I have/had 2 accounts on nexus forums due to me playing World of Warcraft a couple of years ago. I am using strict security measured. Careful use of password managers, rescricted rights on my PC, not doing weird downloads, not using MS Outlook. Among other things. MY OTHER accounts have not been hacked. BUT data of BOTH of my accounts on NEXUSMODS was found in data collections, as told by a data privacy institute. (Hasso Plattner Institute, Potsdam, Germany) I entered your website to delete both accounts. Wich is the only reasonable thing you can do in such a case. I had not logged in in quite a while. So a thousand captchas awaited me. Including password recovery-emails. GUYS: IF YOUR SERVERS ARE NOT SAFE: A THOUSAND CAPTCHAS DO NOT MAKE YOUR WEBSITE SAFER!!! Your users data will still be stolen. But CAPTCHAS are so comforting: Just order captchas from google with the highest security setting and your website will be safer. Wrong. It will be just more unusable! Make your servers safe! And pull back the Google-captchas PLEASE! Best wishes! PS: Doing all those captchas for 10 minutes was REALLY disturbing. Just to send myself password recovery emails in the end just to solve Captchas JUST AGAIN. Goddammit! Magic word: SERVER SECURITY! Yes, those are traffic lights. Yes, this it a hydrant. Yes, those are buses!