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Everything posted by jonsangels

  1. I'm in the process of making my own overhaul of the Handmade Gun, so that it's carried by raiders, supermutants, and readily available throughout the commonwealth. As a part of the overhaul, I have also created the Faulty Handmade Gun, an inferior version of the original rifle. With the addition of the proper mod, the faulty version will be replaced with the original version. I have a working script; however, the script often replaces the faulted version with a modified Handmade Gun, such as with a scope or automatic receiver. I only to produce a vanilla Handmade Gun, without the added mods. Scriptname _FHandmadeGunOverhaul extends activemagiceffect Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) debug.trace(self + "akTarget:" + akTarget + " , akCaster" + akCaster)akCaster.removeitem(_JO_HandMadeGun_faulty, 1, True)akCaster.additem(DLC04_HandMadeGun, 1, True)Debug.Notification("Hello") endEvent Weapon Property DLC04_HandMadeGun AutoWeapon Property _JO_HandMadeGun_faulty Auto
  2. I have the same problem, except with a preexisting NPC and their original dialogue. I added Sigrid to both the "PotentialFollowerFaction" and the "CurrentFollowerFaction," with a rank of -1. I also set up a relationship between her and the player, so that they are allies. I am able to recruit Sigrid and give her orders; but, she will not abandon her daily routines, leave her house, or follow my character.
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