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Posts posted by yudhi108

  1. My game was fine, over 300 mods with bashed patch but decided to try zmerge because I wanted more mods. After the zmerge everything seemed fine for a couple hours of gameplay until I saw a guard wearing the primitive nord helmet from immersive armors. It has all purple textures as in the screenshot I attached here.


    In an attempt to fix this, I extracted all the meshes from the mod zip file into my skyrim directory. This did not fix it.


    I noted that Immersive Armors is a fomad installer. Dunno if that info will be helpful.


    Any idea how I can fix this?


    Thanks so much,



    I had to do this too for years. Interestingly, when I migrated my install from MO1 to Vortex, I no longer had to do it, even on late-game saves that would normally crash at first.


    I think it might have something to do with either better conflict resolution tools in Vortex, or the lack of virtualization giving better performance.





    The thing is I've gotten so good at NMM. The main thing I wonder about vortex is how hard it is to back up all the game and mod files once all mods are installed etc. With my NMM installs, I've got it wired where NMM (and Skyrim ofc) installs everything. So, I just back up all those files, and once a year or so I put them from my HDD to my SSD and play Skyrim. Even when I got a new PC I was able to restore my complete Skyrim setup and mods and everything just by copying and pasting my hard files. IDK how hard/effective it is to do that on Vortex.




    Depending on what type of spell whether it's aimed/target loc/self tye answer can vary.


    If your spell is anything besides a self cast, you'll have to make a script to apply another spell for your requeted time, and then remove it when done.


    I would suggest the script route myself. Start by making the spell that drains magicka on the player in CK. Then make the spell you want that's powerful in CK. Add a script that Oneffectstart adds the debuff spell to the player. Throw in a Utility.Wait() in there with whatever time you want, can even use a variable and define it via property. OnEffectFinish, remove the debuff via script. Compile and save. Define your properties.


    At that point make a spell tome with your main spell, and determine how you'll acess it in game.


    If you need reference just check www.creationkit.com and best of luck.




    I appreciate your comment. It took me a while to get back to you because I had hit a brick wall lol. All my scripts made sense to me, and I had gotten many to compile, but I couldn't get my effect to work in game. Turns out it's because I was using a aimed self script on a spell that was aimed target. The script thus only fires if a target is hit, rather than it firing when the spell is cast.





    I'm interested in this as well... Necro loving this thread lol...

    I can't help with a more efficient script but I'd do it in a shifty way by having a constant regen health set to 1000(so fast that the health won't go down to damage) and set the health to 1000 to ensure that any damage taken will be the equivalent to 1 pixel. What are you planning to make?





    I'm just starting to learn to script tbh. The incoming damage script is something I'm trying to get my hands on so I can make custom spells. I'd like to create my own wards that absorb X amount of damage before being destroyed. Blood magic is a style I haven't tried but I could see myself doing a berserker blood mage some day. Playing a heavy armor build with very little MP, lots of HP, destroying my enemies by casting blood magic and battering them with war hammers. Not usually my style, but sounds fun af.


    I touched creation kit for my first time last week because I was really unhappy with how some spells from mods worked within my game. Some spells were too OP so I toned them down. Others had great concepts but were very unpolished, weak, or imbalanced in some way.


    Now, I suck at this, but I'm spending soooo much time with CK syntax/coding.


    I need to figure out the most efficient methods to do things, but first of all just how to do things at all lol.


    Here's one script I was proud of when I wrote. It's a cool down script with a variable cooldown time depending on the skill level of the skill you want to mod the cool down!



    Scriptname ZZYYCooldownScriptGeneric extends activemagiceffect
    GlobalVariable Property ZZYYglobalValue Auto
    ;this variable will determine if you can cast the spell again or not...
    ;Add this global variable to your magic effect conditions and set it to one by default.
    Actor Property PlayerRef Auto
    float ReductionBoost
    float TotalCoolDown
    float CDmod
    float ReductionBoostPercent
    float skillLevel
    float fifty
    float magicka
    Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
    magicka = PlayerRef.GetActorValue("Magicka")
    skillLevel = PlayerRef.GetActorValue("Restoration")
    ReductionBoostPercent = 0
    ; if you want to make an equation with percentages ReductionBoostPercent could be written
    ;into an equation instead of using the TotalCoolDown -= CDmod method
    TotalCoolDown = 260 ; this would be the cooldown of your spell if skill level is under 10.
    CDmod = ;define a cooldown amount to be subtracted every 10 levels from TotalCoolDown
    If skillLevel >= 10
    ReductionBoostPercent += 10
    TotalCoolDown -= CDmod
    If skillLevel >= 20
    ReductionBoostPercent += 10
    TotalCoolDown -= CDmod
    If skillLevel >= 30
    ReductionBoostPercent += 10
    TotalCoolDown -= CDmod
    If skillLevel >= 40
    ReductionBoostPercent += 10
    TotalCoolDown -= CDmod
    If skillLevel >= 50
    ReductionBoostPercent += 10
    TotalCoolDown -= CDmod
    If skillLevel >= 60
    ReductionBoostPercent += 10
    TotalCoolDown -= CDmod
    If skillLevel >= 70
    ReductionBoostPercent += 10
    TotalCoolDown -= CDmod
    If skillLevel >= 80
    ReductionBoostPercent += 10
    TotalCoolDown -= CDmod
    If skillLevel >= 90
    ReductionBoostPercent += 10
    TotalCoolDown -= CDmod
    If skillLevel >= 100
    ReductionBoostPercent += 10
    TotalCoolDown -= CDmod
    Debug.notification("Spell cooldown " + TotalCoolDown + " seconds")
    Debug.Notification("Spell Ready")




    There's probably a more effecient way to do it, and I was working on putting other ways to do it, but this was so easy. I did it in increments of 10 so that there's only 10ish stages/variables for the TotalCoolDown. I could have done it 100 times to get all values from lvl 0-100 of a skill, but I'm not sure if putting that many (100+) If EndIf events in my script would be bad.


    I still have little knowledge of script effects on game except for how effed up my game gets when there's too many scripts.


    I want to set either an item toggle, a potion, or a spell that can be used once a day, to reset all my YYGlobals to 1, just in case one of my count down ends one day before the script ends before setting the globals back to 1. If the global gets stuck at 0 the spell will not be castable at all, like ever lol.


    The way I'd prefer to do this is by starting an event on game loadup to reset all the global values to 1 of all spells. I was reading that this is possible but I haven't got there yet.


    I just hope all the work I'm putting into this old ass game will pay off on the next TES game when ever tf it finally comes out.


    /end rant


    this is fun

  5. Does it fire when you hit an actor? I think that FF, Aimed scripts will only fire when they make contact with something that can be affected by the spell.


    Dude thanks so much! It does indeed work if I actually hit a target with it. It's too bad I can't get a script to work with a fire and aim spell with out having it hit a target but this is a start. Now I can actually try to make the spell (effect) I want to make! THanks!

  6. [sOLVED, for now]


    Yeah I worked on several versions of a long complicated script for a spell and couldn't get it to work. Then I decided to make sure I know how to make any kind of script work in game and I guess I don't.


    I made several spells, and edited some, and all my spells work in game as long as there are no scripts attached to the spells.


    I'm trying to edit a spell by adding a magical effect script to it. The spell is a fire and forget aimed spell. So, I made the magical effect script also fire and forget + aimed, but it's not working!


    Even this simple script won't do anything when coded as such and added to my fire and forget aimed spell:




    Actor Property PlayerRef Auto
    Actor Property akcaster Auto
    Actor Property aktarget Auto
    Event OnEffectStart(actor akcaster, actor aktarget)
      PlayerRef.DamageAV("Magicka", 10000)




    Can anyone tell me how to make a script to damage my MP and send a notification like I tried to do in the above spoiler? This is to make sure I can get any script to work when attached to my spell.

  7. Only thing I can think of is that by being at the absolute limit, the game is having issues loading the plugins along with the save file (for your particular system). By creating a new game, you get the plugins loaded ahead of time. Thus the game only needs to load in the save file data. However, there can be some things that stick around from the "new game" which could affect your actual game. Not likely, if all you are doing is exiting char gen, waiting for all MCM menus (if any) to load then loading the save game. But the possibility is still there.


    You may want to try exiting to the main menu after starting a new game to see if you can load your save that way.


    Makes sense about the plugins.


    I did try exiting to main menu. Doesn't work. Still CTD if I dont new game first. However, in the 30+ hours I played this time, not one CTD while playing, despite the startup CTD issue which I have solved for myself by starting new game first.

  8. Well, I have 255 plugins, after my wyre bash etc. Also lots of textures etc and RealVisionENB (plus all it's recomended mods and textures).


    If I try to load my save game, it CTD every single time. Unless I do this one thing...


    Start a new game first!


    If I start a new game (with live another life mod installed), I can choose the default name "prisoner" to start new char very quickly. From there, the underground prison or what ever it is, I can load my game and it doesn't crash.


    I'm worried that this might stop working at some point, but I've got about 30 hours of playtime into this build and this trick still works for me to avoid CTD.


    Anyone heard of this before, or can give me more info on why it's happening? If not, maybe this post will help someone else from CTD and thinking their SETUP is broken.

  9. I just started having the problem of not being able to download anything either. Yesterday I downloaded some mods, but today its fubar.

    First off, the mod pages are all messed up, this is just one example: [was unable to post pic] https://imgur.com/a/Fjd8t8f

    Also, I can't open any spoilers, or download any files. This is only happening on Nexus, and it's happening on 3 different browsers I tried. All other websites are functioning normally for me.

  10. HELP! I need somebody.

    HELP! But not just anybody.

    HELP!! Won't you please, please help me


    When I was young and not much younger than today

    I never needed anybody's help in any way

    And now it's time but I'm just not so self assured

    A rented rag, a mattress tag, and open up the door

    Help me if you can I'm feeling down

    And I do appreciate you being around

    Help me get my feet back on the ground

    Won't you please, please help me

    Help me, oh

    best song ever

  11. If I'm using the uncapper.ini to customize how much HP etc I get per level, does that effect the HP enemies will have?


    I'm trying to figure out how to balance my game. Was very weak in the beginning but a bit too strong now at about lvl 100.


    As far as combat mods I'm using: High Level enemies, Archery gameplay overhaul, Combat behavior improved, combat evolved, dragon combat overhaul, ultimate dragons, and wildcat, and a customized uncapper.ini.

  12. yeah i watch some of his videos but my game looks better if you ask me :tongue:. Anyway you have everything, install all of his mods (use Mod organizer it will make it easier) and his ENB (i'm not sure about what preset he is using) and you should be done anyway you will need to understand how to install some of them and select the right resolution like don't install a 2k texture for a tomato and never go over 2k in general.

    yeah but i've put more than a year into this (3 years) and still strugle. so what point are you trying to prove? if i could have all the time i spent on this back and never play skyrim again i would take my time back and ditch skyrim and every TES game ever made forever. thousands of hours of my life for nothing is just obviously not worth it.


    since i cannot have my time back (such is the material world) i'm roughing it out. 3 years of modding later i have a game that doesn't crash though it's not quite what i want it to be. i've had to leave out mods i want and include ones i don't want and most of all i've spent OVER 1000 hours modding skyrim and never had a successful complete playthough.


    but to the OP, project 579 makes a good and vital point. don't think it's nothing to get a stable fully modded game going. this dude spent way too much time getting that game going for a normal player to want to spend. if you're a mod maker or youtuber trying to get followers or something maybe it's worth it, but if you're a gamer just trying to play a game it's not. Skyrim can still be worth it, but manage your expectations.

  13. google "get a customized, jiggly female player-char from scratch" and you should find a guide that i personally have used for years. i just recommend using XPMSE instead of the on linked in that guide and also do NOT delete the 'skeleton_female.hkx" that it tells you to delete. That guide is one I've had bookmarked for years and always come back to for new installs just to kind of refresh my memory of what order to install things in. also, for the seksi idle, there's a mod that more easily allows you to choose an idle and you can see it HERE. The only benefit to placing the idle in your install folder manually as is very nicely described in said guide (vs using the mod I linked) is that it won't take one of your 255 active mod spots if you do it manually. i'm close to the 255 mod limit in my current build and i might uninstall the mod and manually add the idle if i run out of space for more mods.


    all my hair mods and male mods were installed after using said guide.

  14. who cares about load screens? maybe rethink your priorities and start anew. I usually start with graphics mods then test the game very thoroughly and back up my game if it's working well. next I do gameplay mods to make the game more difficult and again thoroughly test (for an hour at least, including stress tests and DLC tests) and back it up again if it's still working. 3rd I do body mods (CBBE, HDT, XPMSE etc.) and weapons/armor. If it's working with said mods I back it up again. by that time i usually have 230-245 mods installed and just leave the rest for addons later like cartographers map or something.


    if I want seksi SL mods, those also come last. Gameplay, Graphics, and physics/animation mods are first. my current playthrough doesn't have any seks mods but if I wanted to add some I would simply remove about 10-20% of my weapon mods and add them. I have like 50 active weapon mods.

  15. I've found Treebalance whish seems to redo the whole skill tree and Immersive speech which has some cool options as well. Has anyone used both and have a recommendation or info about them? I was just looking for a mod to help me level up speech by reading books when I found those two. Still got room for maybe 8 more mods in my game.


    245+ mods and stable. First time and I'm McLovin it.

  16. i7-4790k. it's the CPU i have and it works great. i have an 15-5930 on my secondary computer (or is it a 5390?) and it works great as well. the i7-4790k is hyperthreaded and bad ass though. highly recommend it.


    EDIT: Ooops I misread CPU for GPU...


    I use a GTX titan black. it's a 6gb GPU and i'm having a good time with it. If your GPU is over 4k make sure you use win7. I use win 8.1 for most things but dual boot win7 just for Skyrim.

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