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Posts posted by DarkAnsem

  1. So, I have been doing a bit of extraction of Dragon Age Origins models via Eshme's script in 3ds max 2012.

    Since for some reason I cannot export with textures to any format I like and the material editor crashes, I've been saving them as .max scenes in ZIP files, the one which packs all resources.


    I was wondering, would I be able to open them on another pc, without eshem's script, perhaps with a newer 3ds max version?

  2. Please allow me a bit of shameless self-promotion :smile:
    Phoenix Point is the new strategy game from the creator of the original X-COM series. It features turn based tactics and world based strategy in a fight against a terrifying, alien menace.

    An unusual virus discovered in melting permafrost excites the scientific community. It has a massive genome, and only 1% of its genes match anything in existing databases.


    "What the hell is going on with the other genes?" asks researcher Jean-Michel Moreau. "This opens a Pandora's box. What kinds of discoveries are going to come from studying the contents?"

    The seas transform in something totally alien. Then the mutagens began to invade the land via an airborne microbial mist.


    Highlights: mutant enemies, proper boss battles, turn-based squad battles, proper soldier development, extensive equipment mechanics, fully destructible procedural environments, a fully revamped Geoscape and various mission types.
    Please see the details here.
    Guys, this is from the man who made the original XCOM in the 80s.
    Personally, I think the projects looks spectacular and if you are turn-based RPG/RTS fans would really miss out if you didn't back.
    Not to mention, I will also be part of the developer team - localising the game (next year, summer).
    I'd love you to pledge and share, if possible!
  3. I am trying to make a very simple .int modification with ModBuddy: I want to make the following alterations


    m_strAlienActivity=UFO ACTIVITY:


    m_sAlienTurn="UFO ACTIVITY"

    Yet, no matter what I do, with modbuddy it never works. a replacer works perfect.

    Any suggestion, please?

  4. Thanks for the information, but I am not sure how to use it. In the soldier customization menu for one of my aliens, I can set one of the predefined voices like American English 1. (This is not possible in the release version but it is possible in my local prerelease version.) I can save the game and load it, and this data is kept. I play a tactical map with this alien and some human. For the same action such as moving, the alien is silent and the human speaks a line such as "Moving to target location". What may be preventing these alien soldiers from speaking?


    The Advent Voice mod shows that there are a number of inconsistencies in the audio playback system; have you taken that into account?

  5. Re-post of my thread on 2k forums

    The main difference between voices for soldiers and enemies is that enemies have a LOT of their voices baked in their animations: sectoid, sectopod, muton etc have a number of animations baked with voice. Advent troopers are a relative exception.

    XcomMetadata.ini regulates the Speech Events that actually prompt audio: however, the soundsets are built on EU\EW instances. Take GrenadierAbilitySet.uc for example: his ultimate ability, Rupture, has Template.ActivationSpeech = Bulletshred, which is listed in Metadata.ini but NOT in the EVENT list inside the editor.

    so, if you wonder why you hear no special audio for psi powers or skills, you know why now.

  6. Which language is the script found in .uc files? I am trying to create a custom passive ability with a float % variance, but I am unsure I am getting it right/if the language can support it.

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