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Nexus Mods Profile

About RobotOwl

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  1. Still waiting. Still watching. Once another update starts im pressing critical v.a.t space bar on the download button. Loving it so far and it works on my unmodded achievement save as well. ^^
  2. Thanks. I just got the game afew days ago and started adding mods immediately so im very new to all this stuff. Loving this mod though. Will be closely watching for updates and hopefully one day the fully finished version.
  3. Oh nevermind i figured everything out minus the perk chart cause for some reason the first row has not changed. ^.^ Im sure ill figure that one out eventually and get it working. Also if suggestions for this mod are allowed perhaps a underwear/bikini status option would be optional?
  4. Is there an installation guide for installing this mod somewhere i can follow? I have already made Fallout 4 mod compatible for manual installs just wondering how i exactly get started on installing. :confused:
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