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About elijahlucian

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    it is not possible to have a favorite. however, super metroid is close.

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  1. did a fair share of voice over a few years back, learned a new career and I am looking to get back into doing some mod voiceover. https://soundcloud.com/vapsquad
  2. Check out www.vapsquad.com. we would be happy to help
  3. Hey all. We start our show in 4 hours, anybody with a last minute script? it is a good feature to have your mod on our show :)
  4. sick of your voice actors bailing on you? That is something that the Voice Acting Power Squad NEVER DOES. We voice indie games and mods every monday night on twitch.tv Come check out what we do and feel free to ask any questions you like. www.vapsquad.com is where you can find any information you might want to know. Our cast (and myself) have been in a ton of mods and we love to help out the community. Come chat with us in our discord channel and ask anything you like about what we do. http://www.vapsquad.com/contact-live-chat/
  5. Ok. thank you so much Boombro! I will await the geck. perhaps in the meantime I'll just write down as many as possible.
  6. I am trying to find all the base dialog for the settlers. Everything from their passive lines, to the shop lines. Does anybody know where I can find these? I opened FO4edit and can't seem to find anything more than modifying base values. Anybody have any tips?
  7. hey I have a little bit more of a direction I am specifically looking for all the voice scripts that the settlers have. Where could I find this?
  8. Hello. I am new to modding, not new to the scene. How do I start with modding fallout 4? I have googled it, but I can't find any resources... Thanks! www.elijahlucian.ca
  9. just like the title says, I don't understand how people are releasing mods for this game yet.... I can't find the SDK anywhere?
  10. hit me if you need voice acting. our whole team does it on monday nights. www.elijahlucian.ca/voice
  11. yes. finish your mod. Also. cast me and my team in your mod. www.vapsquad.com
  12. hey all :) thought I would just put this to some of our favorite music (the FONV soundtrack) take it easy! https://soundcloud.com/elijahlucianvoices/vapsquad-in-fallout-new-vegas
  13. Voice actors ready for scripts. Www.elijahlucian.ca/free-voice-acting Please be near completion before submitting thank you!
  14. Hi everybody. This is going to be a bit of a rage post... well maybe not. I had a run in with a mod developer who told me that this audio was bad. and he recast all the parts i did for him. I just want everybody to listen to this audio and tell me if you would or would not use it in your FONV mod voices https://soundcloud.com/elijahlucianvoices/vapsquad-in-fallout-new-vegas If you would like voices like these in your mod, message me or visit here: http://www.elijahlucian.ca/free-voice-acting. That is all. - Your friendly neighbourhood voice actor, Elijah
  15. Let me know if you need any voice for any of your projects! http://www.elijahlucian.ca
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