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Everything posted by LordSarcasm

  1. Does it make more sense of the Dovahkiin's mom or dad was a big scaly flying natural disaster. I mean, it's slightly less wierd if the Dovahkiin's Argonian, but if they're a Kahjit... Of course then there's the size discrepensy, a fifty foot dragon would have a... never mind.
  2. I seem to forget how or when this happened, but I was in vampire lord form and a lightning spell or something hit me. When I changed back I got this visual effect. It looks and sounds like a lightning cloak spell, except it does no damage, and as near as I can tell doesn't affect my sneaking. It also has a storm-cloud effect. I went back to a previous save and it was gone. I'm not sure how to turn it off, or if even want to turn it off because it looks it great with my storm-mage character. I guess I was wondering if anybody else has ever experienced anything like this?
  3. I find myself in the testing hall more often than I should be. Once I went right in after I just started myu new game and grabbed a full set of daedric armor and bound weapons. I also use the unloc command for just about every door in the game if I don't want to take the few seconds it would take to unlock the damn thing.
  4. There's no shortage of gladiator mods and arenas here on the nexus and steam, but real Colosseums of the ancient world did more than just gladitorial combat. This is a mod request for something that adds a whole slew of events to an arena setting. Think of like the Skyrim Olympics. You could win a lot of gold for winning a contest or a race as well as fame for athletics. Each event would also be made up of several progressively harder minigames. In archery for example you would start shooting at standing targets, then progress to live game and then maybe the final event would be to see who could shoot the most hawks out of the sky or something like that. The Closseum would also have a very large track around which there would be horse races. Another event would be like a jousting competition to play on the mounted combat system. Of course there would also be gladitorial competitions for those who like killing everything. Mages wouldn't be left out, you have magic duels with NPC's or just be a gladiator mage. And because there's not anything like it on the nexus, maybe the mod would have a theater with drama productions that the dovahkiin could watch, or star in if they wanted to (maybe there's a reason there isn't a mod like that?)
  5. i thiought of a similar idea with a minature pet dragon follower.
  6. I've gotten pretty annoyed with Durnehviir. When I first summoned him, I found out he barely does anything. I let it slide though cause I thought I wanted the Soul Tear shout. So two more times I summon him, he causes a mass fear effect and summons a few thralls from the Soul Cairn, but other than that he hardly does anything but fly around. And then when I finally fully unlocked the Soul Tear shout, I found out it didn't work either. Isn't it supposed to soul trap then resurrect the fallen opponent? I only found the first word to drain vitality, but it doesn't seem to do anything either when Durnehviir does actually use it himself. I'm not sure if anybody else is having these problems or just myself, so consider a bug report maybe. But if I'm not the only one who is having these problems then consider it a mod request.
  7. There are vast areas of the map that are completely empty. You can even go there. In Falkreath you can follow a road that leads toward Hammefell. I catually went there and it was kind of eerie actually. There was practically nothing there but trees. No enemies, no actors or character of any kind. Just an empty forest, which in Skyrim where you can't go a mil without running into a wolf or saber-toothed tiger was pretty odd. It actually felt like real life! I wonder if they are ver going to put any dungeons or quests in areas like these. You can probably even go into Morrowind in Skyrim, there just won't be anything there.
  8. Actually you can become thane of most holds without killing giants. Dawnstar does have a giant-slaying quest, and also requires to fight your way through the Vaermina quest, one of Daedric quests that requires you to kill a lot of people.
  9. Is it a little odd that the Dovahkiin is the only blacksmith in all of skyrim who routinely improves their armor and weapons. You can find enchanted weapons in the leveled lists, some pretty powerful enchantments too, but you never find a "flawless" steel swrod on a bandit. All this mod would do is add tempered weapons ans armor to the leveled lists, if that's possible.
  10. I've got a plan for an upcoming playthrough that is pretty ambitious and kinda awkward. My character will be a strict pacifist, that means I will not kill any people, even in self defense. If I know that a quest will require me to kill someone, I will turn it down, that means just about all daedric quests, and of course the Dark Brotherhood, and the Civil War. Falmer count as people, as do most daedra, except for atronachs maybe. Animals and undead, excluding vampires cause they're people too, will not count, I will not spare THEM my blade. To be clear, this means I will not directly kill anybody. If my followers or summons do it for me so be it. That leaves the Main Quest, if you don't want to count Alduin (for roleplaying I'll say that this was the hardest decision of my character's life). The thieves guild requires you to kill some people, like Mercer frey, so I may have to let my summons do it for me. Same with the college of Winterhold, which I will need access to for high level spells. As for how I intend to do this, I planning to invest heavily in the illusion, restoration, and sneak trees. And smithing to outfit my followers and to protect myself. So, are there any other ways to do this, and is it a possible if not realistic goal?
  11. I thin kthe main problem would be the long-period scope of the mod. not only would you need to script and animate the pregnancy, but also the child growing up. Babies after all don't stay babies forever. You would need to mesh, script, and animate the child's complete growth cycle for it to make sense, not to mention all the other doo dads that come with NPC's like voiced lines and AI packages, all of which would also need to be attached to an aging script too. In terms of scale it sounds more like a DLC. You would also need to change the pregnant spouse's AI packages during the pregnancy, and after while they are taking care of an infant. I can't imagine Lydia for example accompanying you on an adventure with a babie in her arms, let alone while pregnant. Personally, I'm not really interesed myself. I can't imagine my Dovahkin sticking around taking care of a kid for years while Dragons are playing outside asking me to come out and play.
  12. They may be intelligent but they have the souls of lesser creatures. So in all technicallity they are creatures, they just devolved from a once proud race. I know a lot of people would like to see a DLC with the Forsworn, particularly being able to join them. I wouldn't like them join under any circumstances myself. They consort with Hagravens and I hate Hagravens. Repulsive, coniving monsters. I would like to see something done with the College of Winterhold. It has probably the shortest guild questline and I think the current questline is a real letdown. The Eye of Magnus is supposed to be a freaking superweapon. It should have wide reaching and actually dangerous effects, not just spawning some annoying little orbs down the street. The college itself is also far too small in physical size and population to really be as prominent as it is made out to be.
  13. Long before Dawnguard came out, I went werewolf in the Vigil of Stendarr's HQ and murdered everyone inside. Ironically, I don't shy away from eaing people in werewolf mode, but the Namira quest is too disgusting for me.
  14. Well, obviously real living children are considerably less durable than they're Skyrim counterparts. Must be one of th traits of the kid they were all cloned from.
  15. Every Skyrim player has a point where they first discover that children are immortal. Even if you had read it before in the development, you know that you tried to find out for yourself. Because the kids in Skyrim are absolutely f***ing annoying! Eventually you get to the last snarky comment from little-miss-mouth in Whiterun before you just want to open up with everything you have. I was in Windhelm with Lydia and we broke into the Aretino kid's place. I was disgusted when I found out that he wanted me to go assassinate sombody, and was in a room full of blood and the remains of human beings. So I pulled my sword and tried to separate the kid's head from his shoulders. Imagine my surprise when I find out he IS immortal!
  16. Everybody has a moment when they first realize children are immortal, well this was mine!
  17. So I think I just finished the main Dawnguard quest with the fight with Lord Harkon (not particularly spectacular or memorable, after all it IS Skyrim, but still a huge improvement on Alduin's final boss fight) but I remember seeing somewhere in the trailer of a really cool looking boss fight, with two dragons that are diving in and out of an ice flow. Well, I never fought two dragons on an ice flow with them diving in and out of the water and I'm pretty sure I finished the main quest. So... where is this fight?
  18. If you're playing for the vampires in Dawnguard you will eventually start running into Dawnguard troops out in the wild, and two particularly annoying ones that keep respawning outside Castle Volkihar. Killing them is a crime even though in all technicallity, it was self defense (well, I am a vampire who feeds on random people and is trying to permanently eclipse the sun, but let's let that slide for now). The problem is that the fine doesn't go away even after you kill the last witness.
  19. I was annoyed when I found out that Vampire Lords can still take fall damage in hover mode. It's so obvious I'm not sure I even need to elaborate. They can levitate above the ground, why would they be killed by a long fall? It might make some sense, they build up too much velocity in the fall and can't come to stop, but couldn't they possibly just float down?
  20. Dragons are notoriously overrated. Everybody has had an experience where they watch the guards fight it while you hang back tanning leather then walk up, loot the corpse, steal it's soul, then go back to tanning leather. I know there's a bunch of mods out to make dragons more fearsome (deadly dragons and dragons diversified are a must have) but it doesn't deal with the other problem, that the guards are rediculously overpowered. Even using Deadly dragons, I've seen guards get a direct, sustained blast of fire breath, and then just shrug it off like an comment about arrows to the knee. In Dawnguard when Vampires attack in the middle of cities, the guards rarely ever die. In the rare case that a random monster attacks an open city, a few of the citizen NPC's may bite the dust, but the guards (and children) never do. How many times have I myself wanted to werewolf the living crap out of the nearest town, only to reconsider when I realize I don't want to tangle with the guards. Somebody needs to make the guard considerably less powerful. I might try it myself if I knew how to change the health stats of EVERY guard NPC in the game.
  21. A couple mods have some of the aspects you listed. One I know of is only on the steam community called armor disguises. It allows you to pass off as a guard or even sneak into a bandit den in broad daylight. The Mod Warzones also has some faction memory, so if you go around killing imperials they will start attacking you out in the open, assuming the mod was downloaded right which currently mine is not, but it has worked right for me before. Then you could probably use the karma script from fallout as a template and reverse engineer it for Skyrim (that might not work Iv'e never scripted before)
  22. Ok, so when I finished the Aetherium forge quest and I got to pick what to forge, I was really impressed with the crown, not so much the staff, but I'm not sure what to think about the shield. It's a really unique effect, but I wasn't if I wanted it or not because I wasn't sure how exactly to use the effect. I thought about using on a high level enemy but then I wouldn't to do damage while to it while it's etherial, i thought about using it on a follower to make them indestructible while they were travelling through a dangerous series of traps or particularly dangerous enemies, but then they couldn't actually do any fighting. So this is the question, how would you use it in combat?
  23. The armored trolls in fort Dawnguard look badass, but when I was dungeon crawling mine got killed by the first trap we (well, it) ran into. Aren't they supposed to be, well, ARMORED TROLLS! Please somebody increase their durability, or better yet make them essential.
  24. ok, so I've got an idea for a follower who is a miniature pet dragon, about chicken sized maybe a little bigger, but specifically small enough to be able to perch on the player's shoulder or forearm like a falcon. When he's following, he will perch on the player but then will automatically lift off when enemies are near. Then when they are all destroyed he will land back on the player. He can be dismissed like regular followers or recalled when you find again at his wait location. He should also be able to use melee attacks in midair, like with his talons and jaws. He's also got a venomous bite and can spit poison and knows a few fire spells.
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