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Status Updates posted by DemonLady

  1. To answer your question on dogtown1's profile, he was banned for theft. Not only did he steal from Millenia, an AMAZING modder in his own right, he stole from STALKER and The Witcher, which, while fine on it's own, as that's allowed, he stole from 2K and Borderlands 1, which isn't.

    Long story short, thievery got him to boot, sadly.

  2. I wa sjust wondering, you made Move It, so do you think, judging by what you've seen, it'd be at all possible for you, or anyone period, to make a mod that makes followers follow as close to you as they do in Fallout 3 or New Vegas? It really bothers me when I turn around to talk to my Companion, and they're 6532452353254325 feet away, you know?

    I'd PM you, but your b...

  3. Sent you a message, good sir. Really need to hear back from ya.
  4. I don't, I just go AFK...
  5. oh.. Hah. Sorry. I slept in...
  6. Oh? What happened?
  7. I prolly will do that. but i want her [Cathy] to meet someone first, then leave with 'em.
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