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About DarkAnsem

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  1. I never swore I'd refrain from pre-ordering ever again.
  2. I'm starting to think I was too abstute for my own good!
  3. I admit my shame. I did it. With all the extras too. That's how much I wanted it. I'm so weak.
  4. Toss-up between Ocarina of Time and a Link to the Past. Both classics, genius game design that never gets old.
  5. So, first thing first, I set up nifskope quite fine, but I would like to be able to view, edit and export nifs, skeletons and animations. Which tools would you recommend I need to set up and how? I tried installing this https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/10015?tab=description in my Student 3ds Max 2018. However, the Animation tool doens't appear. Any suggestions, please?
  6. So, I have been doing a bit of extraction of Dragon Age Origins models via Eshme's script in 3ds max 2012. Since for some reason I cannot export with textures to any format I like and the material editor crashes, I've been saving them as .max scenes in ZIP files, the one which packs all resources. I was wondering, would I be able to open them on another pc, without eshem's script, perhaps with a newer 3ds max version?
  7. That still doesn't say how to take the models out. Or if it works for Awakening.
  8. Please allow me a bit of shameless self-promotion :smile: Phoenix Point is the new strategy game from the creator of the original X-COM series. It features turn based tactics and world based strategy in a fight against a terrifying, alien menace. Highlights: mutant enemies, proper boss battles, turn-based squad battles, proper soldier development, extensive equipment mechanics, fully destructible procedural environments, a fully revamped Geoscape and various mission types. Please see the details here. Guys, this is from the man who made the original XCOM in the 80s. Personally, I think the projects looks spectacular and if you are turn-based RPG/RTS fans would really miss out if you didn't back. Not to mention, I will also be part of the developer team - localising the game (next year, summer). I'd love you to pledge and share, if possible!
  9. I can see a problem with that, if no cooldown is added.
  10. Thank you. It is however not too different from what I expected. Basically, a new armor requires a new shred/pierce property, and thus a new set of weapon properties?
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