Hi, I just want to some Furry-Yiff armour or clothes in FO4. I was Try it for make it for myself , but then i remember it, I dont know how can i make :D But i was changed some textures in game , But i want make my own armors for FO4. I'm very very very newbie , i want to learn but there is havent many tutorial videos in youtube. I havent good english, many times i cant understand what they are say. Because at the time they are not showing the details and most basic things. If you have a links or some tutorials write links please. And Make Furry Somethings for Yiff Lovers Please :smile: (Btw Textures is not completely mine, I was converted and merged many textures from skyrim mods) https://yadi.sk/i/fQxVHDq7sSy2i https://yadi.sk/i/SIn_6WKQsSy2a https://yadi.sk/i/gCXHepvusSy2e https://yadi.sk/i/r4pkXIRCsSy2g https://yadi.sk/i/HkA6YiYdsSy2k