The Thalmor, aka Altmer ruling class, basically own their native isle, and have vassel states in the form of Elsewere. They have been brutally kicked out of Hammerfell by the Redguard WITHOUT the help of the empire after a bloody war. The Argonians are insular these days, wanting nothing much to do with either Imperial or Thalmor designs. Morrowind is still pretty cripled from Red Mountain, the diaspora of its Dunmer and the recovery of its ecology. The Imperial empire as we know it is fractured yes, but they only want Skyrim because Hammerfall, Black Marsh, Elsewere and Morrowind want little to do with them, and Skyrim is resource rich. The Imperials are biding their time, they know the elves will come again, and they need their allys. BUT, the redguard will keep them out of their West flank, a neutral Morrowind and Black Marsh keep the east flank not defended but at the very least more neglible in defence. So whats left of the empire just needs to worry about their southern border. The Talos agreement bought time, thats it. Men cowtow to the elves for a while, then kick their asses out. This leaves Skyrim as the last province to rape and pillage in the name of the empire. But of course when you kick out a cultural icon and semi divine hero, you upset the population, as well you get demogogues like Ulfric up in arms with the whole nationalism and patriotism spiel. It couldn't come at a worse time for the Imperials, and it's short sighted for Skyrim. HOWEVER. Had I run the show I would have pulled a Morrowind, were I the Imperials. Basically make your presence known in garrisons etc, rent it out from the nobles. You get influence, you can gain trade etc, but you don't have to worry about the overall maintenance of the country, and eventually you get an ally, because we're all humans, and the elves are scummy arrogant bastards. TDLR Stormcloaks in the short term, become dark brotherhood, off ulfric and put his third in command, the one nice to dunmer etc, in power. Keep Ilisef in Solitude to keep Imperial liasons tangible and start training up the Blades in anti elf tactics... ...Also Parthurnaax can teach the voice to more people, and you've got your own dragon to call down fire on your foes, should an army knock at your doorstep. ALSO, 100 Thalmor, three rune time stop shout, lay down firewall and electric wall on their slow motion bodies, cast invisibility, stand and lol.