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Posts posted by CheesyBlue

  1. Hey, I was wondering if anyone else was having the same bug as me. The Main Quest "Lighting Breaks" seems to break the iconic three Night City holograms. After the part where you set off the EMP with Panam, the city holograms shut off in order to repentant the city's power being killed. Now normally, the holograms return after the completion of the quest, but mine are permanently gone. I think it some error in a quest script rather than a graphical bug as playing around with the graphics settings doesn't seem to help. I've tried running through the quest again, but the same bug is reproduced. Is their any solution to this? So far, Google has failed me.


    Here is a screenshot of the bug, as you can see the three holograms of the city are gone completely.

  2. Been looking for this one for a while now and have had no luck finding it. Just a simple mod that replaces the N7 Logo on Shepard's armor with a Cerberus logo, one file for black, one file for white. I know the file used to be on BSN, so the original got nuked. Was just wondering if their might be a foreign site with the file or maybe somebody here has it themselves and can PM me a link. Anyway, I'm not really expecting to find anything but by some miracle any kind soul wishes to alleviate me of my mod hunting burden, it would be much appreciated.





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