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Everything posted by ARavenCalledWayne

  1. Cant seem to find a gore, mutilation, or dismemberment mod for SE. There was one or two for Oldrim.
  2. Hello! Looking a "playlist" of mods in the Sim Settlements - Conqueror line that will give me prebuilt main settlements that I will need little to absolutely no management of. Basically I want to play an alt start playthrough where the MC explores a well established self sustaining Commonwealth. Thanks in advance for your input :D
  3. Well SSE got SE and now MCM but I still wait for CCOR before I return to Skyrim... (no im not translating that :tongue: )
  4. Looks great. Runs smooth. Not one issue with site from a browser p.o.v
  5. Renaming doesn't work when making patches. Unless there is a way to manually edit the master file extension while in xEdit but I imagine xEdit would possibly crash. Someone elsewhere mentioned there was a plugin for .esl files for xEdit but google search has returned nothing.
  6. First off this isn't a power armor nor key mapping problem. When activating Pipboy light I get the sound and HUD icon just no light. I do have some weapon mods that take over the pip light as tactical lights but equipping/unequipping them does nothing. Anyone have an idea of what I may have done to cause this?
  7. So I am hoping once SKSE64 is complete we will be able to adapt the ability to modularly customise weapons and armor in Skyrim.
  8. I am making my own patch to a bunch of leveled lists and have some "conflicts" within Better Locational Damage. Please see screenshot below. Question is: Leave it alone?Delete the entry in the patch?Copy entry into BLD?
  9. Ok so this guy had another workbench asset I didn't see: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/9248/? I must have been half asleep when I was searching (or too many beers lol) Also continuation for the DLC's
  10. Thanx for that link. I swear I searched workbenches and Institute and didn't see that. All good, we can continue it into Craftable Workbenches and AWKCR.
  11. Alrighty then, a big thank you! lol. This whole idea come from that I am trying to film a playthrough series - role played - with my own voice (protagonist voice removed) - with an institute theme (apparently, ha). I am using the Institute safehouse mod and the workbenches are hideous against the institute's assets. Usable props essentially. So I hopped on Nexus to find nobody has done this. Besides one guy who just did a smooth re-mesh of the chemstation. Who would have thought I would have an original idea? lol I would like to be able to edit/splice the furniture with other suitable institute-ish assets to make the animations believable. I am even having ideas for other workbench themes... So I'll share this as is with big props to you and hopefully get the hang of nifscope soon.
  12. No, no, by all means, my friend, jump right in! Hell, if you want to upload it go right ahead. I'll just take credit for having the idea :thumbsup:
  13. Is it possible to make the benches usable without animations? I don't 3rd person anyway. I was hoping to make them fully functioning to be worth sharing. I just wore my brain out reading tutorials on glow mapping, nifscope, etc. I more visual person, these walls of text burn me out. If you could do both so I could try to "reverse engineer" what you did. I need to find some videos more specific to my needs...
  14. Sadly nobody has yet to make alternate style workbenches. I was needing some work benches to fit an Institute theme and thought maybe I could do it myself. I am a bit in over my head... My thinking was to just replace the workbench nif with one of an Institute furniture of some sort. Problems: Apparently need to extract nifs from the main game files?Finding the right nifMaking sure it is facing the right wayAnimations (not really worried about those) Any help/pointers/links? Or save my day and do it for me? :tongue: I'd really like to give this a go. Never modded anything myself. Not counting editing vanilla stats on vanilla items in past games. Though I thought my "Spectre Shroud" was pretty cool in Oblivion. Just hide the face on the Brotherhood Shroud. :laugh:
  15. Having trouble resolving a conflict with Raiders Overhaul and Raiders Chopshop. Link is to screenshot in FO4Edit. Chopshop seems to be having issue overwriting the Overhaul. Anyone have knowledge of this error and what to do about it? https://drive.google.com/file/d/0ByQOqKfF99mSWk1GN0ZGbkdNNWs/view?usp=sharing
  16. I found I was able to do this myself with DEF_UI
  17. I am looking for an immersive but full utility HUD. Basically one can RP the HUD elements as part of their headgear but with all non immersive "pop-ups" removed. No XP gain, discovery, perk firing, items added to inventory, settlement attacks, etc. If this mod exists please point the way.
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