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Everything posted by cowboy57

  1. cowboy57

    Cad Bane

    Could anyone make a Cad Bane preset mod from star wars thanks
  2. could any body make a planet of the apes mod? thank you
  3. this is my order list
  4. The AAF mods are not working at all help
  5. could someone make a mod to where the light in Kings port LIghthouse can be turned on and it goes around like a real light house? thanks for your time
  6. could someone make a mod for star light to fix it the star star screen repair is not working this is what i get
  7. Could someone make a Thor face and body preset? thank you
  8. Could some make some followers from star trek klingon women?
  9. finally i got it fix i u installed the game then reinstalled the game and before anything else i ran this>>> Mod limit fix and it works fine
  10. i give up i try everything and followed the instructions and nothing but 12 mods
  11. i did what said to and i got this Error [content0]game\gui\commonmainmenubase.ws(73): Could not find function 'GetChosenMainMenuType' Error [content0]game\gui\main_menu\maincreditsmenu.ws(397): Could not find function 'GetChosenMainMenuType' Warning [content0]engine\environment.ws(30): Global native function 'EnableDebugOverlayFilter' was not exported from C++ code. Warning [content0]engine\environment.ws(32): Global native function 'EnableDebugPostProcess' was not exported from C++ code. Warning [content0]engine\showflags.ws(11): Global native function 'DebugSetEShowFlag' was not exported from C++ code.
  12. is there anybody who help me with mod limit to where i and have more than 12 mods running? i have did everything they said to with the merger and everything else but no luck. I am running the steam ver of the game. thank you to anyone can help
  13. need help fix this when i go to help pestom he will say i don't know you are then he will go saying you got to listen to me and nothing else
  14. i have creation kit installed but when i go to run it i get this steam_api64.dll is missing help
  15. would some one please make the Armour and bow from the TV show the green arrow?
  16. Need help to find out why when i get shot my gun fly out on my hands!
  17. How do i add mods to fallout 76? :huh:
  18. well i guess i'll just keep using the old nexus mod manger till they learn how to fix all the bugs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. this new nexus mod manger will not fix down load ids and check mod update it crashes!
  20. how do u install mods in fallout 76?
  21. how do y find the esp folder for fallout 4?
  22. OK thanks i will do that
  23. I really need some help had to put in a new 1 tb hard drive and reinstall skyrim se now when i double click the the loader it will show anything but my desktop when i go into my friend on steam it show skyrim running! help
  24. could someone make a predator power Armour mod?
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