Hello, so in the past few days I started messing around with the Topics and Conversation tab, and I think I got a hold of the first one though the latter remains elusive. Main doubts I still have: 1) I noticed vanilla NQD quests (which contain generic town dialogue etc.) all have a script defining a number of variables, as "NPCNAME"VAR, which they use, afaik, to link conversations starting from INFOGENERAL to Answer topics, etc. So if I wish to replicate such linking with custom dialogue, I need to set up a similar script in my quest and link topics by first setting the var to 1 as the result script of the initial dialogue and then conditioning the response to only play if such variable is indeed set to 1 (all the while resetting to 0 so that the cycle can play again, endlessly). Is this correct? 2) I do not understand how I need to set quest priority for dialogue quests. Say I'm planning to add random rumors, I don't want my rumors to trump any vanilla rumors pertaining to existing quests, so I don't want to set my priority higher (I fear that, if I understand it correctly, by setting for instance a priority value higher than 11 - default value of NQD quests - my dialogue will likely play above them forever) than generic rumors quests. Now, if I set it to the same value, will they play at the same time (same chance of occurring) or do I need to tweak them in some other way? 3) When creating new quests to add these rumors in, do I need to take particular care to add any particular flag other than "Start game enabled"? I suppose I can condition quests so that the dialogue is limited to certain factions (i.e., the upper class rumors only play for those npcs in the nobility faction, etc.) but other than the main conditions (GetPlayerInSEWorld, GetIsPlayableRace, etc.) are there special conditions I need to take into consideration? 4) Finally, I know that to add topics to the dialogue menu (player to npc) you have to either script them in or add them via other topics or result scripts (yes I'm aware of the addtopic bug, that's well documented at least), but I don't need to worry about this for rumors, right? So, as long as my first item in the chain of conversation is either from HELLO or GREETING or INFOGENERAL, they will be added automatically to the NPCs in accordance with the conditions I set, correct? Sorry for the longwinded post, but since I struggled to find any real tutorial on such aspects I resolved to post here. If it appears that I have misinterpreted some function or have forgotten some crucial information, please do let me know. Thanks a lot!