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Everything posted by MrGrouch70

  1. Hello, I honestly don't know if this is the right forum or not. If not I offer my apologies and ask to be directed to the correct forum. Ok, so I want to recolor a texture and use it for new item for a mod I am attempting to make. I found an item with a model I want to base it on but now I'm stuck. I'm sure it probably that I just don't know enough yet to find what I want. But just in case it is something where I had to pick that one weird item I was hoping that someone might be able to point me in the right direction. In CK I see that the model for Soul Gem Shards, editor ID DLC1VQ04IngredSoulGemShard, is DLC01\Clutter\DLC01SoulGemChunk01.nif. But for the life of me I can't figure out what texture it is using. I downloaded and used the Bethesda Archive Extractor but I still didn't have any luck. In the Extractor I loaded up all the .bsa files that start with Skyrim and did searches for 'chunk', 'shard', and 'soulgem'. Nothing matched. Is anyone able, and willing, to tell me if and what I am doing wrong? Thank you. MrGrouch70
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