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Nexus Mods Profile

About Tarreth

  1. Hm, some of them look familiar, but not this one particularily. Yet, as we are by this topic, This is manual installation mod, right?
  2. It is not, sadly. All I remember it was from some mod, that required this more detailed ShowRaceMenu mod.
  3. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/543011234566823376/D13CB72B43E74177E890831F29724BC705267587/ This is not KS Hairdos, sadly :sad: Anybody has any idea?
  4. Hello! I am a returning player that wanted to play skyrim again. I do have the new, Skyrim SE, but I wonder: Do mods from regular skyrim work on it? This question perhaps was asked a few times and if o I apologize, but I failed to find any related thread.
  5. Yeah, she does throw them at any ocassion, but I dount there is solution for that. True, her parents use these animation in correct for them time, but maybe that's because they are NOT followers after all. They're built to the specific location with specific requirements.
  6. No, these animations are built-in to the Dawnguard character. It comes from vanilla to her, same as different type of animations come to her parents. Each of these characters has different one if you pay attention and you can not change it.
  7. Greetings. I have recently played around with modding to create my vampire nicer (Dawnguard one). I have removes sunken face, removed dirt, got eyes of Serana. Yet, what remains is that pink stuff on skin, that hints that the person is somehow "sick". http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/543011234566823376/D13CB72B43E74177E890831F29724BC705267587/ - that way. Problem happened, when I removed body textures: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/6554/? first file. It was manual download only, so I had to remove it manually too. Including all femaleface files. Then I reinstalled CBBE and used http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25588/? Both full CBBE version and Dawnguard add. I have tried changing femalheadvampire files for those of femalehead, but it didn't really work. Can anyone help me with it? Anyone had similar problem or need more informations to lend his aid? Sincerely, Tarreth.
  8. Yes, I know this. But ALL these vampires have neckseams with HEAVY color mismatch. I am trying to negate it by convincing one of you - talented and aknowledged with files and stuff - to create a mod, that would preserve vampire race to be changed around head, except for eyes. Also, sorry for long absence, life.
  9. Yes, I know this. But it is not, what I ment. It's like: When I change them get terrible neckseams and color mismatch. I'd love to deny it by simply "removing" vampire skin textures, using normal ones. But no method I saw works.
  10. Greetings, my fellow Dovahkiin brethren. I am here to propose, to put an idea and possibly to convince any of you - those talented ones, that game files have no secrets - of a mod. I hope a simple mod, that will improve game's aesthetics. The thing is, that you actually CAN turn npc into a vampire. Either by command or mod... But usually, when using body mods, like UNP or CBBE, those newly turned (or even some existing random npcs) get one hell of a trouble: Neckseams, color mismatch of a body and head. These are trully pain in arse of one, who would like to create a vampire out of an npc. Yet, there is one vanilla way to turn someone vampire and change only it's eyes to resemble a vampire. It comes from Dawnguard quest with changing npcs into vampires. It only changes it's eyes, as it is said. But.. .why not go further? Why not to move this appearance feature to "normal" vampire change of npcs, with preserving vampire abilities, factions, races? To save everything, that npc has, but eyes? I do know that there are numerous mods that are made to remove this kind of issues, but.. they seem to not work. Any tips used, they are not working, or work for a short duration of time (reloading game, changing cell, etc) so again all can see this horrible and hated by all neckseams and color mismatches! DAMN! So I come here and ask you: Is it possible to create anything that will suit my vision? And if so, would anyone bring it to existance? Sincerely, Tarreth.
  11. Negative. Without any trousers, so basically being naked the glitch remains. hm... i use a mod that changes this outfit from clothing to light armor. May it be the cause?
  12. Of course I do have this patch installed. Appears it has no effect.
  13. So, uhm... I have run into a problem. Redguard boots have a missingupper texture, just where trousers beging, there is an invisible texture, showing of legs and then feet. I don't know if it is a common issue, or is it related to anything... But: I use CBBE body and CBBE vanilla armor replacers. Tho, I did not see redguard outfit in item list of changes. Is there any solution for that problem? I want to add, my character is a female. But problem happened to my houscarl too.
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