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Everything posted by intlschizo

  1. Didn't work for me. The Old Orc wouldn't follow me, but he wouldn't attack me. Probably a mod clash. Kind of shocked at how heartbroken I am about killing such a great man...well, Orc.
  2. I worked my way up using Animated Prostitution. Getting somebody to sleep with you is considered persuasion, PLUS it got me quite a few pieces of loot and warm, free beds to sleep with. Very critical when you're starting out (especially if you're using Frostfall). :)
  3. A quick update... Was able to OC to 3.6 like a dream. Then I got greedy and pushed it to 3.9...oops. (No big deal - it's back to normal now.) Getting rid of the HiRes pack lets me run it on high. (I still have a lot of the 2K texture packs, plus SIMM.) Still tinkering around. Starting to think that I might have too many mods, specifically of the HD/texture kind. If all of my games were running slowly, I'd say it's my setup, but it's just...this...one. Slightly O/T...I picked up a Gigabyte 650 Ti OC 1GB for $125. Since I'm going to replace the card in my other PC, I'm happy for the cost, even if I did just spend $100 on the 650. (The other PC is currently running a 9800 GT.) But will the 650 Ti make that much more difference, or is it negligible? (And should I have gotten a OC 2GB instead?)
  4. True, true. I have a second computer - an HTPC - and anything that I put into this computer will just go into that one. (Actually, that silver case is the one for HTPC - I'm using an OriginAE x11 for my so-called gaming PC.) That one is running a GTS 9800, so this 650 will make for a great upgrade for that. I give my castoffs to my niece and nephews so they'll learn how to work with computers. Don't remember what the PSU in my other computer is, though. I'll have to check. Can't imagine it's much better. You can never be too foolish when it comes to Skyrim! May the FUS be with you. :)
  5. Interesting...I don't ever recall saying that I couldn't afford a 660ti or 670...just that I didn't. Would YOU spend $300 for a video card on a setup like this? Of course you wouldn't. Not mean. More like an ASSuming jerkwad who thinks that s/he can see in my bank account. I won't even get started on the idea of buying a computer off the shelf. I have no problem with spending more money on a homemade build than I would buying some generic PC out of Walmart - or worse, those hideous Alienware machines.
  6. Just started a new game, so my new rules for myself are: - No stealing (this is KILLING me), no pickpocketing and no B&E (breaking and entering). Only working with what I buy and what I loot off bodies. This is largely because I'm sick of having so much gold and nothing to do with it. - No DB and no TG, although I'll miss both sets of armor. - No resurrecting people who are dead. I might even extend this to horses, which I usually mark as essential. My usual rules: - No killing goats. They are friendly and usually signify a nearby town.
  7. So after about a year of playing Skyrim on medium w/a GTS 250, swearing up and down that I was not going to spend $100+ on a video card for ONE GAME, I broke down over Christmas and bought a GTX 650. Best money I ever spent. I can run on High with ease, and can even run on Ultra in some places, but the mods start the dreaded drag n'lag, especially in the cities. Now I'm eying my processor. It's an E8400, which most computer enthusiasts remember from waaaaay back in the way as the go-to for overclocking. Note that I have no other problems with any other programs or games (I played Arkham City with no problems at all, even w/the 250), so I'm not looking for a bunch of "you need to upgrade this and this and that and this and that". I just want to know if OCing the processor would do any good at this point. Specs for my computer (don't laugh, it's a great little rig that does what it's supposed to do): Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-EP45-UD3P Monitor: Westinghouse LVM-47W1 Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 Wolfdale 3.0GHz Video card: EVGA GeForce GTX 650 Case: Zalman PC HD135 RAM: G.SKILL 4GB (2x2GB) 240-Pin DDR2 800 (5-5-5-15) Hard drives: 500 GB 7200 rpm SATA (x1); 1 TB 7200 rpm SATA (x2) PSU: Raidmax Volcano 630W Modular Tuner: WinTV-HVR-1100
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