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About ARavenCalledWayne

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    United States
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    Planet Crafter
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  1. Cant seem to find a gore, mutilation, or dismemberment mod for SE. There was one or two for Oldrim.
  2. Hello! Looking a "playlist" of mods in the Sim Settlements - Conqueror line that will give me prebuilt main settlements that I will need little to absolutely no management of. Basically I want to play an alt start playthrough where the MC explores a well established self sustaining Commonwealth. Thanks in advance for your input :D
  3. Well SSE got SE and now MCM but I still wait for CCOR before I return to Skyrim... (no im not translating that :tongue: )
  4. Looks great. Runs smooth. Not one issue with site from a browser p.o.v
  5. Renaming doesn't work when making patches. Unless there is a way to manually edit the master file extension while in xEdit but I imagine xEdit would possibly crash. Someone elsewhere mentioned there was a plugin for .esl files for xEdit but google search has returned nothing.
  6. First off this isn't a power armor nor key mapping problem. When activating Pipboy light I get the sound and HUD icon just no light. I do have some weapon mods that take over the pip light as tactical lights but equipping/unequipping them does nothing. Anyone have an idea of what I may have done to cause this?
  7. So I am hoping once SKSE64 is complete we will be able to adapt the ability to modularly customise weapons and armor in Skyrim.
  8. I am making my own patch to a bunch of leveled lists and have some "conflicts" within Better Locational Damage. Please see screenshot below. Question is: Leave it alone?Delete the entry in the patch?Copy entry into BLD?
  9. Ok so this guy had another workbench asset I didn't see: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/9248/? I must have been half asleep when I was searching (or too many beers lol) Also continuation for the DLC's
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