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Posts posted by BigApeBaldo

  1. Skyrim is the only game my wife likes watching me play on Xbox One and I have reached out numerous times in the past asking mod developers to create a wife follower mod, Anna Baldo.


    I would want her look like Lydia, but with a black hairstyle of the female blacksmith at Warmaidens in Whiterun (just forgot her name). I would want her about 6 inches shorter than a regular character and petite with a sultry voice. I would also want her to have a light shade of red lipstick on her lips. You could use the Blades armor, no helmet or shield. Let me know if this is possible.


    My Xbox One gamertag is: Terminator TAC4


    I am not very good with computers, so I would need someone to port the mod to Xbox One.


    If you wanted to add a comical scene, you could make it where the player (me) goes to an alchemist for a certain health potion. Anna can be an NPC at the place that says, "hi handsome". And when I tried to leave, she begs that I put her home location on my map. Or an option where I beg for her home location so I can see her again, lol.

    It's an inside joke from when we first started dating. I tell people she grabbed my leg with both hands as I dragged her while she begged me to take her number. She tells everyone I begged for her number at the front desk at a doctor's office she worked at.


    I also have several ideas for custom armor if you're willing to create it.


    I appreciate your time and consideration in advance.

  2. Hello. Two years ago I tried to find a kind soul to make a follower for me. I did not succeed, so if there is anyone interested, please let me know. I play on Xbox One, gamer tag: Terminator TAC4. See below for details. Thanks in advance. Disregard the typos, I'm really tired.

    I need a female follower, badly!

    1. I want her to be a Nord named "Anna Storm-Blade" and to look like Lydia in the face with brown eyes but have hair like Adrianna (spelling?) from Warmaiden's.

    2. Anna is petite, 5 ft tall, so she will be shorter than Lydia with black hair.

    3. I want Lydia's voice or a sultry sexy voice with the marriage dialogue.

    4. I also want Anna to be less masculine than Lydia.

    5. Anna can have a one-handed weapon and very powerful frost attack...

    Anna is my wife, by the way.


    I need a female follower, badly!

    1. I want her to be a Nord named "Anna" and to look like Lydia in the face with brown eyes but have hair like Adrianna (spelling?) from Warmaiden's.

    2. Anna is petite, 5 ft tall, so she will be shorter than Lydia.

    3. I want Lydia's voice or a sultry sexy voice with the marriage dialogue.

    4. I also want Anna to be less masculine than Lydia.

    5. Anna can have a one-handed weapon and very powderful frost attack...since she's been so cold, lol.

    This is the only game my wife likes to watch me play. Previously I thought I had someone to create Anna but he got tied up.

    I'm kinda in the doghouse and been kicked to the curb by my 'ole lady because I promised she was going to be in my game...now she thinks I was blowing smoke up her bum, lol!

    My wife still cooks for me but I don't know how long that last...it would really make her happy to see her character in the game. In truth, my wife is the most wondrful woman in the world and we always do things together, never apart.

    Thanks for your consideration.



    Actually, the Lydia preset face would suffice. I just want her hair the way I like my wife to wear hers with a slightly bright red lipstick, and feminie attributes. I think a lady may be a better creator for a female follower. My wife actually spent about two hours with me creating her in a game but she doesn't play.

  4. Good idea...why didn't Bethesda make Dovahkiin at least the King of Skyrim? That would have the game perfect! Ulfric could have turned on the Dragonborn out of jealousy and cause a fight between them...if he can't defend himself from the Dragonborn, how can he defend the throne?


    It's my favorite game ever and the modders make it even better.

  5. I need a female follower, badly!

    1. I want her to be a Nord named "Anna" and to look like Lydia in the face with brown eyes but have hair like Adrianna (spelling?) from Warmaiden's.

    2. Anna is petite, 5 ft tall, so she will be shorter than Lydia.

    3. I want Lydia's voice or a sultry sexy voice with the marriage dialogue.

    4. I also want Anna to be less masculine than Lydia.

    5. Anna can have a one-handed weapon and very powderful frost attack...since she's been so cold, lol.

    This is the only game my wife likes to watch me play. Previously I thought I had someone to create Anna but he got tied up.

    I'm kinda in the doghouse and been kicked to the curb by my 'ole lady because I promised she was going to be in my game...now she thinks I was blowing smoke up her bum, lol!

    My wife still cooks for me but I don't know how long that last...it would really make her happy to see her character in the game. In truth, my wife is the most wondrful woman in the world and we always do things together, never apart.

    Thanks for your consideration.

  6. Hello to everyone. Question: Does anyone make mods specifically to change armor colors, shades , or designs for Skyrim SE on Xbox One? On Fallout 4 there were all sorts of mods for changing armor color, heavy armor to light armor, or just small mods like eye patches, for example. I would like to see mods for certain armors that are broken down piece by piece. I would like to see General Tullius' armor without the right sleeve or both sleeves but be attachable...just an idea for new armor appearances.

  7. I have a mod downloaded that adds more giants to their camps. I had about 15 chasing me at Secunda's Kiss a while back and this came to mind.

    While you approach the West watchtower to battle the first dragon you notice a number of giants in the distance watching intensely. They do not help for they have an important reason for observing. After killing the dragon and becoming dragoborn at the West watchtower, being a deity-like figure, animals and giants no longer attack you, for the Divines have provided the protector of Tamriel (sp?) and it's inhabitants. The giants become aware of your power, and give the dragonborn a large stone tablet engraved in the dragon language.

    The stone tablet teaches you a word of power that you do not yet understand. In short, you learn from the Greybeards that the shout has an unknown origin. The shout is used to open a door or portal to the giants version of Sovengard (sp?). You need to discover each shout (each used to access another area in Tamriel) save their king (or Queen and wives/children of the giants) The giant royalty and families are guarded in a deep dungeons or caves and protected by numerous bosses, most of whom are dragons that can only die if their life power is absorbed by the dragonborn; hense, their only chance of rescue. This leader(s) of the giants can only speak to or be saved by a dragonborn, which is why he/she has been in captivity for over 200 years. The shouts were created by the giant king after seeing vision in an elder scroll that the dragonborn must find and read to learn the whole story and locations to save the captives. Parthunax also helps in discovering the meaning of the shouts and where the elder scroll of the evil giant hords rests. Sorry, there is so much more to this and could be a legitimate addon or game within itself.


    Also, the after giants' royalty have been saved they align themselves with the side of the dragon born in war of Skyrim and later against the Thalmor, who are flanked by the giant armys. An ally the Thalmor never considered...





  8. I have been trying to find a mod that isn't listed in the Xbox One mods of Skyrim SE anymore. It was a Grandmaster Ursine Armor (light & heavy) mod that had two different type pauldrons and gloves. The pauldron styles also came with two sizes to choose from, a small version and a bigger version. One style of the pauldrons and gloves were leather wth studs on them that went with the white sleeved Ursine armor. The other style was a dark metal for the pauldrons and gloves that went with the all dark version of the Ursine Armor. My Old Xbox One blew up and I lost a number of mods I can no longer find.

  9. Sweet! Pretty basic really. I want her to be a Nord named "Anna" and to look like Lydia in the face with brown eyes but have hair like styled Adrianna (spelling?) from Warmaiden's. Anna is petite, 5 ft tall, so she will be shorter than Lydia. I want Lydia's voice and have the marriage dialogue. Fighting style doesn't matter. Or if it easier, just re-name Lydia to Anna. Thanks bro, I'm going to check out your mod.

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