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  1. First off, I'm using the Xbox. I got tired of upgrading my computer every time Bethesda released a new game. Anyhow...I used the enchanting/alchemy loop to create powerful magical items. However, oddly enough, I find that my ridiculously enhanced sneak ring makes everyone see me all the time, whereas without it, I sneak fine. Is there some limit beyond which the numbers just freak out, or what? Should I just focus on getting a good, but normal ranged sneak enhancement? Are there other skills that behave the same thing?
  2. In oblivion, there were people you could pay to 'take care of' your bounty if you were in the theives guild. I haven't been able to find anyone who does that in Skyrim. Does anyone know if there is one or not?
  3. Since the power he grants has to do with Shouting, and most people can't Shout, for all intents and purposes his shrines could be just an object that casts 'cure disease' on anyone who touches it.
  4. This will add some much needed humor to the game. However, isn't Ankh-Morpork huge?
  5. Funny, after returning to Markarth with Miuri, my new wife, I met the same drunken, beligerant Nord. I too decided to brawl with him. About two punches in, my wife yells "12 Septims on the big one!" My character is a wood elf. :sad:
  6. When you animate them as zombies, they turn into ash piles when the spell expires. You could use that to dispose of unwanted bodies. Of course, then you have unwanted ash piles. Personally, I'd like a mod where that feature is removed, allowing you to reuse zombies indefinitely, as long as you keep recasting the spell.
  7. Business owners seem to think its a good idea to keep their business ledgers and cash box in their child's room.
  8. I was thinking about this too. I'd love to see some arena sidequests, where you are sent to meet fans and do promotional work. Maybe the other team might try to ambush you in an alley after one of these, or kidnap your boyfriend or girlfriend, like in one of those kung fu movies. And how about being able to end the fight if the other guy (or you) submits, rather than having every fight end in death?
  9. This annoyed me in fallout3 as well: The fact that physical objects emit a force field several inches away from their surfaces that block arrows.
  10. I would like to see a mod which allows you to capture any wrongdoer that you beat to the point that they yell "I submit!" and turn them over to the authorities. I also miss Morrowind which gave everyone a name, even if they were a demented psychopath who would attack you instantaneously. This whole "Bandit," "Forsaken," "Necromancer" thing dehumanizes them.
  11. In skyrim, it is considered to be both a good business practice and good parenting to allow your fat little boy to sit in the foyer of your shop all day and insult every customer who comes in.
  12. Get yourself a companion to carry more loot. Clean out a bandit cave and take everything of value. Take more than one trip.
  13. Was I being rude? I made a suggestion that was not to that one's liking. Then I made another suggestion. Both were serious suggestions. Even though this thread was started by one person, lots will read it, and might find either, both or none of my suggestions useful. In my experience here, there's usually several attempts to fix something about a beth game, leading to one or more which become the most popular. I also notice that many very ambitious projects don't get realized. Writing and scripting an individual story for each candidate would be overwhelming for a small group, hence the suggestion that you might try to get many modders to contribute. And when I want someone to do something for me, I try to make it as easy as possible, hence the suggestion that you make some kind of quest framework to share. The fact that the published product has such a bare-bones sort of courtship is a testament to how time consuming a more satisfying solution would be. May I add another suggestion? Perhaps the option to get married in places other than the temple of Mara. The idea that one can only get married in one place in the entire province is ludicrous. I hope that suggestion doesn't get my head torn off.
  14. Forgive me for being practical. If you want to do it your way, may I suggest someone come up with a generic framework that can be applied to any character, and let individual modders customize it for each individual candidate? Maybe have a sign-up sheet?
  15. if you have a pc, you might try resetting Parthunaax by using the console, typing in "kill" on him, then "resurrect." This usually resets a character. However, the meeting with P is so heavily scripted it might not work...
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