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Posts posted by gunnerjurgen

  1. Thank you for the info and yes that was it :sweat: . Still, I would love for someone to expand on this concept more. Too many paladins too little priests, except for those pestilence ones.. which I don't care for. Type "holy" or "priest" in search and not much comes up in nexus sadly except for dragon priest mods.

  2. So I'd like to have a mod with only a few spells, centered around Restoration offensive spells without the need for a billion other spells I won't use. Holy spells that will effect everything but extra damage to undead. There used to be a mod that did this but has been removed from nexus by the author. Wish I could remember the name, it was all shiny sun effects the one thing I didn't like about it was modifying dawnbreaker since I use other mods for modifying unique equipment. Yes I know of apocalypse, no I don't want it, no offense to the mod author of that mod, just isn't what I have in mind. I tried to make it myself but during the test and troubleshooting phase I just ended up banging my head on the desk with a realization, I can't mod and I best leave it to the real modders.


    To give you an idea of what I had in mind when I was attempting to make it. I modified the dawnguard spells to damage everything but do extra to undead with different names. Yes I know, simple..maybe for you lol. I also was going to add a few more along the mindset of what I wanted to rp, a priestess of the divines with a serious case of righteous zeal. So Daedra and undead would be her main enemies but still must defend herself against mortals and dragons. To sum my rp character up in one sentence. A beacon of light in a sea of darkness.


    Potential spells for your consideration:

    1. All the dawnguard spells but damaging all enemy types but doing extra to undead.

    2. Various spells centered around fighting daedra

    3. Summon angelic beings to fight beside the castor

    You get the idea

    Using holy spells to fight evil instead of weapons and elemental magics


    Thanks for reading!



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