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About Dennisb11234

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    Skyrim, Shogun 2
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  1. Hello Modding Community, Could just please someone port this mod again to SSE https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/18574 The Author that have port it from Skyrim to SSE does not react to bugs report. I remember myself, that i have asked a long time ago the original Mod author if he will give his permission to it, he said yes. So please could someone just make this Mod Work again? Thank you Kind Regards Dennis
  2. Hello dear mod community, sadly this mod https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/18574?tab=posts have been ported to SSE from Skyrim. The mod Author does not react to any bug reports... I would really like to have this mod here working on SSE. Could someone repari or port it again to Nexus SSE ? Thank you Best Regards Dennis
  3. Hello, i hope someone can Port a Hair Mod from Skyrim... It dont have to be public, how ever you want :) Thank you
  4. Hello again, so i need to ask again for this request. Thank you qwertyzeldar for youre try to port it for sse, but it doesnt work. Seems you have only upload it here on Nexus, but it doesnt work... Hope that someone can port the Cloud Hair here to SSE Thank you :)
  5. Since i have wrote to you, nothing happend... Do you will still working on this?
  6. Hello Again, is asked the author for permissions. He gave it to us : ) He just want to be mentioned in Credits for it. So can someone port this Mod to Skyrim?
  7. Okay Thanks for Reply, i have send a message to Author, maybe he will allow it, so someone could do this maybe
  8. Hello there, could you please port this hair mod from Skyrim to SSE? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/31830/? Thank you :)
  9. Hello, im now installing the witcher 3^^ but im really bored because of the boring sword in this Game... Im really missing a good Samurai Sword there, maybe someone want to make a realistic Katana for the witcher 3 because i think every game needs a Samurai sword :D greetings
  10. i would like to see a Samurai armor in Fallou 4... Would be coll walk as Samurai trough the wasteland :D
  11. I have made an account... But this site is so f*#@ing complicated...its not that easy like Nexus... But thank you for help.. it would be possible to send it via dropbox.. i think Anyone else who can download it?
  12. Okay thank you. Do you or maybe someone else have an account there? So that it would be possible to share this mod with me?
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