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About Rorinda

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    United States
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  • Favourite Game
    Wizardry 8. Can't beat the classics.
  1. Except he didn't ask for help. He asked for someone to do it for him.
  2. You know, there's this one magical thing that will fix all your problems. It's a magical little thing that requires no live human assistance and minimal intelligence. Well, and the capability and patience to read. It's a skill all modders must possess. READ TUTORIALS.
  3. *blink* I said, move, didn't I? Whoops! No, no, I did mean install. :) I apologize, it's late here and I'm getting a bit sleepy.
  4. Meh, I preferred the characters and storyline of FFVII. Hell, I bought a PSP just to play Crisis Core. ^-^
  5. Personally, I loved the game. It was an excellent RPG. What it lacked in graphics, it made up for in story. And, bloody hell, could it be difficult! It most certainly wasn't a game a toddler could beat in a day, like some new games. Am I alone in my love for this game? xD No one I know has ever played it. But, then, I'm not surrounded by gamers.
  6. It's actually a pretty common problem. :) There's no one solution, but there are a few you could try. The first seems to work for everyone, so give it a shot. Simply move your entire Bethsada Softworks folder to another location and run it from there. C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Morrowind has so many permission restrictions that no one really understands. It's just a bad place to run Morrowind from, really. I'd recommend pasting the Bethsada Softworks folder in the C:\ directory so the install path is C:\Morrowind. Then, right-click the Morrowind.exe file in the Morrowind file and choose "Run as Administrator". If that fails, return to Morrowind.exe, right-click, choose properties and try running it in Windows XP SP2 compatibility mode. Of course, this includes right-click->Run as Administrator as well. If that still doesn't work, then open your Morrowind.ini file (located right in the installed Morrowind folder (you may have to click the "Compatibility Files" tab in the top-right corner to see this file)) and find the Archives section. It should look like this: [Archives] Archive 0=Tribunal.bsa Archive 1=Bloodmoon.bsa If either of these lines are missing, then copy and paste them into your Morrowind.ini file and save it. Also, while you're there, right-click your Morrowind.ini file, look at its properties, and make sure that it is NOT read only. If that still doesn't help, then try opening the Tribunal CD in Explorer, right-click Setup.exe, and choose the Run as Administrator option. Then disconnect from the internet, disable any anti-virus, anti-spyware, or firewall software you're using and double-click the file Setup.exe on the Tribunal CD to reinstall Tribunal. Then repeat this process with the Bloodmoon CD. If that still doesn't work, then as a last resort you can copy and paste the Data Files folders from the Tribunal and Bloodmoon CDs to the installed Morrowind folder on your hard drive. By default, the game gets its art files from the installed BSA files, but it looks for them in the Data Files first; so putting them in the Data Files should fix your problem, but it will use more hard drive space. After you copy the files over, to get some of your hard drive space back, you might be able to delete the Tribunal.bsa and Bloodmoon.bsa files from your hard drive and also remove both of the Archive entries in your Morrowind.ini file. Don't permanently delete the files until you're sure it isn't causing any problems, though.
  7. Nah, don't listen to Dez. It really is a conspiracy. Dez is in on it too! She really just wants to lull you into a false sense of security so that, when you're finally comfortable with the Blind Moth Priests again, one rips off his blindfold, pulls out a katana and shanks you with it while screeching, "I WILL HAVE THE ONE RING!"
  8. Lucien, just because it would make life so much more simple for my characters.
  9. A chariot would be nice. So would a snake, though. Or some sort of aquatic mount, such as a shark or whale. Unfortunately, there aren't many places where you could ride an aquatic mount to.
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