mean in the past when I, say, open Skyrim Nexus page and then click on the notification, it used to only display notifications on tracked Skyrim mods. However now, no matter on which Nexus site I go to the notification displays tracked mods from multiple games.


    I know this layout has been around quite a while, but it has only recently bothered me. I have finally found a stable mod setup for my Skyrim. For that, I do not wish to update any of my mods mid-playthrough. Trouble is, I am also playing Fallout 4, which I have no problem updating mid-playthrough (or atleast not yet). Now if I open the notification bar, the Fallout 4 and Skyrim mods are also displayed and I do not feel delighted to download the updates for Skyrim. When that happens, the mod updates for Skyrim mods also disappeared (no longer notified) which can make things very tedious for me to check for updates when using the NMM.


    So please, return separate game notification functionality.


    P.S. Some people may disagree with me, but I also prefer the old notification layout (the one that lists mod updates with no pictured of the mod itself). The only issue is that it tends to be doubled (like if a mod is updated to version 2.0 and then again to 3.0, they will have 2 notifications), so if you do consider my request previously explained, please consider this as well.

  12. My friend, i believe you are experiencing some serious script lag. This is when your system cannot handle the running game script. Having script heavy mods and large load orders would do this. However your load seemed small.


    Check with convinient horses. If i am not mistaken they have a script latency test.

  13. If you see the difference in game, it means things has indeed been changed in the ini. Skyrimprefs.ini is the one you want.


    can you like post a before and after? I mean set your game to low and then copy paste the Skyrimprefs.ini here (with spoiler tags, or use pastebin), and then set your game to ultra and do the same thing. I believe I can show you that there is indeed a difference.

  14. Well i can see a lot of mods that sdds stuff to the world, such tpos and fallen tree bridges. Have you checked with the mod author about the compatibility between these mods?


    Also are you sure the SkyRe plugins you were using is compatible with perkus maximus? I totally ditched skyre for perma.

  15. Try using ENBoost and SSME. Are u guys tryig to use HD Enbs? Have you tried with other enbs that are not memory intensive?


    I think this issue is similar to when you want to use shaders in minecraft and it is memory related.


    Some enb like RealVision should have a minimum and recomended system specs.

  16. Do you use enboost and applied the skyrim memory patch? If not use it and install it as STEP explained (although i personally prefer gopher).


    Besides that you explained that the issue happens after visiting whiterun for the first time? This mostly means that a certain event is fired after entering whiterun that is causing you to crash. Do you have any mods that alter whiterun especially scripted ones? I know breezehome fully upgradable is fine because i am using it as well no problem. Some plugins in the modlist says things like "patch.esp" or "merged.esp". Are these tes5edit merged plugins?

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