Hello everyone, As you know with the latest patches for 76, using the old system *1* doesn't work so well. I've been watching the forums here and Bethesda and it seems a few people found a way out of this. See *2*. *1* [Archive] sResourceArchive2List = SeventySix - blah blah blah...., mod1.ba2, mod2.ba2, etc *2* [Archive] sResourceIndexFileList = mod1.ba2, mod2.ba2, mod3.ba2, etc Note, you cannot use sResourceArchiveMisc or sResourceArchive2List in your 76Custom.ini anymore with this method, and you will not need to. Nor will you need to mod your Custom.ini after each patch. I have tested it with a few mods without issue from any of them. My archive list below: [Archive] sResourceIndexFileList = , UnderwearLight.ba2, HarnessDark.ba2, CapsTin.ba2, EnhancedBlood - Textures.ba2, EnhancedBlood - Meshes.ba2, Glowing Scorched.ba2, EVB76 - Meshes.ba2, EVB76 - Textures.ba2, Aster Visibility Retexture.ba2, TDress.BA2, GarbOfM.ba2, NoGoldMask.ba2, BlackWetsuit.ba2, BetterInventory.ba2, OldRepair.ba2, Ceanos - LootBag.ba2, NukaGirl_V2.ba2, BlackNGS.ba2, Prismatic_Lasers_76_DarkBlue.ba2 *** All credit goes to the awesome modders who discovered this and made my life easier...just wanted to pass on the information!