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About DukePatrick

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  1. I am no longer updating this mod nor responding to inquiries about this mod. I might move on to Skyrim64 once SKSE 64 is up to speed. The reason is a combination of being a little disillusioned with Bethesda these days and burned out after working on this same Skyrim mod for 6 years, 20 hours a week.
  2. The effect STACKS (are added together) 1.2 and 1.1= 2.3 NOT 1.32 This is why many of the perks in the game cancel out other similar perks including all the vanilla "Well Rested" perks effects. Look at them in the CK, you will find either a condition check or a keyword to cancel previous to prevent the stacking.
  3. You will not find more pro (as in approval not professional) script mod creator than I am. To me every modding problem looks like a logic gate. But I will tell you do not want to try to do this with a script. Back before multithreading moding actor values was tricky and even the best modders found the actor value could get messed up no matter how careful you were. Sometimes scripts would get interrupted or they would just not mix well with other mods scripts that were trying to do the same thing. So we would put some kind of actor value reset code in the mod. There were even mods that were only for fixing messed up actor values. Today with multithreading, wow I just do not want to even think about it. Anyway there is a PERK entry for multiplying actor values. I am not sure how you missed it. However it is tricky to use because they will stack if you are not careful and you can end up with increasing the values rather than reducing them like this: Perk A 0.5 WITH Perk B .75 = 1.25 percent NOT 0.375 percent. Spells are better for this because the ones that are made correctly will not stack by dispeling similar spells before applying their own effects. You should look at all the magic effects in the CK and see if there is a spell that does a similar thing (reduces some actor value). Then you can use this as a guide.
  4. Probably the same reason a Keyboard and Mouse is a requirement for my combat mod. If the hot key mod is using the Script Extender, your issue is because the the key detection functions (many of them anyway) do not work on "paddles" (controllers). It is disconcerting that so many mod authors using the SE key press functions either do not know this or are not warning users of this. My cynical side wonders if it is because it scares off too many downloads? But it is more likely they just do not know this. Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by errrrr.... "ignorance". :tongue:
  5. Tonight see "Iriodus's Stream" (7:00 pm Pacific Time) Skyrim stream using my combat mod: https://www.twitch.tv/iriodus This may be one of the last few Skyrim streams he will be doing as he may be taking a break soon. I actualy have been taking a break for a while and modding Fallout 4 instead but I did not want to say anything yet because every time I do some issue or a needed feature pops up and I jump back into skyrim modding making me look like I am obsessed. :whistling: But apparently this time the Skyrim break is real as I have not touched Skyrim in weeks.
  6. This may help, I use this to make sure the player is in a "wild" cell or at least not in his owned cells before I dynamically place an "easter egg" for my scavenger mod: If (Playerref.GetParentCell().GetActorOwner() != Playerref.getactorbase())
  7. OK....so this works: ObjectReference rbook = Playerref.placeatme(mybook)rbook.Activate(PlayerRef)rbook.disable()rbook.delete()rbook = none :dance:
  8. PlayerRef is definitely set up properly because the rest of the script works fine using PlayerRef. The entire rest of the mod is done with NO quest, I really do not want to involve an entire quest just for this note. But thank you anyway llamaRCA and for using some of your time to write all that to try to help me. I guess I will just drop the book in a hidden cell and use a remote "activate" like I did in Skyrim. If that will not work I will just give the player a pop up to tell them to read the note.
  9. Yeah... I assumed the same thing but no it did not work when I used Game.GetPlayer().EquipItem(mybook). Yes the book was already in inventory. I do get a message that the book was added (after the above runs) to my Inv but I do not see two books in my inv only the one I have already put in. Interesting to note that PlayerRef.EquipItem(MyBook) would not compile ... (the playerRef part)! However using Game.GetPlayer() it would compile.
  10. In Skyrim I think I did this by using player.ACTIVATE(mybook) on a book in a hidden cell. Can I avoid this in Fallout 4? is there a better way? I tried this: Game.GetPlayer().EquipItem(mybook) where MYBOOK was a baseobject and it compiled but did not work in game.
  11. Holy cow I get what you are saying now. Thank you so very much.
  12. TARGET is not legitimate. You need to set it to a specific reference such as the player ref. I wish Beth had made this condition more "powerful" because in melee combat distance and heading angle is a HUGE modifier for all kinds of things related to "swinging" weapons. And it would have been great to have that for my combat mods in Skyrim and Oblivion. "Heading Angle" has the same problem. If they had just included the "actor I just now hit" as a "target" option that would have made this condition a god send for me. And all this only works IF there is a tab in your perk for the target actor the perk is to work on. Some "entry points" so and some do not. Anyway set the target to "player" under the "target of the perk" Tab. The Subject will be the actor the player is attacking under that tab.
  13. I just saw one of the "tips" message say something about being able to export most lists in the editor to a TXT file but I missed what the key s were. It was something like Cntrl + SOMETHING ! My assumption is that if for example you open a form list and did this you would get a TXT file of the form list. Anyone know about this? I did look in the wiki and google but came up with nothing. GEEEEZZZE I could have used that every day last week. I manually had to copy such lists several times.
  14. Yep tried that, copied all the keywords and such... works if placed by the workshop, did not work when placed via "place at me". Searching the internet just got me people with the same problem going back years. But I was hoping something new was discovered in the last year and known by someone here.
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