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About Johny5134234

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    New Zealand (Aotearoa)

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  1. No, completely fresh save. Would using GetOwningQuest work? EDIT: Now the quest stage does get changed to 10, yet the quest still refuses to start
  2. MainQuestE? Yes, it's set to the quest that the script is attached to
  3. Could I have some help with a little script I wrote? I added the script to the quest. Here's the quest: Scriptname BSEDreamStart extends Quest Quest Property MainQuestE Auto Event OnInit() RegisterForSleep()EndEvent Event OnSleepStop(bool abInterrupted) Debug.MessageBox("I have had a disturbing dream: there were grasslands and dusty steppes beneath the Moons and I heard a Khajiit woman crying. I cannot shake a sensation of doom and fear. Maybe I should talk to someone about it.") MainQuestE.SetObjectiveDisplayed(10) MainQuestE.SetStage(10)EndEvent The message box triggers, yet the quest doesn't want to change its stage or display a new stage. Do any of you know why this could be?
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